I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 216 Ascension Period: 51

Chapter 216 Ascension Period: 51
Wen Bing scratched his head and bit his lip again.

"Well...it's me, but I won't appear on camera, it's just the voice." Wen Bing said, "The camera's perspective is the man's perspective."

Zhou Yun laughed.She nodded and said, "Okay, I'll act."

"The film salary is not very much." Wen Bing said awkwardly, "My film only has a total production budget of two million."

"Okay, just give it as you see." Zhou Yun said, "Director Wen, you've caught up with the good times."

If the contract was signed during the previous chat, Zhou Yun could not say "you can just give it as you see it", because He Yong would not agree, and the company would not agree.

Not anymore.

She has greater autonomy.

It's just that after Zhou Lan heard about it, his eyes widened, and he questioned: "Zhou Yun, you have to discuss with me about the salary before you can agree to others!"

Zhou Yun said: "Sister Lan, I like this drama very much, and I want to make this movie."

"I know, but I'm your agent, and I should communicate with them about all these things. Even if you are willing to act with zero pay, you should communicate with me first." Zhou Lan insisted.

"I see."

"I'm not blaming you for agreeing to other people's low-paying performances, nor anything else. Anyway, this is my responsibility, and I should take care of it." Zhou Lan said, "You will be with more and more people in the future." If you have more producers and directors as friends, you will have more personal friendships, and there will be more invitations sent to you through personal friendships. You can accept any one you want, but you have to communicate with me first, and in the future not only It’s me, you will form a bigger and bigger team, in the future there will be someone who will help you read and choose scripts, and someone who will help you negotiate contracts and perform their duties.”

Zhou Yun realized the seriousness of this problem.

"I understand."

"I'll talk to them about the pay, and I promise you, I will never refuse someone without your consent because of the pay." Zhou Lan said, "I still remember what I told you about your leaving in the future." What route? I know it."

"I know, I have always believed in you."

The two smiled at each other.
Zhou Yun got the complete script of "Days".

The whole play is like a prose poem.

In fact, there are no plot changes that are too much from the beginning to the end. It is basically a dialogue between two people and a performance by one person.

Of course, there are also other actors in the middle of the show, but they are all just passing through, and they are accessories in the life of the heroine.

The woman named He Yun that Zhou Yun will play occupies [-]% of the scenes in this drama.

The contract is over and signed.

On April [-]th, Zhou Yun brought Zheng Xiaoju into the group.

This is a simpler group than filming "The Eighth Heartbeat".

Wen Bing is in charge of directing and photography alone.

There are only about ten people in the whole crew.

Of course, this drama doesn't need a big team either.

Even, the main shooting scene of this drama is Wen Bing's own apartment.

The production company leased five apartments in the building, which it rents out to other crew members.

The apartment building where Zhou Yun lives is inconvenient. After all, it is not a high-end residential area. The management is not as good as Zhou Yun's own. Her star status will bring her a lot of trouble, so the production company booked her a place ten minutes away by car. A star hotel room.

Zhou Yun can go back to his apartment to rest, or go to the hotel to rest if he finishes work late.

The conditions are relatively simple, but Zhou Yun doesn't value them.

But what surprised Zhou Yun was that the crew did not hire a makeup artist or costume artist.

Wen Bing said to Zhou Yun: "I hope you will appear in front of the camera as usual, especially when you are at home, without makeup, just plain makeup."

Zhou Yun immediately accepted it.

"OK, no problem."

Wen Bing also said: "For clothing, you can wear your own clothes. The funds are limited. You can match a few sets according to your understanding. Let me take a look."

Zhou Yun said yes.

Wen Bing scratched his head and said, "The production budget of the whole play is limited, and we have to figure out a lot of things by ourselves, but fortunately, there is no place in this play that costs a lot of money."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, no wonder it only took [-] days to shoot.If the filming took longer, there would be no financial support.

But twenty days is enough.

There are really not many scenes, and each scene is a lot of monologues or dialogues.There are not many special scenes or changing scenes, and most of the scenes are filmed in Wen Bing's apartment.

This drama basically revolves around He Yun, played by Zhou Yun, and her fantasized boyfriend who still exists beside her.

It is not difficult to act.

It's not the kind of role that is particularly complicated, profound, or needs life experience.It's a state that most women experience.Like a person, still like a person, quarrel, happy, bewildered, and finally wake up like a dream, realizing that that person is just my fantasy.

From the perspective of the play, it is basically a story without too many ups and downs.

But Zhou Yun did not expect that when Wen Bing started filming on the first day, he directly said: "You play by yourself, act as you want, just treat it as real life, and I will carry the camera to catch you."

Zhou Yun was shocked.

"What about the dialogue?" Zhou Yun said, "Am I talking to myself?"

"I will talk to you." Wen Bing said.

This is a shooting method that Zhou Yun has never experienced and never heard of.

Zhou Yun didn't know how to act at all.

Because Wen Bing didn't shout Ka at all.

Zhou Yun was so at a loss in front of the camera for the first time.

Wen Bing didn't expect Zhou Yun to be unable to enter the state.

"Why?" he asked.

Zhou Yun said: "I don't know how to act at all. I feel like it's very difficult. I will laugh when I act, and I don't trust the situation I am in."

Wen Bing frowned in thought.

"Sorry, director, I've never shot like this before." Zhou Yun stroked his hair, "Maybe, I might need to chat with you more, I don't understand the effect you want at all now."

"I don't want any effect." Wen Bing said sullenly.

Zhou Yun was slightly moved when he heard Wen Bing say this.

"Director, let's have a chat, shall we?" Zhou Yun said, "Actually, we don't know each other right now. Under such circumstances, it's hard for us to trust each other."

Wen Bing took a bottle of wine and said, "Drink."

Zhou Yun laughed, nodded, and said, "Okay."

The two sat down on the sofa.

"You've read the script, what kind of movie do you think it is?" Wen Bing picked up the wine glass, but took a sip by himself without touching Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun was thoughtful and said: "I don't know. After I read the script, I actually felt a bit like something stuck in my heart. I was uncomfortable. I knew that this person who has been by my side and lived with me has long since left me. From now on, I—I mean as a reader or future viewer, I will suddenly feel uncomfortable, especially when He Yun said the last sentence."

(End of this chapter)

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