I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 297 Ascension Period: 132

Chapter 297 Ascension Period: 132
Song Chi had to catch the evening flight back to the set.

In the middle of the night, Zhou Yun had no choice but to send him downstairs.

"Li Ge, thank you for your hard work." Zhou Yun said to the "driver".

Li Ge smiled and said, "I've gotten used to it long ago, this dog likes to order people around."

The dog thing is naturally Song Chi.

Song Chi got into the car, suddenly lowered the window, and said to Zhou Yun, "Don't forget that you still have one answer you haven't given me."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

The answer about whether to move in together.

Zhou Yun said, "Then shall I answer you now?"

Song Chi: "When I finish filming, come out from the set."

After speaking, he immediately put the window up.

Zhou Yun: "..."

The night wind is a bit cool.

Zhou Yun only wore short sleeves, and the wind blew on his arms, making them feel cool.

She watched the car leave, turned and went upstairs.

"Sister Lan, I'll go back then." She took her things and was about to leave.

Zhou Lan said: "Why don't you rest at my place tonight, anyway, you won't have work tomorrow."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I'd better go back to sleep and wake up naturally tomorrow."

Zhou Lan nodded and said, "Then I'll see you off, Xiaoju, will you sleep with me tonight or go back?"

Zheng Xiaoju scratched his head and said, "Let me go back together, I will have dinner with Brother Xiaoze tomorrow."

"Yo, you got an appointment again so soon?" Zhou Lan clicked his tongue, "Are you young after all?"

Zheng Xiaoju waved his hands, blushing and said, "Sister Lan, we are really just friends."

Zhou Lan let out a noncommittal oh.

It seems that I still don't believe it.

Zhou Yun went home, took his luggage from the apartment manager, went upstairs, and entered the house.

I haven't come back for more than [-] days, but the house is still clean. It should be that Sister Lan sent someone to clean it in advance.

Zhou Yun put down his luggage, not wanting to pack it up at this time.

She walked into the bedroom, took a change of clothes, took a shower, then turned on the floor lamp next to the sofa, read for about two hours, then picked up the phone, sent a message to Song Chi, and asked: Are you there yet?
Song Chi didn't reply for a long time, probably because the plane hadn't landed yet.

Zhou Yun was free for a while and wanted to open Weibo.

When the finger moved to the small Weibo icon, it suddenly stopped.

After thinking about it, forget it.

At night, don't leave to make your mood fluctuate.

Zhou Yun spoke clearly and logically, but he couldn't maintain his objectivity and wit at all.

After a while, she felt sleepy and yawned.

Looking at the time, it was almost midnight.

Zhou Yun thought, Song Chi hasn't arrived yet?
Couldn't be something wrong?

Just when this thought grabbed her heart, the phone vibrated.

It was Song Chi's message: The plane just landed, are you asleep?

A heart that had just been suspended returned to its place.

Zhou Yun said: Waiting for your news, already sleepy.

Song Chi sent a good night emoji: Go to sleep.

Zhou Yun held the phone, thought for a while, and wanted to say something, but he didn't have anything special to say.

She just had a lingering emotion in her heart at this moment.

She could only hide her emotions a little bit, and replied: When you arrive, let me know, I will go to bed first.

Probably because of this matter in his heart, Zhou Yun, who seldom wakes up in the middle of the night, woke up again at one o'clock in the morning this night. He took his phone and looked at it. When he saw Song Chi talking about it, his heart was at ease, and he didn't reply. In a word, put down the phone and continue to sleep peacefully.

(End of this chapter)

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