I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 206 Ascension Period: 41

Chapter 206 Ascension Period: 41
The call lasted about ten minutes.

After Zhou Lan finished the call, she immediately turned to look at Zhou Yun.

"Guess who called me just now?" Zhou Lan's eyes shone with excitement.

"Ren Sumin?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan nodded immediately, made an unbelievable expression, and said, "I can't even imagine it."

Zhou Yun asked suspiciously, "Why did she suddenly call you?"

Zhou Lan: "She wants to invite you to the "Victor" New Style Night."


"She promised that if you can participate, the cover of this year's October issue will be reserved for you."

Fashion magazines often say that gold, nine and silver are eleven.The so-called Golden Nine and Silver Ten refers to the September and October issues, which are often the two most important issues in a year.The female stars who can be on the cover of these two months are basically top-tier celebrities.With Zhou Yun's qualifications and achievements, he dared not think about this position at all.

Appearing on the cover of Gold, Nine and Silver Ten, in itself has a great effect on the artist's worth and status.

"Are you sure you heard correctly?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Zhou Lan shook his head and said, "I'm very sure, I heard correctly."

Zhou Yun: "How is this possible, let me be on the cover of the October issue? Is she crazy?"

"Don't underestimate her. She is very well-informed about the news in the United States. I heard that Shi Luoqi has picked you." Zhou Lan said, "Also, don't forget, you are now the brand ambassador of VX. I’m not giving you the cover of the October issue for nothing.”

"The condition is that I will be allowed to participate in the activities of the New Fashion Night. No matter how I think about it, I don't think it's reliable."

"Miss Zhou Yun, have you forgotten how popular you are now? You are not the hot topic artist who became popular last year because of the scandal with Song Chi. You just finished the broadcast of a popular web drama "The Eighth Heartbeat ", you now have real fans. Especially most of your fans trust your fashion vision very much, and helped double the sales of VX. This is a real achievement. As the new editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine, how can you Will you ignore it?"

Zhou Yun quickly made a stop gesture.

"That's enough. I know how much I have. What a hit online drama, do you think people are still talking about this drama? It's only been aired for less than two months."

"It's enough to be hot enough when it's broadcast."

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes and fell into deep thought.

Zhou Lan also knew what Zhou Yun was thinking about, so she shut up and stopped talking, so that Zhou Yun could think for himself.

Only Zhou Yun would think and hesitate at this time.The same opportunities and choices are in front of many female stars, and they don't have any hesitation at all, they just know what choice to make.

The last time "Victor" approached Zhou Yun years ago and wanted to ask her to shoot a cover.At that time, Zhou Yun called Chen Ting and knew that the invitation was not from her, but from the newly appointed editor-in-chief. Due to various reasons, Zhou Yun finally rejected the invitation.If Ren Su Min personally called to invite this time, but Zhou Yun still didn't go, it would be a very obvious loss of face.

Zhou Yun struggled for a while, but in the end he didn't stick to it.

"Let's go." Zhou Yun said, "They all called in person."
"Go, it's okay, Sister Ting won't mind these things." Song Chi heard Zhou Yun talk about his concerns on the phone, and encouraged him, "It's nothing at all, don't think about it, worry so much."

Zhou Yun asked, "Why don't you go?"

"I...I'm in trouble now, why would someone invite me." Song Chi laughed at himself.

Zhou Yun said, "It's really a snobbery."

"Who isn't? You should prepare well. Since this new editor-in-chief wants to gain a sense of presence, this event will definitely not be very low-key. It is estimated that there will be a lot of troubles, so you should pay attention to it and grow it."

"You treat me like a primary school student." Zhou Yun curled his lips.

"Did you read the script I sent you last time?" Song Chi asked.

"I read it, but... for this script, you really plan to ask me to act?" Zhou Yun said sincerely, "Song Chi, I really don't need you to give me priority. I don't mind at all."

Song Chi: "Why do I feel a little unhappy when I hear you say that? You are so understanding of righteousness, do you not have me in your heart at all?"

This is teasing.

Zhou Yun laughed angrily, and said, "Okay, if you are willing to act for me, of course I am, but if the movie doesn't sell at the box office, don't regret it."

"Don't worry, you will treat me as a big philanthropist, specializing in making movies that lose money." Song Chi said, "Since you are satisfied with the script, I will ask the company to contact Zhou Lan later."

"Well, but the schedule may need to be coordinated. My time this year is almost full." Zhou Yun said, "I will be filming a TV series in May, and I will be filming "Gentle Little Pony" in October."

"It's okay. This movie shouldn't take long to shoot. According to my estimate, it can be finished in a month." Song Chi said, "It's not a big production either."

When things developed to Zhou Lan, it turned into amazement.

"Song Chi really has nothing to say to you. He set up his own company, and the first play he produced was not performed by himself, but by you." Zhou Lan sighed, "The market price is enough, and there is no pressure at all." pay."

"Sister Lan, can you stop teasing me? Hurry up and finish the contract and get the schedule right." Zhou Yun sighed softly, "I'm really conflicted now, if another company came to me for this movie, I I will be very happy, I will take you to drink together to celebrate, to celebrate that someone is willing to invite me to act in such a good book, but the person who is looking for me now is Song Chi, it is Song Chi, this is his company to produce this Movie, what if the movie fails at the box office and loses money, I mean what if, it's not a matter of me wasting a while, it's him losing money."

"Xiaoyun, you are an actor. You are just an actor. You didn't ask for this movie. He came to you on his own initiative. Sometimes I really think it's easy for you to think too much, but you can't think too much. Too much is not necessarily a good thing. Making money and losing money is something the production company should consider. What are you worried about here? Is your acting skills not good enough, or not popular enough? Your only shortcoming is that your debut time is too long. It's short, and I haven't acted in a movie yet, unlike those who have acted in movies, they have been proven to be able to carry the box office. So what?" Zhou Lan said, "This is not something you have to consider, you just need to Do what you need to do well, act well, cooperate with publicity, and everything else is not something you have to consider."

(End of this chapter)

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