I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 177 Ascension Period: 12

Chapter 177 Ascension Period: 12
Out of this bad breath, shut down.

Zhou Yun raised his eyelids and told Zheng Xiaoju: "Sister Lan will call you to find me later, and you will say that I am asleep and cannot wake up."

Zheng Xiaoju looked confused, "Huh?"

A minute later, Zheng Xiaoju's cell phone rang.

Zheng Xiaoju looked shocked, as if he didn't expect that Zhou Yun's prediction would be successful, and Zhou Lan actually called.

She looked back at Zhou Yun anxiously, feeling a little uneasy in her heart, feeling that something bad had happened.

I saw Zhou Yun sitting in the back with his hands folded in front of his chest, eyes closed and rested.

Zheng Xiaoju connected the phone carefully, and called weakly, "Sister Lan?"

Zhou Lan's voice was so sharp that he didn't let it out to the public, but Zhou Yun didn't even hear it.

"Where's Zhou Yun?"

Zheng Xiaoju carefully followed Zhou Yun's instructions and said, "Sister Xiaoyun is asleep."

Zhou Lan's voice was exasperated, with the aura of tearing Zhou Yun in half, roaring: "Sleep ass! Wake her up and answer the phone for me!"

Zhou Yun opened his eyes and glared at Zheng Xiaoju threateningly.

Zheng Xiaoju sniffed in embarrassment, and said, "Sister Lan, Sister Xiaoyun can't wake her up."

Zhou Lan: "..."

The phone hangs up.

Zhou Lan seemed to realize that the king's fate would not be tolerated when he was outside.

She can't control Zhou Yun.

Zheng Xiaoju asked with a pitiful expression, "Sister Xiaoyun, I won't be fired by Sister Lan, right?"

Zhou Yun: "Calm down."

Zheng Xiaoju's cell phone vibrated suddenly.

She looked down at the news, it was sent by Zhou Lan, a screenshot, one sentence: let her delete this Weibo, otherwise she won't be able to sleep tonight.

Zheng Xiaoju carefully handed the phone to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun glanced at it, snorted coldly, and said, "Who are you scaring?"

Zheng Xiaoju asked: "Sister Xiaoyun, what Weibo did you post?"

She didn't even click on the picture.

Zhou Yun said, "Look for yourself."

Zheng Xiaoju lowered his head, clicked on the picture, and saw Zhou Yun's Weibo just now, his pupils suddenly dilated, and he took a deep breath.

She finally knew why Zhou Lan was so angry just now.

"Sister Xiaoyun, is this too much?" Zheng Xiaoju asked in a low voice.

Zhou Yun said with a stern face, "Whatever happened, that's it."

Zheng Xiaoju wanted to say something more, but Zhou Yun acted like he didn't want to speak again, Zheng Xiaoju's words were blocked in his throat and he couldn't speak.

Silent all the way.

Because Zhou Yun's mobile phone was turned off, at this time, there was no disturbance at all, so quiet that only the breathing of a few people and the sound of cars were left.

Half an hour later, Zhou Yun's anger subsided.

She looked at the mobile phone that she had turned off, hesitated for a moment, finally picked it up, and turned it on. The number of WeChat and missed calls seemed to be out of touch with the owner of the mobile phone for more than half a year, and the number was terrifying.

Zhou Yun re-logged on Weibo.

It's no surprise that Zhou Yun's related words are listed in the first and second positions of the hot search list, and the second place is the Weibo post she just posted, which directly became a hot search term.

Zhou Yun clicked in and took a look.

The real-time Weibo that ranked first turned out to be: Sister, Slay.

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

This is not what she expected.She thought that if she swears swear words, she will definitely attract a lot of scolding.Such a quick response will only aggravate her emotions, why do people still praise her?

After swiping through Weibo again, Zhou Yun realized that it was Zhou Lan who led the company's people to control public opinion and started public relations.

Several familiar big Vs praised Zhou Yun's true temperament. It's so rare to see real people responding to rumors violently these days.

It can be seen that a few people said that even if Zhou Yun was wronged by the rumors, he should not swear, after all, he is a public figure.

But such content is rare.

Most are:
Sister Yun is really too rigid!
Thumbs up, you should be so tough in the face of rumors, good job!
Fans are fans, I announce that Zhou Yun will be my sister from now on.


Zhou Yun read these microblogs and was surprised, but also a little dumbfounded.

Going back to his own Weibo, he clicked on the comment section, and the content was similar, but the second most popular comment surprised Zhou Yun. PS If you calm down, apologize quickly. If you are angry, you are angry. Don't swear.

Many of Zhou Yun's fans posted hahahahaha messages under Zhou Lan's comment, expressing: What a strict manager.

Looking at the hot searches on Weibo again, a new entry has entered the hot search list: The manager advised Zhou Yun to apologize and stop swearing.

Zhou Yun realized that it was because she refused to cooperate with Zhou Lan just now, so Zhou Lan came up with a new public relations method.

In any case, artists are public figures, and the public influence of swearing is really bad.

Zhou Yun indulged herself, but Zhou Lan wanted to protect her public image.

That's why Zhou Lan gave Zhou Yun the image of a real-tempered star in public relations, and at the same time took the initiative to "persuade him to apologize", immediately establishing the impression that Zhou Yun lost his composure because of his anger.

Zhou Yun sighed lightly.

She went on wechat and sent a message to Zhou Lan: I'm relieved.

Zhou Lan: I will apologize in two hours.

Zhou Yun replied with an oh.

Zhou Lan: Get out of here and go back to the company.

Zhou Yun replied with another oh.

Zhou Lan: Call Song Chi back when you have time, he called me just now.

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Did Song Chi know about this?

Isn't he filming?How can eat melons be in the front line?Filming is not serious.

Zhou Yun sent a message to Song Chi: My phone was turned off just now.

Almost three seconds later, Song Chi called.

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

The speed is also too fast.

"Hello?" Zhou Yun answered the phone.

Song Chi: "Have you lost your mind?"

Zhou Yun was confused by Song Chi's exasperated tone.

She thought Song Chi was here to comfort her, why did she scold her as soon as he opened his mouth?

Song Chi sighed, as if suppressing his temper, and said, "Who is that idiot? Have you found it?"

Zhou Yun: "No...you, why are you so angry?"

Song Chi angrily scolded: "You suddenly turned off your phone, I can't reach you, and neither can your manager. Am I angry? I'm worried!"

"...Then, don't worry too much, I'm fine." Zhou Yun suddenly didn't know how to answer Song Chi's words, he hesitated, "I was just so angry that I sent a slight Bo, I knew that Sister Lan would definitely scold me, so I turned off my phone."

Song Chi didn't speak.

On the other end of the phone, only Song Chi was breathing angrily.

"Shouldn't you be filming now?" Zhou Yun asked in a low voice, "Why are you still calling me?"

Song Chi snorted coldly, and said, "Do you know that I should be filming now? What a fart, Su Yan saw you being scolded in the mall, and laughed happily, and accidentally flipped the chair over, flashed waist."


(End of this chapter)

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