I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 256 Ascension Period: 91

Chapter 256 Ascension Period: 91
What should a good relationship look like?

It's two people walking hand in hand.

It's two people sharing an ice cream.

He will look at you and smile when you look back, and you will look at him and smile when he looks back.

Waking up in the same bed, hearing the patter of rain outside the window, subconsciously hugging each other.

Every relationship looks different, but the mood is generally the same.

The first time you see something beautiful, you want to share it, and the first time you encounter something fun, you want to tell each other.

The love between Zhou Yun and Song Chi is a bit awkward.

It's not that two people are still awkward, it's that two people can't fall in love openly, they can only secretly and secretly, like drinking a sip of honey secretly, and people can't find the trace.

Zhou Yun had never had such an experience before, and it was inexplicably exciting.

In August, Zheng Xiaowen came to Zhou Yun with a plan.

This is the fashion show she mentioned before.

Zheng Xiaowen wants to make a fashion drama to promote the VX brand.

Regarding this project, Zhou Lan is very optimistic.

From Zhou Lan's point of view, it's a pity that Zhou Yun's image doesn't make a fashion drama. As long as it's not the kind of idol drama romance script with a fashion name, Zhou Lan would like to see Zhou Yun try more.

Zheng Xiaowen introduced this project and said: "I have also talked with Mr. He about this drama. Mr. He is very interested and said that he will help me match the line. At that time, I will invite Qianqian Film and Television to come and produce it together."

Zhou Yun asked, "The script hasn't been written yet, has it?"

Zheng Xiaowen said: "Not yet. We are looking at screenwriters. There are too few reliable screenwriters and too many fake ones. I hope this film will be better."

"I hope it will come true." Zhou Yun said, "The script hasn't come out yet, so it's too early to talk about it."

"It's not too early, I want to decide on the main actors first, and then ask the screenwriter to write a script around several main actors." Zheng Xiaowen said.

"Can this work?" Zhou Yun frowned suspiciously.

Zheng Xiaowen said: "After all, it is a fashion drama, I hope it looks more advanced and more gorgeous."

"But in fact, this kind of theme is easy to shoot. If the production is not invested, the whole set will look cheap. I think many workplace-themed dramas have this problem." Zhou Yun said.

In fact, Zhou Yun himself was looking forward to this drama, but at the same time he was a little worried.

There is no precedent for success in the country.

Fashion itself is picky, and when it comes to film and television dramas, it is even more scrutinized.

And this drama is not created around the concept of fashion, the reason why it was produced is to promote the VX brand.

This is more like a commercial.

So does the artistic value of a play itself have to give way?

Zheng Xiaowen saw the hesitation in Zhou Yun's expression.

"Xiaoyun, are you worried about something?" Zheng Xiaowen asked while holding Zhou Yun's hand.

Zhou Yun thought about it, and decided to tell the truth, put the ugly words first, and act in a play with doubts. No matter what, he couldn't strengthen his determination to do this.

"Sister Xiaowen, I'm thinking, this drama is ultimately to promote the VX brand. We are all just tool people, but will the audience really like this kind of commercial that has a greater promotional effect?"

Zheng Xiaowen said: "Xiaoyun, I know your worries, I want to correct you a little bit, what I most want to promote through this drama is not the VX brand, but VX, it's me, about fashion, about beauty. The understanding of things, and the understanding of the aesthetic way of life. Each of us pursues a kind of beauty in life, which is our most common value and the most common pursuit.”

"Then what does this play really want to convey?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zheng Xiaowen thought for a while and said, "Work hard, be self-disciplined, optimistic, hard-working, aesthetically pleasing, and demanding."

Zhou Yun: "They are all very conceptual words."

"So, I need to decide on the main actors and let the screenwriter write a script around them."

"Propositional composition is dancing in shackles, so it may not be so satisfactory." Zhou Yun said, "You must find a screenwriter who shares the same goals with you, understands your pursuit, understands what you want to say, and has the ability to tell stories. , so that you can tell what you really think.”

Zheng Xiaowen said: "Screenwriter, I will look for it with Mr. He, but for the actors, especially the leading actor, I want to ask for your opinion. Zhou Lan also told me before, you guys Hopefully it's one you guys enjoy working with."

Zhou Lan said: "Obviously we don't want to make love the main storyline of this film. This is the consensus we reached before. At that time, Zhou Yun was the first protagonist, and the role of the male protagonist may even be less than that of the third female lead. Now Actors who are in the first tier will basically not take this drama, but if you just choose a second or third tier actor to fall in love with Zhou Yun in the drama, this will lower Xiaoyun's social status. I would rather choose a pure rookie, Or choose a rookie who has just debuted."

Zheng Xiaowen nodded and said, "I understand what you mean, so do you have any recommendations?"

Zhou Lan said, "We want to audition."

Zheng Xiaowen understood.

"Then organize an audition."

Zhou Lan said: "At the same time, we also hope that you will agree with us in the final choice of the male lead."

Zheng Xiaowen: "Of course I will be consistent with you guys. In this drama, I was originally with... oh, that's what you said."

Zhou Lan said this to prevent He Yong from choosing an inappropriate newcomer in order to use a newcomer within the company.With He Yong's past style, he can do this.The role itself is a flattering role, and whoever plays it can stand out. He Yong's idea is of course that "the fat will not flow into the field of outsiders", but Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun have different ideas.

Since they want to fall in love, then this boy must be appreciated and moved by both of them.

Therefore, Zhou Lan wants to bring Zheng Xiaowen into their bargaining chips. Only in this way can they gain the upper hand in the following games.

After chatting with Zheng Xiaowen and reaching some consensus, Zhou Lan booked a restaurant and invited Zheng Xiaowen to dinner. He also brought the newcomer Wang Jing who had signed before and introduced him to Zheng Xiaowen.

"If there are some opportunities suitable for this child, give her more consideration." Zhou Lan said.

Zheng Xiaowen knew Wang Jing's background and took a look at Zhou Yun. Since Zhou Yun was also present, it meant that Zhou Yun acquiesced.

Zheng Xiaowen values ​​Zhou Yun and is willing to maintain a longer-term cooperative relationship with her.

Any fool can see Zhou Yun's rising momentum.

"No problem, just right, our VX plans to invite some models and celebrities to do a group of street photos. I think her appearance is also in line with our VX aesthetics. Why don't we let her join in?"

Zhou Lan nodded with a smile, and said, "That would be great, Wang Jing, please thank Mr. Zheng soon."

Wang Jing was overjoyed: "Thank you Mr. Zheng, I will work hard."

(End of this chapter)

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