I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 226 Ascension Period: 61

Chapter 226 Ascension Period: 61
"Have you never heard of it?"

"Oh, don't be so secretive. I'm usually not interested in them. Who in this line of work is interested in these stars? There are not many good things in private."

"Hahaha, that's true." The person echoed, and then said: "Aren't they two from the same company? Chengqian Entertainment, at the beginning of the year, the two of them acted in the very popular "The Eighth Heartbeat" , Zhou Yun played the heroine, and Xu Siyao played the supporting actress. You know, Zhou Yun has been very popular since last year, but Xu Siyao became popular this year because of this drama. Before this drama was broadcast, Xu Siyao was in a live broadcast event Zhong secretly stepped on Zhou Yun's foot, and was ridiculed by everyone on the Internet. Everyone quarreled on the Internet. A group of netizens called Xu Siyao a green tea bitch. There was a confrontation, and I heard from friends that I know well, the two of them are really at odds, and they are the kind who don't even want to be framed."

"If you don't even want to be framed, it's because Zhou Yun doesn't want to talk to Xu Siyao. I think it's Xu Siyao who deliberately went to Zhou Yun's side these days."

"Of course, how do you think Xu Siyao became popular? Didn't he become popular by chasing Zhou Yun's enthusiasm? He even acted in the second part with the help of "The Eighth Heartbeat". Not even half of it."

"The filming of that scene was terrible, and I don't know how it became popular."

"The two protagonists are very likable. The CPs of Gu Huaichun and Zhou Yun are very popular."

"In fact, regardless of these things, Xu Siyao is pretty and her acting skills are not bad. Why does she have to take this dark and red way?"

"It's becoming popular fast. How many newcomers are like Xu Siyao? She became popular in her first play. Although there are many people who hate her, her reputation is getting bigger and bigger. The second female lead in our play It wasn't her in the first place, but she forced her in."

"Yeah, I've heard that too, the previous one is also pitiful."


Xu Siyao's face was so black that black water from a stinking ditch could drip from it.

She really wanted to go over and see who was the one who was gossiping behind her back, but these words were really unbearable, and if she broke everything, the words would spread even faster.

Xu Siyao could only bear with breaking his teeth.

Burning with anger.

Since Xu Siyao's debut, objectively speaking, things have gone smoothly.There is He Yongpeng in the company, who became popular in the first play, and has never experienced that kind of dormant period.Recently, because of the photo of her and Li Ci on the red carpet, she has gained a lot of popularity and attracted a wave of fans. It is the time when the spring breeze is in full swing. Many brands and partners are optimistic about the CP relationship between her and Li Ci. Invited to cooperate.Although because of Li Ci's relationship, these cooperations were not accepted, but these invitations still made Xu Siyao feel a sense of vanity that was highly sought after.

If there is anything dissatisfied, it is Zhou Yun.

Xu Siyao prayed every day for Zhou Yun to pass away soon.

What she taboos the most is when others compare her with Zhou Yun.Especially in the result of every comparison, others like Zhou Yun more than her.

However, Xu Siyao did not expect that soon she would lose the energy to think about Zhou Yun again, and a crisis of public opinion that made her unable to take care of herself suddenly swept across.
This crisis of public opinion actually originated from the drama "Ding Feng Bo".

In the beginning, Xu Siyao was not chosen as the second female lead in this show, but another newcomer from Chengqian Entertainment named Wang Jing.

He Yong knew that Zhou Yun didn't like Xu Siyao, so he planned to use this role to promote a newcomer.

Who knew that Xu Siyao insisted on acting in the future, and He Yong could only withdraw Wang Jing to make room for Xu Siyao.

This is indeed unfair to Wang Jing.

It doesn't matter if it's unfair, though.In He Yong's eyes, they are all entertainers of thousands of entertainment, and it's nothing for Wang Jing to suffer a little.Besides, it was his decision whether to give this play to Wang Jing, and Wang Jing shouldn't have any dissatisfaction.If it wasn't for his handpicking, she herself wouldn't be able to play the second female lead right away.

But Wang Jing himself was of course dissatisfied.

It's just this matter, she has nothing to say.

No way.

She is a signed actor of Chengqian Entertainment, so she has to obey the company's arrangements.

Besides, it was Xu Siyao who wanted to steal her role.

Wang Jing is so thick that he thinks he can compete with Xu Siyao.

She could only hold back this breath.

If Zhou Lan hadn't found her, he might have swallowed his breath forever.Maybe it won't be until she wakes up one day that she will have the opportunity and the means to take revenge.

Zhou Lan found her and said that if Wang Jing wanted to, she could find some friends and make this matter a big deal.

"As for the bad influence, you should know that if you do this, you will completely turn against Xu Siyao. On the bright side, first, this matter becomes a big deal, you can enter the public's perspective, and your popularity can be increased. Second, this Whether it's about Xu Siyao or the company, you won't be blamed, they will know that I did it, and thirdly, you can vent your anger."

Zhou Lan laid out all these things clearly on the table and chatted with Wang Jing.

Of course, she could also choose not to get angry with Wang Jing and just do it.But she had other ideas.

Wang Jing also had a very positive idea, and she realized that this was a good opportunity.

What do rookies lack the most?lack of exposure.

Why are there so many hype people online?Because hype can be exchanged for popularity, heat and traffic, and heat and traffic can be exchanged for more opportunities and more money.

Wang Jing wants to be famous.

She agreed.

Zhou Lan said: "One more thing, the company hasn't arranged a broker for you yet, has it?"

Wang Jing shook his head.She already realized what Zhou Lan meant by asking this question.Her expression became a little excited in an instant.

There are quite a few agents in Chengqian Entertainment, but the one with the strongest momentum in the past two years is Zhou Lan.Who doesn't know that Zhou Lan only brought one artist, that is Zhou Yun, and Zhou Yun became popular like a bamboo shoot, and broke the predictions of many people. From last year's popularity to this year, there is no decline.Once popular depends on fate, staying popular depends on strength.This strength also includes the operating ability of the broker.

The outside world may not know how strong Zhou Lan's ability is, but there are many rumors in the company.

Among them, several public relations related to Zhou Yun were regarded as classic cases in the company as training materials.

Zhou Lan smiled slightly and said, "If you want, you can come to me and I will be your manager."

Wang Jing clenched his fist in surprise.


Zhou Lan said, "Really."

"I am willing!" Wang Jing nodded excitedly, "I, I really didn't expect it!"

(End of this chapter)

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