I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 259 Ascension Period: 94

Chapter 259 Ascension Period: 94
Wei Heyun came to find Zhou Yun.

As soon as they met, he had a frustrated face and asked, "What should I do?"

Zhou Yun looked confused and said, "Brother, what should I do?"

Wei Heyun said: "I think I'm in pain now, no matter what I do, Yu Sitian doesn't like me, I think I'm such a failure."

Zhou Yun gasped.

"Brother, if Yu Sitian doesn't like you, you think you are a failure, but if Yu Sitian likes you, it doesn't mean how successful you are? Do you have any misunderstanding about the definition of success and failure?"

Wei Heyun raised his head suddenly, his eyes were fierce, but of course, Zhou Yun was not frightened.

"I'm very upset now, why don't you say something nice to comfort me?"

Zhou Yun was helpless and said, "How do you want me to comfort you?"

Wei Heyun said: "You can tell me how I can catch up with Yu Sitian."

Zhou Yun: "I beg you, how do I know what you need to do to catch up with Yu Sitian?"

Wei Heyun said: "You two are both girls and actresses, and you are about the same age."

Zhou Yun: "But we are not alone."

Wei Heyun: "...Do you just don't want to help me?"

"I don't know how to help. To be honest, no one in this circle wants to please you. If there is a way to help you, who wouldn't help?" Zhou Yun said helplessly, "Wei Heyun, I think you are You can't just think about Yu Sitian, you have to find something to do for yourself, don't you usually have anything else to do?"

"You mean work? I don't need to work." Wei Heyun spoke confidently.

"Look, that's why you're so focused on Sitian." Zhou Yun said, "You have to find yourself a job."

Wei Heyun said: "My family doesn't need me to make money."

Zhou Yun smiled for a few seconds before holding back his eyes, and said: "Work is not just about making money. Of course, I am not qualified to talk to you about such lofty topics as life and value, but you don't Is it something you really want to do? Your childhood ideal, your longing for a certain career, the desire to achieve something, have you more or less experienced this kind of inner impulse?"

Wei Heyun: "...whatever I want, I can get it just by asking."

Zhou Yun: "Okay, I wait for ordinary people to understand."

"But since you said so, yes, I really don't know Si Tian's work very well, and I don't know the specific things you actors do every day. How about it, I'll be your manager for a while. "Wei Heyun's eyes lit up for his whimsical idea, "In this case, I also know what Sitian's working environment is like, and there are more common topics. Don't you girls always say that there are common topics?" ?”

When Zhou Yun heard this, his eyes went dark.

"Brother, don't mess around, I have my own manager, okay? Besides, if you act as my manager, Yu Sitian will only be angry with you." Zhou Yun said, "You must not know it yet, so Yu Sitian Si Tian hates me very much, now you have no hope."

Wei Heyun looked at Zhou Yun melancholy, and said, "Neither this nor that."

Ten thousand Cao Nima galloped past Zhou Yun's heart.

Controlling her temper, she said, "Why do you always look for me?"

Wei Heyun said: "Because...you are not that hypocritical."


"Others never tell me the truth." Wei Heyun smiled contemptuously, "It seems that I just like them to flatter me."

"You don't like it?" Zhou Yun asked.

"That's not true." Wei Heyun changed his face again, "But everyone is flattering me, it's boring, you are more real."

"Haha?" Zhou Yun patted his forehead with one hand, "Am I real?"

If it was [-]% true, she would have told Wei Heyun impatiently to fuck off.

But Wei Heyun obviously wouldn't realize this.

There is one more thing that Wei Heyun would not be aware of, or in other words, even if he knew, he would not care about it.When he appeared beside a woman, he would drag that woman into the vortex of public opinion.

A young man from a family with a background, comes with such features.

Wei Heyun appeared by Zhou Yun's side several times, and this sign slowly spread, and it became the talk of some people.

Guessing goes with the wind.

After all, Wei Heyun's thoughts have been on Zhou Yun all these years, and there are few frivolous news around him.

Zhou Yun was the first one.

Not to mention, Zhou Yun is a female star with a lot of scandals.

In some people's mouth, the words are not so nice.

Such as Su Yan.

How could Su Yan say good things about Zhou Yun?

"Zhou Yun's usual style is like this. Think about it, how many men Zhou Yun has been rumored to have had sex with since his debut, Song Chi, He Yong, Gu Huaichun, Li Ci, and now there is another Wei Heyun, It's only been two years, right? Next time, don't tell me that Zhou Yun is so talented. Oh, talent is so common in the entertainment industry. Without noble people, how can talent be realized? I think Zhou Yun is really amazing, I really admire her, she knows what is the most important at a young age."

This was what Su Yan told others in private.

The words flowed out, with Su Yan's name on them. I don't know if it's true or not, but the effect is astonishing, and the protagonist will not come out to claim or refute.

Zhou Yun laughed angrily when he heard Su Yan's words.

When Wei Heyun came to pester her again, she simply said: "Wei Heyun, can you stop coming to me so frequently next time? Do you know how much trouble you have caused me?"

Wei Heyun asked in surprise: "Did Yu Sitian come to trouble you again?"

Zhou Yun: "It's not Yu Sitian, it's rumors. Many people say that you changed your target and wanted to attack me. Oh, no, it's my ambition that caught your heart."

Wei Heyun laughed loudly when he heard this, patted his legs, and said, "Don't people who say these things have brains? It's too funny."

"What a joke, do you know how much trouble this has caused me?" Zhou Yun said angrily, "You are enough, don't pester me again next time, I don't know how to help you chase Yu Sitian .”

This was the first time that Zhou Yun was a little angry, and his tone became a little annoyed.

Wei Heyun's eyes widened in surprise, he glanced at Zhou Yun incredulously, and said for a while, "If you don't know, you don't know, why are you so fierce?"

Zhou Yun: "Because you brought me a lot of trouble."

In less than two days, Zhou Yun deeply regretted his words.

She didn't understand why she complained to Mr. Kuo, who had problems with his brain circuit: You have caused me a lot of trouble.

She still doesn't understand at this time, Kuo Shao's idea is very simple: then I'll help you solve these troubles.

(End of this chapter)

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