I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 254 Ascension Period: 89

Chapter 254 Ascension Period: 89
Another man related to this matter, Wei Heyun, he got Zhou Yun's private number from somewhere, and he called Zhou Yun early the next morning.

The phone rang, waking Zhou Yun up from his sleep.She moaned lazily and stretched her waist.

"Hello?" She answered the strange call, "Who are you?"

"Wei Heyun."

Zhou Yun woke up instantly.

"You, why do you have my phone?"

"Ask someone else for it. I heard that Yu Sitian has troubled you." Wei Heyun's tone was somewhat apologetic, "I didn't expect her reaction to be so intense."

Zhou Yun said, "I told you not to have too much hope."

"I didn't expect that she wouldn't give me a chance." Wei Heyun's words were full of disappointment, "I thought there would still be a chance no matter what."

"If a person is willing to give you a chance, then there will be opportunities no matter what. If a person is not willing to give you a chance, it will be useless even if you wear your mouth."

"I called you just to see how you were doing."

"What else can I do? First, she can't eat me, and second, she can't kill me. I should eat and sleep."

"That's fine, you're fine, I'll hang up." Wei Heyun said.


hang up the phone.

Zhou Yun stuffed his phone under his pillow, yawned lazily, and prepared to go back to sleep.

"Put the phone under the pillow, it radiates a lot." Song Chi's voice suddenly came from beside his ear.

Zhou Yun was so frightened that he bounced off the bed.

Song Chi was lying beside her, with a face that had just woken up, with sharp edges and corners, and eyes as clear as springs.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

She was wide awake.

Last night... What happened last night?
Zhou Yun was down for a few seconds, and when he came back to his senses, his face was shocked by the lightning strike.

She remembered that Song Chi hugged her, she and him kissed together, and then they were intimate for a long time.

He asked if he wanted a drink.She said yes.

So, the two drank a little more wine.

And then... There was no more, the moment those blurred pictures appeared in Zhou Yun's mind, they were cut off by Zhou Yun blushing like blood.

Song Chi grabbed Zhou Yun's wrist and said, "Who called you early in the morning?"

"Wei Heyun." She murmured.

Song Chi frowned, surprised by the name.

"What is he calling you for?"

Zhou Yun said: "Apologize, wait, now is not the time to talk about this, we—"

Song Chi suddenly pulled her into his arms, and put his other hand on her back.


There was another inexplicable whirlwind.

"Do you remember now?" Song Chi asked with a smile.

Zhou Yun grabbed the pillow and buried Song Chi's head in it.

"Go to hell!" Zhou Yun blushed.

Song Chi's laughter came from under the pillow.
This is of course a substantive progress, no, it is progress by leaps and bounds.

However, this was not within Zhou Yun's plan at all.

Zhou Yun was completely in a state of confusion, with a dazed look on his face, and his heart was in a mess.She thought well, she had to develop their own careers first, and only when they developed their careers to a certain height could they have the confidence to hold hands.But what's the matter now?Can she still confidently tell those reporters that the two of them are just friends?

How could she have the face to speak out.

Zhou Yun sat on the sofa in a daze, but Song Chi took out two eggs and a box of quick-frozen dumplings from the refrigerator, and started to make breakfast.

Today is a sunny day.The morning sun is transparent, pouring in from the window, full of warmth.In summer, the air conditioner is turned on indoors, which makes people feel warm.

But Zhou Yun was not in the mood to enjoy such warmth.

Until Song Chi made breakfast and brought it to her.

"Let's have breakfast first, and then we'll be shocked after eating," Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun covered his face with one hand, and said, "You hurry up, I don't want to see you now."

"Are you sure you won't think about it after I leave?" Song Chi's tone was teasing.

How could you not want to.Zhou Yun rolled his eyes silently and silently in his heart.

Song Chi suddenly came over again and kissed Zhou Yun on the cheek, "Hey, let's have breakfast first."

Zhou Yun picked up the fork and squinted at him: "If you call me another word, I will put this fork in your mouth."

Song Chi: "..."

Zhou Yun forked a dumpling, put it into his mouth, and chewed hard.
Song Chi left at eight o'clock.

After he left, Zhou Yun really breathed a sigh of relief.

Well, now that he's gone, she can take a good, serious look at what happened.

However, how to organize it?Is there anything to tidy up?
Zhou Yun whimpered and fell down on the sofa.

"Zhou Yun, Zhou Yun, you are out of your wits, you agreed to do your career first."

She lay on the corpse alone for an hour, at nine o'clock, Zheng Xiaoju came.

Zheng Xiaoju saw Zhou Yun lying on the sofa, holding the breakfast she bought in his hand.

"Sister Xiaoyun, get up and have breakfast."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "No, I've eaten."

Zheng Xiaoju was surprised: "Have you eaten it? Then what should I do? I bought a lot."

"You can eat." Zhou Yun said.

Zheng Xiaoju said oh.

Suddenly, Zheng Xiaoju's eyes fixed, he looked at Zhou Yun's neck, and said, "I'll go, have mosquitos entered the house? Why did you bite such a big bag?"

Zhou Yun was still dazed and asked, "What bag?"

Zheng Xiaoju walked towards her, "Look, there's a big one on the neck!"

Zhou Yun suddenly realized that a carp stood up straight, "What? I'll go and see!"

With a guilty conscience, she jumped onto the floor towards the other side where Zheng Xiaoju came, and ran all the way into the room.

Zheng Xiaoju was still thinking, Miss Xiaoyun really cares about her appearance, as soon as she heard that there was a bag on her neck, she went to check it immediately.

At noon, Zhou Yun went out with Zheng Xiaoju.

In summer, Zhou Yun wore a shirt with a collar for himself, and tied a silk scarf around his neck.

Zheng Xiaoju looked at it and was very surprised, and asked, "Sister Xiaoyun, why do you still tie a silk scarf around your neck in such hot weather?"

"It's called fashion." Zhou Yun said without changing his face while wearing sunglasses, "You learn."

Zheng Xiaoju snorted, thinking, fashion is such a frustrating thing, she decided not to touch it.

After getting into the car, Xiao Cao also asked in surprise: "Sister Xiaoyun, why do you still wrap a scarf around your neck in summer?"

"What scarf, this is a silk scarf! This is fashion!" Zhou Yun emphasized firmly.

Xiao Cao: "...Okay."

Zheng Xiaoju and Xiao Cao looked at each other, and saw a consensus in each other's eyes: this fashion is really puzzling.

Of course Zhou Yun saw their eyes, but she raised her chin noblely and glamorously, trying her best to keep her fashionable persona alive.

(End of this chapter)

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