I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 204 Ascension Period: 39

Chapter 204 Ascension Period: 39
Someone will always say that a star is a star, and an actor is an actor.Especially in the current more fragmented environment, it seems that the distinction is clearer.To use a sentence that has been rotten in the current environment, the actor who speaks with his works is called an actor.In fact, in a mature show business circle, a star should have works before he can make his debut.

Those superstars we are talking about today?Who doesn't have several classic works by his side?Even the famous vase Rosamund Kwan, who has never won an acting award, still has a role like the Thirteenth Aunt in the Huang Feihong series that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

It's just that under the impact of capital, someone found a short-term way to make quick money.Package a star, spend two or three years, and earn money.It doesn't matter that celebrities pass away quickly, and there are still newcomers coming out one after another.It won't last long, everyone knows, because the eyes will be aesthetically fatigued.The most superficial aesthetics of appearance will also change with time and need the stimulation of freshness.But patterns can be replicated.

Of course, of course, I know, there must be another route, called the topic route.There are too many topics on this person, whether they appear or not, once they are mentioned, there are too many right and wrong that can be discussed.This kind of person is not a born star, but an acquired one.This person's experience is a mysterious river, attracting countless people to jump into the river to find out.People are both afraid of fame and wealth, but also yearn for it.It's like people are against these stars, not only resisting their attractive aura, but also can't help but be curious about the glitz behind their aura.

Do you want to be a star?

A question is in front of you, and you may be able to give an answer quickly.

Do it, or don't do it.

Do you want to be a star?

An opportunity is given to you, as long as you are willing, the door of Vanity Fair is open to you.

Will your answers still be the same?

Among all living beings, it is the most convenient way to attract the attention of all.

Even if there are thorns, are you willing not to walk on that road?
Man is a creature that fears pain, but that's okay, pain can be ignored if something can be gained.

Be it an actor, a star, a name, a profit, a heart, a desire, an art, or a vulgarity, which side will your balance tilt?

Or become a Ferris wheel, going back and forth, going back and forth, without jumping out of a loop?
When April entered, a major earthquake broke out in the entertainment industry.

A highly respected senior was unexpectedly killed by his lover.

The reason was that she had been his lover for ten years, and he promised her that one day he would divorce his wife and marry her.

She waited ten years until hysteria broke out and war broke out.

Everyone around Zhou Yun was discussing this matter.Really, everyone.

Yu Chu, who seldom discussed gossip in the circle with Zhou Yun, even discussed this matter with Zhou Yun on the phone.

"I was really stunned when I heard the news! He usually looks like a very good man who cares about his family. Every time he attends an event, he will bring his wife with him. I always think they are a fairy couple! Damn, I didn't expect him to have a lover outside for ten years!" Yu Chu's voice was excited and angry, "It's unbelievable!"

"Do you know him?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Me? Of course I don't know him anymore." Yu Chu said, "But the image he portrayed to the outside world is really good! I'll go. Sure enough, people can't be judged by their appearance."

"Having said that, we will still make the same mistakes in the future."

"That can't be blamed on us, it can only be blamed on someone who is too skilled in acting."

Zhou Yun said: "Well, compared to this, I think his wife is a bit miserable, receiving two such bad news at the same time."

"That's right." Yu Chu said, "Besides, I heard that he hasn't saved any money in these years. He lost a lot of money in gambling and is in debt. I heard that he is in liquidation. His wife is really miserable and has to pay for her." He pays the debt."

"Harming others and harming oneself." Zhou Yun commented.

When Zhou Yun and Yu Chu discussed this matter, they did not expect that it would affect Song Chi.

Before the situation happened to this step, no one thought of it.

The reason was that Song Chi had collaborated with this senior in a play, and the two had a very good relationship.In an interview, Song Chi expressed his respect and admiration for this senior.

The reason is that the relationship between the two of them is very good.

This kind of thing is not uncommon. If something goes wrong with A, the BCD that has made friends with A will be affected accordingly.It's just that generally as long as BCD is not directly related to what happened with A, it is generally enough to avoid this rumor.

But Song Chi couldn't avoid the wind.Someone pointed the finger at Song Chi on the Internet, implying that Song Chi didn't know that this senior was taking care of his lover outside?Men are like dogs of a feather, Song Chi has not stood up and said a word since the incident happened for so long.

There was a wave of attacks on Song Chi on the Internet.

"Looking at the current situation, someone should have ended up taking the opportunity to discredit Song Chi." Zhou Lan said to Zhou Yun while scrolling through Weibo, "Song Chi is too popular and blocked the way of too many people. , someone will throw stones at you immediately."

Zhou Yun said: "These should not affect him, right?"

"Don't worry, you've gotten to Song Chi's position. As long as he doesn't make stupid mistakes or make some principled mistakes, nothing can shake him." Zhou Lan said, "The people who make trouble now are all thinking about it." You have to be a fisherman."

Zhou Yun sent a message to Song Chi, asking: Now there are so many people scolding you on the Internet, why is there no movement on your side?What about your PR team?

Song Chi didn't reply for a long time.

Until the evening, Song Chi finally appeared: I have something to do this afternoon, I just checked my phone, I'm fine, don't worry.

Seeing the last four words sent by Song Chi, Zhou Yun heaved a sigh of relief.

Although she knew that Song Chi would not be easily defeated by these small tricks, Zhou Yun couldn't help but worry.

She asked: Is it convenient to call now?
Song Chi: There are reporters all around.

Zhou Yun couldn't help thinking, where is Song Chi now? Why is he still surrounded by reporters?The point is, surrounded by reporters, how can he still have time to reply to him?

It wasn't until eight o'clock in the evening that Song Chi called Zhou Yun back.

"How is it?" Zhou Yun answered the phone and spoke first.

Song Chi: "It's okay, it's not too bad, now we can only deal with it coldly."

Zhou Yun said: "Don't you have a professional agent to help you with this matter?"

"What are you thinking? How could I not have a professional agent? Do you think that I handle all these jobs by myself?" Song Chi said, "It's just that in this situation, no matter what I do, I do it for them. To add to the heat, I just hope this goes away quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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