I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 366 Unpredictable

Chapter 366 Unpredictable
Inside the car, a closed space.

Zhou Yun looked at Liu Qingqing and asked, "Should we be able to talk now?"

Liu Qingqing said: "It's really hard to say about this."

Zhou Yun saw her suddenly twitching, frowned in doubt, and said, "Then do you want to say it? If you don't, you get out of the car."

Liu Qingqing stared at Zhou Yun in surprise.

"You, why are you so rough? Can't you give me a little time?"

Zhou Yun looked at her helplessly and said, "We should all be busy, right? What exactly do you want to say, just tell me directly, okay?"

Only then did Liu Qingqing say: "I have encountered something and may need your help."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun looked at Liu Qingqing with astonishment.

She really couldn't imagine that Liu Qingqing needed her help with anything.

"Then tell me," she said.

Liu Qingqing sighed melancholy and said, "That's right, I'm pregnant."

Zhou Yun frowned in surprise.

This news was too...to be caught off guard!

what's going on?Liu Qingqing suddenly became pregnant?What Zhou Yun didn't expect was why Liu Qingqing came to her for help in this matter?What can she do to help?She is not close to her, nor is she a friend.

Unbelievable, too unbelievable.

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment, and asked cautiously, "Whose does your child belong to? Chen Wenjun's, or your boyfriend's?"

Liu Qingqing immediately stared and said, "Of course it's Li Qi's. I've stopped dating Chen Wenjun a long time ago. How could it be his?"

"I don't remember when you broke up." Zhou Yun said.

"Do you think my belly looks like I've been pregnant for a long time?" Liu Qingqing rolled her eyes angrily.

"Since you are all pregnant, don't get excited, just calm down." Zhou Yun pressed Liu Qingqing's thigh with one hand, lest she would jump up in the car due to excitement, "Also, you said you were looking for I help, what do you want me to do?"

Liu Qingqing took a deep breath and sighed again.

"I want to give birth to this child." Liu Qingqing said to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised, Liu Qingqing actually wanted to give birth to the child at this time?real or fake?Although Liu Qingqing's development this year is a bit rough, but, no matter what, this stage is her rising period, and it is also the time for her to flex her muscles.To be honest, when Zhou Yun heard Liu Qingqing say that she was pregnant, his first reaction was, you didn't even take protective measures in this matter?

Zhou Yun looked at her in a daze, and asked, "So, why did you tell me about this? What do you want me to do?"

Liu Qingqing suddenly grabbed Zhou Yun's hand and said, "I want to ask you for help, let me play a pregnant woman in your play."

"What, what?" Zhou Yun was shocked.

"I can't let my agency know that I am pregnant, otherwise, they will definitely not support me to give birth to the child. I have to hide it from them and others. I can only think of acting as a pregnant woman to hide it. In the past." Liu Qingqing grasped Zhou Yun's hand, looked at her pleadingly, and said, "The only way I can think of now is to go to the play you starred in and act as a pregnant woman. Only then can you hide it from other people's eyes, can you?"

Zhou Yun felt like his heart was about to jump out.

Where is Liu Qingqing asking her for help?This is looking for her to detonate a mine!

"How can this kind of thing be kept secret? What are you thinking?!" Zhou Yun said in shock, "You will always give birth one day, what should you do? Give birth in the crew? After giving birth? Hide the baby ? Do you think you can completely hide it from your company?"

"As long as I keep it a secret for the first few months, they won't be able to force me to abort this child." Liu Qingqing said persistently.

"As long as you want to keep this child, no one can force you to kill this child. This is not a feudal era!" Zhou Yun said, "Liu Qingqing, don't be fooled, you think this is a TV series? ? Being pregnant and still being able to hide it in front of everyone? It’s not realistic at all, you will have a reaction when you are pregnant, it’s not just a big belly.”

Liu Qingqing's eyes suddenly turned red.

She said aggrievedly: "But if I let my company know that I am pregnant now, I will definitely be excluded from the company's resource allocation. At this time, I must not let them know about it, or the next time I come, I will definitely be excluded." For two years, I can't get anything! I just need to hide it for three months, and I will recover as quickly as possible and get back to work."

"Wait, Liu Qingqing, listen to what I said clearly. You may be able to hide your pregnancy for a month or two months, but you can't hide it for several months." Zhou Yun said, "You have an assistant by your side. There are agents, and in the next period of time, it is impossible for you not to meet with them."

"The assistant is mine." Liu Qingqing said, "When I'm filming, the agent usually doesn't come to me. Please help me, okay? Only you and I can trust, and everyone else will leak my information." secret."

"How do you know I can't?" Zhou Yun looked at this hot potato and said, "What if I turn around and tell the story?"

Liu Qingqing shook her head: "I know you won't."

"Okay, Liu Qingqing, I admit, I won't tell this matter, because I don't want to get burned, I don't want to cause trouble, but I'm not related to you, I won't help you, the reason is I tell you Having said that, I don't believe you can hide it, I sincerely advise you to have a good talk with the company." Zhou Yun said, "Prepare early."

Liu Qingqing clenched her teeth.

"You just won't help me, do you?"

"This kind of help doesn't make any sense."

"Zhou Yun, you do me this favor, and I will remember it forever." Liu Qingqing's fingers tightened on Zhou Yun's palm, "Help me once."

The more Liu Qingqing was like this, the more uneasy Zhou Yun felt.

"Sorry." Zhou Yun shook his head.

Liu Qingqing looked at Zhou Yun in disbelief. After a while, she sneered, turned around and got out of the car.

"Let's go." Liu Qingqing said to her assistant.

Zhou Yun watched their leaving backs and remained silent.

Zheng Xiaoju and Cao Jun got into the car.

Zheng Xiaoju immediately asked: "Sister Xiaoyun, what did Liu Qingqing want to say to you?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "It's nothing."

She abides by what she just said, this secret, she will not reveal it to others.

However, what she said just now was what she thought in her heart. How long can she keep Liu Qingqing's secret?By acting as a pregnant woman to hide the fact that she really became a pregnant woman, how many people can she hide?

Zhou Yun was not optimistic, she sighed with concern.

(End of this chapter)

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