I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 307 Ascension Period: 142

Chapter 307 Ascension Period: 142
This time, no matter how much Zhou Yun pestered Zhou Lan, Zhou Lan strictly kept his word and refused to disclose any information about that person.

Zhou Yun had no choice but to give up.

Zhou Lan: "There is still some time, you sit down, and I will tell you about some of the next itinerary."

"Oh." Zhou Yun sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, pretending to be listening obediently.

Zhou Lan said: "Once the National Day holiday is over in October, you will join the filming of "Gentle Pony". I will not arrange work for you so that you can prepare for the film "Gentle Pony" with peace of mind, but after the filming of "Gentle Pony", the company has arranged three live broadcast events for you. I know, Double Eleven, this job can make a lot of money in the future, and the company can't stop making money forever."

Zhou Yun nodded, expressing his understanding.

"In addition to the three live broadcasts, there is also an evening performance. You are going to sing a song, but you are not very good at singing, so I also communicated with the other party. The other party said that we can record and modify the sound in advance. When the time comes for the live broadcast Play the recorded version." Zhou Lan said.

When Zhou Yun heard it, he shook his head quickly and said, "No, I won't fake it."

"You're not a singer. Lip-singing is very common in this industry." Zhou Lan said, "You don't have to worry about it, it's not your specialty."

"No, lip-syncing is definitely not allowed, I'd rather go on stage and show my face." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan: "...that will affect your image."

"What kind of image?" Zhou Yun said, "I have never established an image that sings well."

"Now in the eyes of the audience, are you a proper goddess?"

"Goddess? That will break their illusions even more." Zhou Yun took Zhou Lan's hand and said affectionately: "Sister Lan, you also know what kind of person I am in private, so don't pack it for me. Goddess image."

"Brands such as VX and Jinling Jewelry don't want to find a female star who is not popular with the public as a spokesperson. You see, some funny female stars are so popular and popular with the audience. Why doesn't she have any jewelry or clothing endorsements? Yes. Is she not popular enough?" Zhou Lan said, "Xiao Yun, the image of an artist is very important, and one hair will affect the whole body. If one is not careful, the loss will be serious."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said: "Leaving aside the matter of the funny female star, but I don't think it will affect my image if I sing badly, and I'm not the type who can't sing at all, and I'm tone-deaf. At most, the singing is not so good, I hope to be as authentic as possible, if not, at least not fake, I really don’t want to fake it, it has something to do with my professional ethics.”

Zhou Lan did not expect to have a conflict with Zhou Yun on this matter.

There is one thing to say, lip-syncing is really nothing in the current environment.

In a live broadcast of a party, the number of people who actually sang cannot exceed the number of fingers in two slaps.

"Okay, then I'll find you an instructor. You have to study hard and practice hard. If you really go on stage and you still go out of tune, don't blame me for turning off your microphone and let the recording be played in the background." Zhou Lan said helplessly.

Zhou Yun: "You shouldn't have given me singing jobs, you know I'm not good at singing."

(End of this chapter)

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