I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 287 Ascension Period: 122

Chapter 287 Ascension Period: 122
At this time, someone suddenly said: "Stop talking, Song is late."

Song Chi finished his styling and was walking from the front.

A group of people immediately shut their mouths.

"Xiao Song, are you free tonight?"

When Song Chi passed by them, Fan Zhu took the initiative to ask.

Song Chi stopped and asked, "Sister Zhuzhu, is there something wrong? I have an appointment to talk to someone tonight."

A look of disappointment flashed across Fan Zhu's face, and she said, "It's okay. I thought that if we had time, we could have a meal together. We've been filming together for so many days, and we haven't gotten together yet."

Another person nodded immediately and said, "Yes, none of us have had dinner with Xiao Song yet."

The two people who spoke were old seniors, and it was normal for Song Chi to call Xiao Song.

Others dare not open their mouths.

Not to mention that he is the leading actor in this drama, just talking about Song Chi's status today, it's not like they can "rely on the old and sell the old" to make jokes like Fan Zhu.

Facing the words of the two seniors, Song Chi raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, and said, "Today's time is really unfortunate. I'll ask when it's more convenient later. I'll invite everyone to dinner."

"Oh, then I'll be waiting for this meal! I must eat the meal Song Chi invited."

Song Chi nodded and left.

"You say, Song Chi is such an outstanding young man, what kind of woman will he marry in the end?" Someone looked at Song Chi's back and asked curiously.

Fan Zhu said: "Didn't it mean that he and that Zhou Yun are already very close? They must have fallen in love a long time ago."

"I don't know if they talked about it. They denied it several times. However, Song Chi has not been rumored to have had an affair with anyone for so many years since his debut. It is said that women chase men's interlayer gauze. Yu Sitian likes him so much. Everyone in the circle knew about it, but he was still unmoved, he was not captured by Yu Sitian, Zhou Yun really took him down so easily?"

"Who knows, in terms of image, he and Zhou Yun stand together, they really look like men and women, and they are a good match."

"What a good match. With Song Chi's current status, most popular female stars are really not good enough for him."

"Zhou Yun is not worthy, so if you say live, who else is worthy?" Someone immediately questioned.

"Who knows."

A few people talked and laughed and gossiped.

Fan Zhu stood among the crowd, laughing and laughing with them from time to time.

The words everyone talked about actually made her feel quite harsh.

What does it mean that Zhou Yun is not worthy, who else is worthy?

Song Chi didn't rehearse the play at night, so he asked Wu Chengbao to chat about things.

Since Wu Chengbao became his agent and partner, many of his work began to move forward with all his strength.

Professionals do professional things.After Song Chi set up his own family, he felt the meaning of this sentence even more deeply.

After having Wu Chengbao, Song Chi was freed from many daily chores and only had to focus on a few very core tasks.First, do your job well, acting.Second, judge whether the project prepared by the company should be further promoted, and whether the green light can be given.Third, use the personal connections I have accumulated over the years to escort the company's projects.

Because he was going to have a meeting with Wu Chengbao, Song Chi ordered takeaway to be delivered to his room.

As soon as Wu Chengbao entered the door, he frowned immediately when he saw the takeaway, and said, "I told you earlier, I will hire a nanny and crew for you to take care of your three meals a day, so that it will be healthier and more nutritious to eat. It’s not good to eat too much takeaway.”

Song Chi said: "I usually eat big pot meals in the crew, and the crew specially hired a chef. If I brought a nanny to cook for me, it would be too exaggerated and unnecessary."

"Make yourself more comfortable, how comfortable you can be." Wu Chengbao knew that it would be useless to say more, so he didn't say much.

Song Chi: "Tell me, what problems did you encounter in the play "Mei Ren Yu"?"

Wu Chengbao said: "Originally we gave the green light to the preparation of this play because Mr. Qin Zhong promised to do it, but I just got the news today that Mr. Qin Zhong had a small accident and broke his leg. The plaster was put on, and it will take six months to remove the plaster. If the filming starts according to the original schedule, it will definitely not be filmed, and we have to change people."

Song Chi asked, "What's your opinion?"

Wu Chengbao shook his head and said: "If Mr. Qin Zhong doesn't act in the play "Yu Meiren", I don't really want to promote this project. The subject of a [-]-year-old woman is not as top-notch and well-known as Mr. Qin Zhong. With huge, big-name actors starring, no one is watching."

Song Chi nodded and said, "What about delaying the start-up time?"

"The time of the other people who made the appointment will have to be adjusted accordingly, which will cause a lot of losses." Wu Chengbao said, "The investment in this drama is not high. This adjustment will almost double the cost."

This is a bit of a dilemma.

Song Chi thought about it seriously, and said: "At this time, finding someone to save the scene, not to mention the difficulty of finding an actor who is willing to save the scene, but the effect of the filming may not be optimistic. I think it's better to postpone the start, anyway. This drama takes Yu Meiren as the core role, if the other actors are adjusted and the schedule is not suitable, it is okay to find other actors.”

Wu Chengbao nodded.

"Okay, then I understand."

After talking about the business, Wu Chengbao closed his notebook, smiled, and said, "You told me earlier that you planned to live with Zhou Yun after she came back from Venice. Is this confirmed?"

Song Chi curled up his index finger noncommittally, and rubbed against his brow.

"what happened?"

"If it is confirmed, we have to make a public relations plan. What should we do if we find out that you are cohabiting with her? These things must be thought out in advance, so as not to be caught off guard."

Song Chi: "Let's do it first, it's not cohabitation, it may be that other aspects have been photographed. After all, Xiaoyun and I are really together now."

Wu Chengbao frowned.

He took a careful look at Song Chi, and confirmed that the tone of the bastard just now should be a little smug and showing off.

"If you are really together, you are really together. What are you so proud of?"

Song Chi shrugged, "I'm not proud."

He raised his chin frankly, "Where are you proud?"

"But—" Song Chi seemed to suddenly remember something, and asked, "If I remember correctly, you should still be single?"

Wu Chengbao: "..."

"Eat slowly, I'm leaving." Wu Chengbao got up and left.

It's better to come to this place as little as possible. Seeing Song Chi, a bastard, will cause trouble.

Song Chi: "You didn't get angry and left in anger, did you?"

Wu Chengbao didn't turn his head back, and gave Song Chi a middle finger with his back turned.

Song Chi: "Oh, I don't mean that much. Don't be too sensitive."

Wu Chengbao: "Eat yours."

(End of this chapter)

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