I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 285 Ascension Period: 120

Chapter 285 Ascension Period: 120
"In a word, Zhou Yun is a very strong contender for the best actress in this year's Horizon unit!"

Zhou Lan read out a public comment made by one of the media with an unconcealed excitement, his eyes glowing brightly as if lit by a torch.

"Italian Film News commented: If it is still controversial to say whether this movie is ordinary or outstanding, I believe that the actress named Zhou Yun is good."

"Comment on "French Cinema": If "Days" is selected for the main competition, Zhou Yun must be the best actress this year, but unfortunately she can only bring back the trophy for best actress in the horizon unit this time."


Zhou Lan read a series of evaluations from more than a dozen media outlets, and screamed, "Zhou Yun, everyone is praising you."

Zhou Yunru was in a dream, but he was still in a daze.

She couldn't believe it, and asked, "Really?"

Zhou Lan hugged Zhou Yun warmly, "It's true! It's [-]% true!"

Zhou Lan couldn't contain his excitement at all.

She knew that Zhou Yun could act, and she also knew that Zhou Yun was talented. It was a surprise that "Days" was nominated in the horizon section of the Venice International Film Festival, but everything that happened today had appeared in her fantasies countless times, but she didn't dare to have it. Once to really expect it, it will actually happen.

This moment, it happened.

There was a knock on the lounge door.

He Yong's voice came from outside the door: "Xiao Yun, everyone is waiting for you to come out and celebrate together."

Zhou Yun covered his chest, took a deep breath, and said, "I'll be out in five minutes."

She turned her head and looked at Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju.

There were only three of them in the living room.

The faces of Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju were as excited and excited as she was.

Recalling the end of the movie screening, the huge auditorium was quiet.

The silence lasted about five seconds, and Zhou Yun thought it was the longest five seconds in his life so far.

She was uneasy, worried that everyone didn't like this movie, worried that she was immersed in her own self-important world, and this movie was not that good at all.

At the end of the long five seconds, the applause first pattered and then thundered.

At this moment, it was as if the sun pierced through the dark clouds.

Zhou Yun turned his head and looked at Wen Bing.

She knew that at this moment, only Wen Bing was in the same mood as her.

Yao Yuanfeng applauded in surprise, stood up, and looked at everyone in the auditorium. The thunderous applause made him confirm that he thought the movie was good, not just his own opinion.

He stepped forward and hugged Wen Bing tightly, and then hugged Zhou Yun tightly.

"It's great! You are great!" He said excitedly to the two creators.


Zhou Yun pulled his thoughts away from the memories.

She said, "sister Lan, let's go out then."

Zhou Lan nodded and took a deep breath, "Okay, hurry up and sort out the expressions on your face, and don't look too excited."

Zhou Yun's eye sockets were actually a little red.

Red with excitement and excitement.

Pushing open the door, Zhou Yun walked out, and there were many people standing in the corridor.

Every one of them was laughing and clapping.

Their eyes fell on her body and face. Finally, at this moment, Zhou Yun felt a kind of sincere appreciation and respect in their eyes.

It's a completely different feeling.

Yao Yuanfeng rushed in front of her, and unexpectedly hugged Zhou Yun up.

Zhou Yun didn't expect this to happen at all, and let out an exclamation.

Yao Yuanfeng had already carried her around the spot twice before putting her down.

This is crazy exciting.

Zhou Yun stared in shock.

Just like the peasant uprising in ancient times, Yao Yuanfeng suddenly raised his arms and shouted: "Best Actress!"

The people who knew and didn't know laughed and applauded, and some people followed Yao Yuanfeng and shouted: "Best Actress!"

At this moment, all eyes were on Zhou Yun alone.

While Zhou Yun felt ashamed, he had to admit that an inexplicable sense of pride and honor rose from his heart.

She waved her hands and shook her head modestly.

The lively atmosphere enveloped her like mountains and seas.

There is no doubt that the movie "Days" has a good reputation.

It can be seen from several foreign media who questioned why such a film was not shortlisted for the main competition unit that everyone likes this film.

If it wasn't for the fact that there would be awards later on, and the results were still undecided, Yao Yuanfeng would have wished to hold a celebration party right now.

The celebration party cannot be held, but a party is always possible.

After the premiere, many distributors approached and wanted to buy the international distribution rights of "Days".

Yao Yuanfeng is a businessman, and a mature businessman, he understands the principle of waiting for a price, so he did not sell to one of them easily, but continued to build momentum.

With the current word-of-mouth of "Days", it is very likely that it will be able to win the grand prize in the Horizon unit in the future.

If you really want to win an award, then the price will be twice as high as it is now.

Zhou Yun was surrounded by lively crowd and couldn't get away.When she finally found an opportunity and hid in a corner by herself, she realized that there were two missed calls from Song Chi.

Zheng Xiaoju brought over a plate of food and delivered it to Zhou Yun.

"Sister Xiaoyun, eat something to fill your belly first, you haven't eaten since you left the house this morning." Zheng Xiaoju said.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Xiaoju, you take it first, I'll make a phone call."

Zheng Xiaoju nodded, but his expression was a little puzzled, as if he didn't know who Zhou Yun was going to call at this time.

At this time, Zhou Lan came over.

Seeing Zhou Yun walking outside, she immediately sneered knowingly, and said, "Go and call him again, I really can't delay for a moment."

Zheng Xiaoju asked: "Sister Lan, who is Miss Xiaoyun calling?"

Zhou Lan: "Who else can I give it to?"

She gave Zheng Xiaoju a disgusted look, meaning, this question still needs to be asked?

Zheng Xiaoju reacted immediately.

"Oh oh oh oh oh."


Zhou Yun called Song Chi.

"Aren't you asleep yet?" Zhou Yun asked in the first sentence.

Song Chi smiled and hummed.

"I didn't hear the call ahead."

"I know." Song Chi said, "You must be very busy there. I heard that your performance has received unanimous praise. I just want to call to congratulate you."

"I know." Zhou Yun bowed his head with a smile on his lips.

Song Chi said, "You must be very busy over there, so you should take care of your affairs first."

"Song Chi." Zhou Yun suddenly called out.


"At the end of the screening today, when everyone stood up and applauded us, I suddenly thought at that moment, if only you were at the scene."

"I know, me too."

(End of this chapter)

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