I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 239 Ascension Period: 74

Chapter 239 Ascension Period: 74
After the brand event ended, Zhou Yun was supposed to go back to Shanghai directly.

Zhou Lan came to the news that Xindun had sent another movie script and wanted to invite Zhou Yun to star in it, so he made an appointment to talk about it at Xindun Company the next day.

The other party did not send the script directly to Zhou Yun, but only provided a summary and a biography of the characters.

This movie is a drama of the Republic of China. It tells the story of several young people from different backgrounds gathered together to assassinate a traitor who colluded with the Japanese army.Zhou Yun plays one of the characters, a lady from a wealthy family.

Zhou Yun's eyes lit up after only reading the outline.

That night, Zhou Lan took the latest high-speed train to Beijing to meet Zhou Yun.

"Director Hou Mengjie will be invited to direct this film, which is a big project for Xindun next year." Zhou Lan said, "You should have heard that director Hou Mengjie's last film, "Killing Autumn", was shot very well and took a lot of money." Award, the box office is not low, won [-] million, applauded and well-received. This time, Xindun also saw your previous film "Days" get an unexpected joy, and got Wen Bing's recommendation, so I considered you .”

Zhou Yun widened his eyes in surprise, and said, "So this is a new play directed by Hou Mengjie? I really like his "Slaying Autumn."

"His debut film was a blockbuster, and his second play must have attracted much attention. Now this project is tightly covered, and no news has come out. If Wen Bing hadn't strongly recommended you, he might not have contacted us so early." Zhou Lan said, "You know director Hou Mengjie's style. He is realistic and freehand, unique. If you make his movie, you will definitely be able to make a good one. Moreover, the subject matter of this story is very exciting at first glance, and the box office will not be bad. "

Zhou Yun said: "I am now worried that my schedule will not be able to come through."

"Don't worry, this drama is still in the early stage of preparation, the script has not been written yet, and it will have to wait until the second half of next year to start it." Zhou Lan said, "But we have to act first for this drama, and first finalize the contract. In order not to be picked peaches at the end."

Zhou Yun nodded.

The next day, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan went to Xindun Company.

The boss of Xindun is Yao Yuanfeng, and everyone calls him Mr. Yao.

Many people say that Yao Yuanfeng is a legend.It is indeed a legend to be able to start a film company from scratch and make it to the present level.

In recent years, counting domestic films, Xindun is always indispensable.

Its short board is that it only produces commercial films, or the kind of commercial films that make quick money, and has never produced any films that can leave a place in film history.

Therefore, Xindun began to discover talented new directors.

No matter how a movie is a commodity, if it is to become a hard currency to the world, it must be produced and managed as an art.

Wen Bing is one, and Hou Mengjie is another.

Hou Mengjie's debut film "Killing Autumn" was not made by Xindun, but Xindun didn't have any views on the family, knew that he was talented, and spent a lot of money to sign him for the next few films.

"Four Killers" is the first film that Hou Mengjie will prepare after signing with Xindun.

"Director Hou, look at Zhou Yun, who you praised when you watched "Life" last week, but I invited you here today." The meaning is not ostentatious, but it makes people feel a kind of prestige that is hard to resist.

Zhou Yun looked at the person Yao Yuanfeng was looking at.

A thin man, wearing a jacket, a pair of very bright eyes.

That is Hou Mengjie.

Hou Mengjie took a step forward and said, "Hi, Miss Zhou."

Not like a director who is used to giving orders.

Zhou Yun likes the kindness of Hou Mengjie's politeness, which doesn't make people feel unequal.

"Hello Director Hou."

Zhou Yun didn't want to open his mouth and said that he liked "Killing Autumn". This kind of opening statement sounds like it was done deliberately, but it is not sincere.

Several people sat down.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "Xiaoyun is really talented. When I knew that you had never received professional acting training, I was shocked. You have photographed so many actresses. You are the only one who can be said to be self-taught. A person is worthy of being a top student."

"Love Mrs. Yao, Xiao Yun, when she received the news yesterday that you had a new movie you wanted her to act in, she immediately changed the ticket." Zhou Lan spoke for Zhou Yun. It was a pleasure working with the cast.”

If you really want to say that Xindun has more support for the drama "Days", it is a lie, and the investment is pitifully small, it is purely to appease Wen Bing.

At that time, no one in New Shield thought it could be shortlisted in Venice.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "It can be said that Xiaoyun supported "Days" by himself. You are the only one-man show, and the acting is very good. Last week, I summoned the company's executives, contracted directors, and actors. We watched "Days" together, and none of them did not say yes, and I also said, we will definitely promote Xiaoyun in the next few film awards."

Zhou Lan said, "Then thank you, Mr. Yao."

Yao Yuanfeng looked at Hou Mengjie and said, "Director Hou, why don't you introduce the movie you want to shoot?"

"Okay." Hou Mengjie nodded, "Actually, it's a story about four young people who agreed to assassinate a rich businessman. I wrote the script myself. One of the young people is Jiao Didi's daughter, because my brother was killed by this The rich businessman was killed, so she wanted to avenge her brother. There is a strong contrast in her, she behaves like a lady, but her real character is very sharp, and her temper is also very hot. She is a very good actor. character of."

"It sounds really interesting." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

Hou Mengjie said: "Actually, this story started out because of a dream of mine. I had a dream about assassinating a big boss, but I couldn't succeed in the dream. After waking up, I wrote such a story to relieve my anger. , I didn't expect to be taken by Mr. Yao."

Yao Yuanfeng smiled cheerfully, and said, "The subject matter of this kind of story itself is very attractive, and you are so talented."

A group of people chatted and laughed, chatting about the development and preparation of the play.

"The five main characters, we have only sent you invitations so far, so please keep the news about this drama a secret for now, and don't spread it out." Yao Yuanfeng said.

Zhou Lan nodded: "Of course."

Meet for the first time and communicate about cooperation intentions.

Obviously, both sides have this intention.

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan left Xindun with satisfaction, and Zhou Lan will sign an intentional cooperation contract with Xindun first.

Just talking and laughing, Zhou Lan's cell phone rang suddenly.

She answers the phone first.

After answering the phone call, his expression turned serious.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan said: "Mr. He was taken away from the company by the police."

Zhou Yun opened his eyes wide in disbelief.


(End of this chapter)

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