I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 218 Ascension Period: 53

Chapter 218 Ascension Period: 53
What Zhou Yun didn't expect was that the news of her filming "Days" spread like wildfire on the fourth day of filming, and the news spread on the Internet, attracting ridicule from the public.

The main reason why it attracts ridicule is that "Days" is just a movie with an investment of [-] million.

"Three million to make a movie, this is nothing in the last century, but in this year, even a big Internet investment is bigger than this."

"Is this the popular female star that her fans are raving about? Eighteenth-line artists don't even bother to shoot this kind of resource."

"I'm still a rookie director. I used to shoot commercials. How did Zhou Yun think about making such a low-level film?"


Similar to the above statement, such as the passage of locusts, there are countless.

Zhou Lan didn't want Zhou Yun to see these bad comments, but Zhou Yun's mobile phone was in her own hands, and it was impossible to isolate Zhou Yun from the outside world.

She urged the company's public relations department to find a way to reverse the direction of public opinion and control the negative orientation towards Zhou Yun on the Internet.

But the group of people who satirized Zhou Yun spared no effort to continue their attacks, and they seemed to want to step Zhou Yun into the pit in one go, so that she would never be able to jump out.

The filming team of "Days" soon knew about this kind of thing.

After all, Zhou Yun is the only main actor in this film.That's right, this film doesn't even have any leading or supporting roles, and the whole thing is Zhou Yun's one-man show.

Many people don't say it with their mouths, but they know something in their hearts.

If Zhou Yun hadn't agreed to act, this film might not even have a one million shooting budget.

They are all newcomers, and no production company dares to spend millions on these newcomers.

If the production company hadn't taken a fancy to Wen Bing's directorial talent and wanted to sign him, this kind of film with too personal style and poor appearance would not have given the green light to shoot.

The sound from the outside world reached their ears, and instead of being angry, they felt a little embarrassed.

Because they also felt that Zhou Yun could actually choose other plays.

She had many other choices, but because she chose "Days", she was ridiculed and ridiculed by everyone.


Zhou Yun did not expect that this matter would turn out like this.

There is a driving force behind the menacing ridicule and sarcasm, preventing this wave of public opinion from ebbing.

She felt that some staff members on the set looked at her a little strangely, and they were more attentive to her, as if they wanted to "compensate" her in their own way.

When Zhou Yun realized this, she felt guilty in her heart instead.

It's a very comfortable crew.

There are not many people in this crew, and there are not many equipments, but everyone is very serious. During the break, they stay together, talk, laugh and make jokes.

Zhou Yun was not very familiar with them, but he was not unfamiliar either.

They are all young and have some idealism.

If not, they would not have participated in such a relatively low-paying project.

But now they feel embarrassed because the outside world said that she "condescended" to film in a "little crew", as if they really treated her badly.

Zhou Yun was very angry. After thinking about it, he contacted Zhou Lan and said, "Sister Lan, do you think I should respond to this on Weibo?"

Zhou Lan said: "If you don't want to intensify the conflict, I suggest you don't respond to anything, just let this kind of thing pass, it will always be settled, and when this movie is released, these sarcasm will naturally be slapped in the face gone."

"You can order coffee for me tomorrow. This incident has also affected everyone's mood. I am very sorry." Zhou Yun said, "It was because of me that the filming schedule was only given [-] days. Too bad It’s tight, shooting every day is exhausting.”

"Everything is worth it. This movie will definitely not be bad, and it will definitely become your masterpiece." Zhou Lan said, "I believe in you."

"Who knows, it feels like Xindun doesn't pay much attention to this film at all." Zhou Yun said, "Maybe it won't be released."

"No, the most important thing for Xindun to make commercial films is to control the cost. To be honest, three million yuan is more than enough to make this film, in my opinion." Zhou Lan said, "There are not many scenes. There is no need to hire more actors, just you, and the other boyfriend who keeps appearing as a voice is Wen Bing himself, how much more?"

Zhou Yun: "I alone accounted for less than half of the salary."

"Miss Zhou, can you stop being emotional? With such a small salary, I can invite you to make a movie. Xindun should wake up from his dream with a smile." Zhou Lan said, "If it wasn't because of the difficulty in coordinating the schedule, time is tight , and we are really optimistic about this film, I will at least double the salary for you."

Zhou Yun: "It's okay, I don't rely on this movie to make money."


There was a lot of voices from the outside world, Zhou Yun was not as impulsive as before, she simply threw the phone to Zheng Xiaoju for safekeeping, she immersed herself in He Yun's world with peace of mind, either filming or studying the script.

On the seventh day of filming, Zhou Yun suggested that she would forget about living on the set.

The so-called studio is actually Wen Bing's apartment.

As a residence, no problem at all.

But Wen Bing and Xu Mingyue were both surprised.

"You want to live here? Is there something wrong with the hotel room?" Xu Mingyue asked immediately, "Tell me if there is any problem, and I will negotiate with the hotel."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "No, it has nothing to do with the hotel. I just don't want to bother. Anyway, He Yun has been staying in this room all the time. I just live here and I can maintain my state."

Xu Mingyue looked at Wen Bing.

Wen Bing said, "But I also sleep here at night."

"Go and squeeze with others." Zhou Yun said, "Anyway, there are many boys, don't they rent other apartments upstairs and downstairs?"

Wen Bing: "..."

He didn't know why Zhou Yun suddenly became so righteous to him.

"That's fine."

Zhou Yun laughed and said, "Thank you."

The shooting is really an illusion of not knowing how long the years are in the mountains.

When Zhou Yun finished filming the film and finished filming, she was a little stunned.

This is the end?This is the end?

To be honest, she acted in this play very smoothly and freely, without any sense of hindrance.

She was completely in her own right.Wen Bing spoke behind the camera, and she gave her most authentic and natural reaction.In Wen Bing's later words, whatever Zhou Yun did was right and good.

When Zhou Yun left, he hugged everyone in the crew.

"Director, remember to come to me again next time you film."

Wen Bing said: "I have to make a commercial action film for my next film."

"I can shoot too."

Wen Bing said: "It's all a man's play."

"Then you should look for me." Zhou Yun said, "Can't there be no female characters? Forget it, you can do whatever you want, but remember, you can look for me at any time, and I am willing to act in your play."

(End of this chapter)

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