I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 193 Ascension Period: 28

Chapter 193 Ascension Period: 28
"The launch of "Ding Feng Bo" in June?" Gu Huaichun asked.

"Yes." Zhou Yun replied.

"Then it's completely useless. It's a pity. I thought we could cooperate for the second time." Gu Huaichun regretted.

"There will definitely be other opportunities in the future." Zhou Yun said.

In Yuehai.com's self-produced drama "Dark Sky", the heroine was originally looking for Zhou Yun, but Zhou Yun and Liu Pinran had a conflict, and the drama was shelved.

Gu Huaichun was still thinking about whether there was any turning point for this matter.

Now that Zhou Yun's "The Storm" is going to be filmed in April, the filming time has collided with "Dark Sky".

Gu Huaichun said: "I don't know if telling you this can make you happier. Liu Pinran was complained at the internal meeting."

"What are you complaining about?" Zhou Yun asked.

"The relationship with you is deadlocked." Gu Huaichun said, "They hope to cooperate with you again."

Zhou Yun smiled.

Gu Huaichun said: "However, since you have already accepted "Fixing Storm", there is nothing you can do."

"Let's have a dinner together next time."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun looked up at herself in the mirror, and she also saw Zheng Xiaoju sitting in the corner in the mirror.

Only after looking at it did I realize that Zheng Xiaoju has become much prettier since I don't know when.

The person has become thinner, and the face has also become smaller. Sitting in the corner, she looks like a female high school student, with a youthful atmosphere on her body.

In fact, Zhou Yun is still far from the time when she needs to feel the youth or youth of others, but since entering this industry, she has experienced too many people and things, and sometimes she even has a feeling in her heart... how should I put it? ?The feeling of vicissitudes.She knew it was a bit ridiculous to say the word out of her mouth, but if she had to find a word to describe how she felt, it was this word.

When I was filming with Gu Huaichun, I got along very happily, and I also thought about it when I finished filming, and I will film together again when I have the opportunity.

With the right opportunity, the two parties also intend to have a second match, but the final result is counterproductive.

"Setting the Storm", a name of a ci brand, was used as the title of a workplace romance drama.

And this drama is destined to go for commercial results.

The better the commercial performance of this drama, the more advantageous He Yong will be in this battle.

The two aces of Chengqian Entertainment joined forces, and He Yong finally ushered in his own breathing space.

Xu Siyao took the initiative to find He Yong, wanting to act as the second female lead in "The Storm".

Although Xu Siyao's word of mouth is not very good because of the previous events, the popularity of "The Eighth Heartbeat" still brought great blessings to Xu Siyao.The company also works hard to control public opinion, whitewash, and so on.Originally, it was not a black material that was bought and sold, but Xu Siyao transformed into Xiaohua who debuted as the second female lead in the hit drama. She attracted a lot of attention and received many invitations.

And the second part of "The Eighth Heartbeat" is currently being played.

There is the first hit, and although this one is not as good as the first one, as expected, the data is still very good.

At least compared with its "shoddy" low cost, its benefits are considerable.

Although there are many dramas coming to Xu Siyao, Xu Siyao himself doesn't like it.The big dramas will not come to her, all the low-cost online dramas are looking for her, and all of them are romance idol dramas.Even if Zhou Yun doesn't like Xu Siyao, she still admits that Xu Siyao's acting skills are good.Xu Siyao was very angry and refused to let it go, and because "Settling the Storm" was about to become another "Eighth Heartbeat", and the results were sure to be good, so she made up her mind.

This time, of course He Yong would not let Xu Siyao participate.To be honest, if there was no quarrel between Zhou Yun and Xu Siyao, he certainly hoped that Xu Siyao would be the second female lead. Anyway, Xu Siyao is also a newcomer Xiaohua who is getting a lot of attention now, and he has a very high starting point for his debut.But He Yong will no longer offend Zhou Yun for Xu Siyao's sake.

not to mention--

He Yong understands the truth that all eggs should not be put in one basket at such a time.

"Second girl? You can't play the second female role now. From today onwards, don't talk about the second female role, unless the other party is hotter than you, you have to be the best." He Yong said to Xu Siyao, "I put so much effort to send you to the The crew of "The Eighth Heartbeat" let you make your debut with the enthusiasm and popularity of this drama. They didn't want you to be a supporting role. I have prepared three dramas and a variety show here. This is your most important thing this year. work."

Xu Siyao's eyes widened.

She asked dumbly: "Mr. He, are the heroines in all three plays?"

He Yong nodded and said: "Of course, this is a project I carefully selected for you. The contract has already been signed. In April, you are going to record the variety show "Geological Tan". Guest, the next three dramas are seamlessly connected, Siyao, I have high expectations for you, don't let me down, for so many years, I haven't handed over the three dramas to one person in one go, you are the first One, even Zhou Yun doesn't have such treatment."

Xu Siyao's eyes straightened.

She took a deep breath and said, "Mr. He, don't worry, I will not let you down!"

"I know you are a very hard-working little girl. There have been a lot of rumors in the company recently. Just listen to what you hear and don't take it seriously. Don't worry about anything. The most important thing for you right now is to consolidate your current situation. popularity, and then take advantage of the victory to pursue and enter the front line as soon as possible!"

Xu Siyao was beaten bloody by He Yong, nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and went out full of enthusiasm.

He Yong's office was quiet, he was thinking, one Zhou Yun, one Xu Siyao, there are still too few, and the growth period of an artist is too long, he was not in a hurry before, if he didn't achieve success in one or two years, wait for three or four years, and he will always be cultivated of.It's no longer possible now, in the past two years, three first-line female stars of Chengqian Entertainment have left one after another, even Wei Ruxue didn't renew her contract, the female artist side is completely collapsed.He Yong thought, he can also dig one from the outside.

However, in the current market situation, it is simply unrealistic to recruit a real first-line female artist to entertain thousands of people.

Not to mention whether they can reach a conclusion, even if they do, it will definitely be a long time later when the contract period is over, when they have clarified all the matters and signed the contract.

A game of chess is vital, you can't just rely on one or two pieces to charge forward.

He Yong thought for a long, long time.

The real first-line is basically gone, and there are still a few options, unknown talents, traffic artists from talent shows, celebrities in other industries, and there should be some Internet celebrities who are suitable to be artists.

He Yong's phone calls were made one after another.

And in another office in the same building, Lu Yicheng was in a bad mood, so bad that his whole face was stinky all afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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