I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 289 Ascension Period: 124

Chapter 289 Ascension Period: 124
"Living together? Are you two going to live together? Are you crazy?"

Zhou Lan's reaction was like a person who was dancing was suddenly splashed with cold water.

Zhou Yun quickly stopped and said, "It's not that we're going to live together soon, it's because he wants me to move in and live together. Am I asking for your opinion? What are you in a hurry for?"

Zhou Lan swept over with a frown and said, "Are you asking for my opinion? If you don't want to go, you won't come to ask for my opinion and refuse! I don't know you yet!"

Zhou Yun: "..."

Sure enough, Zhou Lan knew her well enough.

Zhou Yun asked, "Do you think I can't move there?"

Zhou Lan: "How long have you known him? Let's just live together. What if we quarrel later and have conflicts?"

Zhou Yun: "No matter what happens when two people are together, they will quarrel, right?"

"Then do you think you have reached the point where you can live together? Do you know him enough? Does he know you enough?" Zhou Lan said, "I have no objection to your falling in love, and I don't object to the two of you spending more time together." Take time to get along, but live together... To be honest, Xiaoyun, two people live together, get along day and night, even if you two are very busy, you don't actually spend much time together, but as long as you live together, many shortcomings will be exposed of."

"Everyone has flaws."

"Of course that's the case, but even if you know that everyone has shortcomings, it doesn't mean you can tolerate everyone's shortcomings." Zhou Lan said, "Can you?"

Zhou Yun: "I like him."

"That's because you are showing your best side to each other now." Zhou Lan said, "Why don't you get in touch more, get to know more, and live together again when your relationship develops?"

"Is that why you dislike me and him?"

"Just like why you didn't want to fall in love with Song Chi at this time." Zhou Lan sighed and said seriously, "It only takes a moment for two people to erase the spark, and it only takes a short day for two people to appreciate each other. , Two people love each other, only need a hormonal impulse, two people want to fall in love, only need a love holiday, but two people want to get along, get along forever, it is a very long process."

"" You didn't want to fall in love with him at the beginning because you didn't have the confidence to expose your love to the eyes of the public and the media, so now how can you have the confidence to overcome obstacles with him and overcome so many couples? What about the many problems that will be exposed and generated after two people get together? "

"Let me tell you the truth, Zhou Yun, don't think that all celebrities are like you just because you don't have much to do and have a good temper. Let me tell you, my biggest feeling in this industry is that [-]% Ninety-nine stars have various problems such as narcissism, arrogance, ignorance of others, self-centeredness, etc. I don’t think you can be willing to compromise for each other at this stage.”

Zhou Lan's words were so serious that every sentence was drilled into Zhou Yun's heart.

After a long silence, she said, "Song Chi said that we are usually very busy and spend too little time together. Because we want to be together more, the only thing we can do now is to live together."

Zhou Lan was silent.

"Sister Lan, the love that gets together less and leaves more will inevitably come to an end. This is what I think. He and I are just ordinary people. If our love is separated by mountains and seas, we can persist for half a year, persist for a year, but we can be separated. Has Shanhai persisted for many years?" Zhou Yun smiled dispiritedly, "You know, at least for the next five years, I can't be idle, and neither can he."

Zhou Lan: "I know."

"So I understand what he said, and spend as much time as possible." Zhou Yun lowered his head and smiled, "Sister Lan, let me tell you secretly, you are not allowed to tell anyone, especially Song Chi .”


"Do you know why I think what he said is right? Because this time I came to Venice, I actually complained secretly in my heart, although it was only for a short while, although I also knew that it was very wrong for me to complain like this, although I knew Once this matter is said, no one will think that I am right in thinking so, but I still can't help complaining, if only Song Chi could put down his work and come to accompany me desperately. You know what? When I realized that I had this idea, it was like being struck by lightning. I suddenly thought, in fact, I haven’t thought about it before, why doesn’t Song Chi come to see me more times? Why doesn’t he come more How about staying with me for a while? He is already so good and has achieved so much, can't he take a little less work for me? It's a selfish idea, right? Although I also feel sorry that I don't have time to accompany him, but Most of the time I still blame him, most of the time I don't even realize I'm blaming him. So, if it goes on like this, I think we're going to break up pretty soon.”

Zhou Lan looked at Zhou Yun in surprise.

"I didn't expect the problem between the two of you to be so serious? I thought you two were inseparable in your relationship now."

Zhou Yun: "It's not that serious. I just described to you the thoughts that have arisen in my heart. It rarely occurs, but it has occurred, and it is inevitable. As I continue to be so busy with him, we will get together less and leave more. , After that, there will definitely be a date that was delayed by other things, let the other party dove, once or twice can be forgiven, once more, no amount of understanding can stop the feeling of complaining, whether it is to him or to myself. "

Zhou Lan: "When you say that, I suddenly feel that it's the right decision for the two of you to live together."

Zhou Yun laughed.

"It's so difficult. Living together has to face the test of exposing each other's shortcomings, and not living together has to face the test of getting together less and leaving more. I feel that this is not a relationship, but a big adventure."

Zhou Lan: "I also didn't expect you two to be so old-fashioned when you fall in love at such a young age."

"Then what do you say?"

"Don't ask me, make your own decision." Zhou Lan said, "Tell me when you have made a decision, and I will make a public relations plan for you."

The two were talking, when suddenly, Zheng Xiaoju knocked on the door, stuck a small head in, and said, "Sister Lan, Sister Xiaoyun, Mr. Yao is here."

Yao Yuanfeng?
Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun looked at each other.

What is Yao Yuanfeng doing here at this time?
When people came, they had no choice but to put aside what happened just now and go outside to meet Yao Yuanfeng.

Yao Yuanfeng came with his wife.

Zhou Lan was relieved to see that there were two of them.

She smiled and asked, "Mr. Yao came to see us so late, what do you have to say?"

 Ask for tickets, friends who are following up, raise your hand
(End of this chapter)

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