I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 337 Her Compromise

Chapter 337 Her Compromise
Is Liu Yuqian testing?

After Liu Yuqian left, Zhou Yun thought so for the first time.

Last night, she heard Liu Yuqian's voice.

This proves that when she met Meng Ran, the two of them were very close to Liu Yuqian.

This also meant that Liu Yuqian must have known that she and Meng Ran were nearby at that time.

Liu Yuqian was nervous and scared, and wanted to know if the matter between herself and Shen Yao had been exposed, so she came to test, did she find anything unusual last night?


A doubt emerged from Zhou Yun's mind.

What kind of audacity did Liu Yuqian and Shen Yao have to "whisper" in the warehouse on the set?
Zhou Yun really couldn't understand.

Even if no one is going to the warehouse, it's still on the set.

After a while, Wen Zhiliang came.

He came to communicate with Zhou Yun about the shooting of the next scene.

Zhou Yun has already demonstrated his full acting ability, so Wen Zhiliang will communicate with Zhou Yun once before shooting each scene to understand Zhou Yun's thoughts, and then communicate his thoughts with Zhou Yun.

Most of the time, their opinions can still reach a consensus.

Their requirements for this play are the same.

The next scene to be filmed is the one in which Dong Zhimei, played by Zhou Yun, is ridiculed by Liu Yuqian.

The next morning, when Shen Yao went out from Zhou Yun's house, Liu Yuqian was very angry and satirized Zhou Yun as a prostitute.

The two women face each other.

In fact, Zhou Yun didn't like this scene very much. In her opinion, this scene was quite boring, but it was really exciting to watch.

The tit-for-tat drama of two women is born with a dramatic tension.

What Wen Zhiliang meant was that he wanted Zhou Yun to act with more tension.

But Zhou Yun has a different idea in this regard.

She felt that Dong Zhimei was not someone who would yell at Liu Yuqian's character, but Wen Zhiliang wanted to make this scene a tear.

"If Dong Zhimei was a person who could fight with others, she wouldn't have talked for so long with the man she liked the night before." Zhou Yun said, "Deep in her heart, she should be a person who thinks of herself. She looked down on the very tall people, and the other women in the shampoo shop. She thought from the bottom of her heart that she was different. So she was made to scold, fight, and even tear her hair because of Liu Yuqian's sarcasm. , This is too strange, the basic logic of the characters is contradictory."

Wen Zhiliang said: "I know that what you want to accomplish is the expression of a character, but this scene is so good-looking. After all, this is still a comedy movie. In the normal broadcast sequence of the movie, the previous scene is already You talked with Brother Shen about the heart-to-heart literary drama. If you still follow the literary style at this time, our movie will have no comedy effect in this area. Do you understand what I mean? There is only a strong contrast between the front and the back. After chatting with Brother Shen at night, after you are irritated by Liu Yuqian in the next second, wrestling with her regardless of appearance will have an effect."

Zhou Yun understood what Wen Zhiliang meant.

Zhou Yun was somewhat conflicted.

Want to stick to your own approach?
To be honest, she didn't want to ruin Dong Zhimei like this.The night before, Dong Zhimei failed to seduce Pony, and instead had a heart-to-heart chat with Pony Ye, which had already completed a reversal of the character's image. In this shot, the image that had just been reversed was reversed again, which was a more thorough uglification.

But what Wen Zhiliang said is not wrong. According to what he said, there will be more frequent laughs.

Dong Zhimei's reversal will also have a more comedic effect.


"In the end, I respected his wishes." After Zhou Yun finished filming the scene, he called Zhou Lan and said, "He is the director."

Zhou Lan said: "This is a commercial film, you can't complete your artistic expression [-]%."

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "I'm just a little unwilling."

Zhou Lan smiled and said, "It's okay, you've already done better than many people."

"Such words can't comfort me at all." Zhou Yun said, "I never want to compare myself with others."

"I know you have high demands on yourself, but every play is an art of compromise." Zhou Lan said, "In the future, as your own artistic outlook takes shape, there will be more and more conflicts like this. You should listen to I said that many big stars have high requirements and are not easy to serve, right? In fact, this is the case. When they reach their stage, they all have their own requirements and standards. If they do not meet their requirements and standards, they will not accept it. .They'll be called carping, and they'll be called tyrants, and so on."

Zhou Yun: "Then I wouldn't be like this."

Zhou Lan said with a smile: "You are not like this now, but maybe in the future."

Zhou Yun: "Then I still have to remind myself all the time."

"Is "Warm Little Pony" almost finished?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun hummed, and said, "I still have a few scenes to wrap up here, and the movie is indeed going fast."

Zhou Lan said: "Hurry up and finish the job, there are many jobs waiting for you."

Zhou Yun: "...When you put it that way, I don't expect it to end at all."

"Haha, that won't work, how many cooperations are waiting in line for you." Zhou Lan said, "Also, Song Chi is already planning to find someone to move you."

"What?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "What's going on?"

Zhou Lan said: "Didn't you agree to live with him? He has already contacted the moving company, and he will help you move your things to his house on the day you wrap up."

Zhou Yun hadn't heard anything from Song Chi before.

"So fast? He never told me."

"I guess I want to surprise you." Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun: "...I thought there was still a buffer period."

"There's still a buffer period, come on." Zhou Lan said, "But that's fine, you go live with Song Chi, and your apartment can be cleaned up for Wang Jing to live in."

"Wang Jing doesn't have an apartment now?"

"Yes, but the conditions are not as good as yours. The apartment you live in is the best apartment in the entire company." Zhou Lan said, "Xu Siyao has been coveting it all the time and has already greeted the company. When will you move out?" , she's moving in."

Zhou Yun sneered when he heard this, and said, "Then if we do this, won't she be so angry?"

"Let her die. She deserved it for doing so many immoral things." Zhou Lan said, "Now she has made many people complain, and everyone in the circle is almost shouting and beating."

"How long has it been? What did she do?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

She knew that Xu Siyao was not a good person, but being able to make everyone in the circle shout and beat her was not something ordinary people possessed.

Zhou Lan said: "She and Chen Wenjun are officially together, relying on Chen Wenjun's backing, she has robbed several other people's plays, and even bought sunspots to attack competitors and compete for endorsements."

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(End of this chapter)

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