I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 273 Ascension Period: 108

Chapter 273 Ascension Period: 108
The next day, Zhou Yun met with people from VX.

As the founder of the VX brand, Zheng Xiaowen enthusiastically introduced Zhou Yun to the person in charge of the European region.

Zhou Yun is not a global spokesperson, but as VX's newly promoted Chinese spokesperson, the European side has also seen Zhou Yun's information, especially they also know that Zhou Yun was shortlisted for the Venice International Film Festival when he starred in a movie for the first time.This qualification is still very eye-catching.

The person in charge of the European region personally received Zhou Yun and took Zhou Yun for a tour. At noon, Zheng Xiaowen finally rushed over, had lunch together, took a short rest, and started trying on clothes in the afternoon.

The clothes have been tried many times, and the details have been adjusted many times.

This afternoon is mainly to determine which dress to wear on the red carpet at the opening ceremony of the film festival, commonly known as the "battle robe".

After a round of trials, Zhou Yun, Zhou Lan, and Zheng Xiaowen disagreed.

"A lot of people are asking me what Xiaoyun will wear." Zheng Xiaowen smiled and raised her hand to wipe her forehead, "This time the red carpet has received too much attention, and many domestic media have already named the top three Chinese female stars in advance. The headline of the red carpet PK analyzes what kind of style Xiaoyun will appear on the red carpet, and also presents an inventory of Xiaoyun's past red carpet looks."

Zhou Lan said: "Xiaoyun has never missed a red carpet look in the past, and she has also had a few classic looks. It is precisely because of this that this time is also very important, and she cannot miss it."

Zhou Yun himself tends to choose a long sea blue dress, the overall shape is more gentle and ladylike.She thinks this look is closer to the image of the heroine in "Days".

But Zhou Lan felt that this set of looks was not "eye-catching" enough, and only stayed at the level of "ordinary good-looking".

Zheng Xiaowen felt that [-]% of the female stars on the red carpet would dress like this, relying on Zhou Yun's appearance to fight singles. As an Asian who is not the mainstream of media attention, he is actually at a disadvantage.

"This sea-blue mermaid skirt, I think Xiaoyun can wear it on the red carpet at the premiere of "Days"." Zheng Xiaowen said, "When I designed this skirt, I also drew it from the movie "Days" Inspired by the inspiration, I will make a mermaid look for Xiaoyun, and it will look very good with this skirt. The red carpet for the premiere of "Days" is Xiaoyun's red carpet. The focus itself is on Xiaoyun, and the effect will be better a little."

Zheng Xiaowen tends to let Zhou Yun choose a dark red bronzing dress, the overall effect is more bright and moving.

"This look will indeed leave a deeper impression on people. However, Xiaoyun is so bright for the first time, will it appear too aggressive?" Zhou Lan worried, "Besides, Xiaoyun is only two years old. Thirteen years old, I think this outfit can actually be worn at the Chinese Movie Night event, this look is even more eye-catching under the lights at night."

Zheng Xiaowen nodded and said, "You're right, this outfit should be worn at Chinese movie nights."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Now that you have ordered these two dresses, when are you going to wear them, but which dress should I wear on the red carpet at the opening ceremony of the film festival? Aren't we here to discuss this today?"

Zheng Xiaowen looked at the dresses hanging around in the studio and presented in front of them.

The ten dresses were all made by Zheng Xiaowen and her team.

Each set is a different style.

But clothes are like that, there is never any one suit for every occasion.

"What about this one?" Zhou Yun pointed to another fishtail skirt and asked.

"I like this one very much." Zhou Lan nodded and said, "However, it's a bit risky."

"It's okay, it's just an open back." Zhou Yun said, "When I tried it on just now, the expressions of both of you were amazing. Why did you both turn a blind eye to this?"

"We all thought you didn't like this one, and you never wear such revealing ones." Zhou Lan said helplessly, "This kind of fishtail dress with a tube top and a big back is really beautiful. After you wear it It's stunning, the problem is that it's so revealing, we all thought you'd say no."

Zhou Yun said: "Who would refuse if it looks good, I just can't accept see-through costumes."

"I also think this one is good. Xiaoyun's figure is very slim. Wearing this mermaid skirt, the advantages of the proportion of the whole figure can be highlighted. The back is exposed and it gives people a little bit of sex appeal when turned sideways." Zheng Xiaowen Said, "But this skirt is very picky. Xiaoyun's figure and appearance are completely fine, but the reason why I didn't recommend this skirt at the time was also because I was worried that you would have a psychological burden after wearing it. Once you have a psychological burden , People are twitchy, once people are twitchy, no matter how good-looking they are on the red carpet, they will not be generous, and they will appear to have a weak aura."

Zhou Yun thought for a while, looked at Zhou Lan, and said, "Sister Lan, what do you think of me wearing this dress?"

"Very beautiful, and very sexy." Zhou Lan said, "As long as you don't have a psychological burden."

"Okay, then wear this one." Zhou Yun said, "I can do it."

Zhou Yun put on the upper body again.

In order to match the clothes, I changed more than [-] pairs of high heels, and finally chose one.

After trying on the clothes, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan prepared to go back to the hotel together.

Director Wen Bing has checked into the hotel with people from the production company.She made an appointment to have dinner with them.

Walking in the corridor, Europeans come and go, and she and Zhou Lan, two girls with typical Asian looks, are very conspicuous.

Zhou Lan said: "It's more comfortable to stay in China. There is a feeling of unfamiliarity here."

"I think so too." Zhou Yun nodded in agreement.

"Don't think so, I hope you can make more international blockbusters in the future." Zhou Lan said, "Especially Hollywood, they dominate the global film market, if you can break into their A-level productions, yes Your development has great benefits, and your development should not be limited to domestic."

"Okay, okay, it's time for Sister Lan to draw me big cakes again." Zhou Yun joked.

Zhou Lan gave her a blank look, and said, "I'm telling you seriously, the role of playing soy sauce is not interesting, but good roles, especially in the current background, good roles suitable for Asians, are becoming more and more popular. too much."

"Okay, I'll try my best."

"Of course you have to work hard. I heard that Yu Sitian has accepted a European literary film, and she is still the heroine." Zhou Lan said, "Many of your competitors are working hard."

Zhou Yun showed an incredible expression, and asked, "When did Yu Sitian become my competitor?"

"If you mainly follow the film route in the future, then she will definitely become your competitor." Zhou Lan's expression suddenly became serious, "Among the young Xiaohua, her performance in films may not be very good, but her film resources There's no one else like that."

(End of this chapter)

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