Chapter 361 Go on
"He Yong is really a dog."

On the phone, Zhou Yun scolded unceremoniously.

Song Chi smiled and said, "Isn't that what he is? He will arrange such a manuscript. He probably saw your recent "Days" box office hit, and was worried that those big companies would rob you and let the wind out in advance. Issuing this kind of press release makes the industry think that your relationship with him has already been mended, after were a little unhappy with him at the beginning, and many people knew about it."

Zhou Yun asked: "But it is true that no one has come to poach me so far. Why?"

Song Chi said: "Back then He Yong and Lu Yicheng were fighting for power. At that time, you very simply helped He Yong film "Fixing the Storm". Many people thought that they would not be able to poach you without paying a big price."

"I understand now." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

Song Chi: "The strength of Chengqian Entertainment is not bad, and He Yong is also capable. He can basically eliminate your competitors. For you at this stage, it is indeed a good partner. They need you , can also provide what you need."

Zhou Yun nodded and said: "Yes, but my contract was only signed for five years, and it will expire soon in two more years. By then, I will be twenty-six years old. You said I was with thousands of people. Renewal, or what?"

"He Yong asked you to talk about this topic?" Song Chi asked.

"I mentioned it, but I didn't take it up, and I didn't think about it myself."

"It's too early to think about these things now. You may have reached a higher level in two years. At that time, you will have more choices." Song Chi said, "There is no need to make a decision so early."

Zhou Yun hummed and said, "You're right."

Song Chi: "I still have something to do here, so I'll hang up first and talk about it when I get back tonight. By the way, will you be back tonight?"

"I'll be back, how about you?"

"Well, I can go back in the afternoon, what do you want to eat?"

"Are you cooking dinner?"

"Okay, what do you want to eat?"

Song Chi had practiced good cooking skills before filming.

Zhou Yun said: "You can help me make it, I don't have any special requirements, as long as it tastes good."

"okay, I get it."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun stretched and leaned back.

Zheng Xiaoju brought back the takeaway coffee he ordered just now, and delivered it to Zhou Yun.

"Sister Xiaoyun, have you finished calling Brother Chi?"

"It's over." Zhou Yun nodded, "I'm so mad."

Zheng Xiaoju pulled up a chair, sat down beside Zhou Yun, and said, "Don't be angry, my mother said, you are so popular now, there must be many ghosts and snakes around you who want to get close to you, use you, and tell me that I must Be careful, you must not be used as a gun."

Zhou Yun said, "Auntie is so kind."

As Zhou Yun's assistant, Zheng Xiaoju can also enjoy a lot of benefits.For example, a gift from a brand.It's okay to keep these things, but some people want to inquire about Zhou Yun's secret information from Zheng Xiaoju, such as Zhou Yun's preferences, Zhou Yun's weaknesses, the projects he is discussing, and the resources he is contacting.Zheng Xiaoju stayed by Zhou Yun's side as an assistant, and a lot of information he had mastered was a kind of precious resource, and others were willing to spend a lot of money to buy it.

That's what Zheng Xiaoju's mother meant when she said "don't be used as a gun".

"By the way, Miss Xiaoyun, I just saw that the total box office of "Days" exceeded [-] million." Zheng Xiaoju said.

Zhou Yun: "Really? I thought it couldn't be broken."

Although "Days" is indeed very popular in terms of topicality, its box office journey is still coming to an end.

Zhou Yun didn't even expect to break [-] million.

This is already a box office miracle in the industry.

At this moment, Zhou Yun's cell phone rang, and she saw that it was the good news that Yao Yuanfeng's "Days" broke [-] million at the box office.

During this period of time, Yao Yuanfeng always sent some news from time to time, mainly focusing on the good news from "Days", and properly held Zhou Yun back, and asked him about his health.

But what Zhou Yun didn't expect was that Yao Yuanfeng would actually want to make the second part of "Days".

He came to meet Zhou Yun specifically to talk about this matter.

They said this in the backstage lounge of a show recording site.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "This movie has such a good score, and the audience's voice for watching the second movie is also very loud."

Zhou Yun was shocked.

It never occurred to her that there would be a second film for the movie "Days".

And to be honest, she didn't really want to shoot.

"What's Director Wen's opinion?" she asked.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "I haven't talked to Wen Bing about this matter yet, I thought I'd ask you first, this show wouldn't work without you."

He rubbed his hands and said enthusiastically, "This movie will be the second one, and the box office will definitely not be bad."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said: "The success of this film is entirely based on Director Wen's conception and shooting. If Director Wen wants to shoot, I will think about it. If Director Wen doesn't shoot, I will definitely not shoot."

"Xiaoyun, don't reject me directly. I am very sincere in coming this time. As long as you are willing to act in the second part this time, I can give you a salary of 1500 million. This is definitely the highest salary in the market right now. " Yao Yuanfeng said very seriously.

Zhou Yun was taken aback by Yao Yuanfeng's price.

Compared with the first part, this salary has been more than ten times higher.

"Boss Yao, I'm stunned by your generosity," she said.

With such a generous salary, it would be a lie for Zhou Yun to say that he was not tempted.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "So, I am really sincere. He Yun still has a lot of stories to discover, the story of her with her new boyfriend, or the story of her reunion with the leading actor of "Days". Audiences loved the movie so much they couldn't wait for the second installment, and if you search the internet you'll see how many viewers want a sequel."

Zhou Yun was moved by Yao Yuanfeng's words.

When I made the movie "Days", I only shot it for two weeks, and it was indeed a bit unsatisfactory.

It was a very happy and creative time.

If he could work with Wen Bing on the second part, Zhou Yun would actually like it too.

But what if Wen Bing is unwilling?
Zhou Yun intuitively felt that Wen Bing would not be willing.

This movie has a very different personal memory for Wen Bing.This story is based on Wen Bing's own story. I don't know if Wen Bing will be willing to completely fabricate the second part on this basis.

Zhou Yun struggled and hesitated for a while, but said firmly: "Mr. Yao, I still mean as before. As long as Director Wen Bing wants to make a film, I am willing to continue acting in the second film. But if Director Wen Bing does not want to make a film, I... I don't have the confidence to continue He Yun's story."

(End of this chapter)

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