Chapter 372
Early in the morning, the morning fog was still pervasive in every corner of the city, and early risers were already running.

With her ponytail tied and earphones on, Zhou Yun ran along a path she had groped out a few days ago, and stopped at the entrance of a breakfast shop.

At this point, the sky is not yet bright, and it is gray.

The freezing air made the city look as if it was still asleep.

The street lamps all looked sleepy.

After Zhou Yun bought his breakfast, he walked back slowly panting. When he entered the door, Song Chi just came out of the house.

"Go out for a run in such cold weather? Why don't you just run in the gym?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun put the breakfast on the dining table and said, "I prefer to breathe natural air."

Song Chi smiled and said, "Let me tell you, the air is usually the dirtiest at this time."

"It's okay. I've picked a route suitable for running. After searching for days, I finally found a route that perfectly avoids the driveway." Zhou Yun blushed and panted.

Song Chi's eyes moved involuntarily to Zhou Yun's chest.

Zhou Yun noticed Song Chi's gaze and rolled his eyes.

"Brush your teeth and go."

Song Chi swallowed, shrugged, and went obediently.

Zhou Yun poured himself a glass of water and drank it mutteringly.

After brushing his teeth, Song Chi came out and asked, "Do you have work this morning?"

"Read the script at home in the morning." Zhou Yun said, "There is a shooting in the afternoon."

Song Chi nodded and said, "I have a video conference in the morning."

"Then you are busy with your work, I'll take a shower first." Zhou Yun said, "You eat first, I bought meat pie and soy milk."

When Zhou Yun came out of the shower, Song Chi was already fully dressed and sitting at the table.

White shirt, black trousers, neatly combed hair, holding soy milk in his hand, like a model shooting a soy milk commercial.

Zhou Yun walked over, sat down opposite him, and said, "Isn't there a video conference in the morning? Why are you dressed so formally?"

"It's not a video conference within the company." Song Chi smiled slightly, "It still needs to be more formal, and I'll use the study later?"

"Well, you can use it, I'll just read the script on the balcony." Zhou Yun said, "I'm hungry, I have to eat two meatloaf this morning."

Zhou Yun had an unlovely expression on his face.

"When I wanted to eat before, I couldn't eat more in order to keep my figure, but now I need to grow some meat and I need to eat more, and I can't eat anymore." She pursed her mouth, "Why are people so contradictory?"

Song Chi looked at Zhou Yun carefully, and said, "You have a small frame, so it's more difficult than ordinary people to hang meat."

Zhou Yun looked at Song Chi's thin face, as if he could play a vampire at any time with just a layer of powder, and asked with envy, "Have you ever gained weight for a certain movie?"

"Yes, but the response to the film was mediocre in the end, and people didn't mention it much after it was released. Many people didn't know about the film." Song Chi said, "But I took a little longer to prepare than you at that time. There were two months to prepare."

"I only have more than ten days, what if I can't gain weight in the end?" Zhou Yun was worried, "Xue Qin's requirements are very strict, maybe she will complain about me again, saying that I am unprofessional and undedicated. Can't sacrifice for the role."

"What kind of person is Xue Qin?" Song Chi asked curiously, "From your description before, it seems that this person is very bad, but you still care about her opinion."

"She is the director, of course I care about her opinion." Zhou Yun pouted, "Although she is indeed a bad tempered person, she is not bad either. You have read this script, she wrote it herself. Don't you also say, if the protagonist of this script is a male character, would you also want to act?"

Song Chi laughed.

"why are you laughing?"

"Didn't you notice? Although you were complaining about her, when I said she was bad, you started to defend her again." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun wanted to deny this subconsciously, but he swallowed the words.

She can't lie to herself.

Song Chi was right.

Song Chi said, "It seems that there is still something you appreciate about her."

"Oh, you are right." Zhou Yun nodded, "To be honest, she is really talented."

Song Chi nodded, "That's enough. Many directors are not very good-tempered, but this does not affect their ability to make good movies. Xue Qin is the first time to be a director, and she knows that she must be nervous Yes, the requirements are high, and all aspects want to meet the highest standards, which is also normal."

Zhou Yun nodded.

After breakfast, Song Chi cleared the table and went into the study.

Zhou Yun took the script and sat on the balcony.

The sun came out today, the sun came in, and the entire balcony was filled with golden sunlight.

She sat lazily on the balcony and read the script.

The script of "Words of Fallen Leaves" is really well written, as is Wen Duoyan's character.

Among the characters that Zhou Yun has played before, only the shampoo girl in "Warm Little Pony" can have some similarities with Wen Duoyan.

But she was only a supporting role in that play, and there was really not much room for her to play, but in "Words of Fallen Leaves", there was a lot of space to show Wen Duoyan.

The core of this story is actually the title.

There is a word called Fallen Leaves Returning to Roots, and the words of fallen leaves actually refer to Wen Duoyan, a Chinese who went abroad when she was very young. When she returns to her homeland one day, the many stories that happened to her and the many thoughts deep in her heart something to say.

Such a story is most afraid of being particularly sensational, or that the values ​​​​are correct.

It's not that this kind of shooting is wrong, but it's just me who is moved by this kind of shooting.

Not everyone has the experience of leaving their hometown, but everyone must have a moment when they can't bear their hometown.

Compared with the love in adolescence, the relationship in marriage, or various stories and emotions that we can easily see, this kind of "big" relationship is often difficult to describe.

It is difficult to describe in words, and it is easy to become a sensational shout.

It is difficult to describe in pictures, and it is easy to become a deliberate propaganda pictorial.

It is also difficult to describe in the film, and it is easy to become a PPT that touches you and me.

The preciousness of "Words of Fallen Leaves" lies in the fact that it tells a series of stories about a young woman after returning to China, without any special development. Relatives of bloodlines have conflicts, and after a while, my temper will go up and I will leave, and I will be blocked by a man for revenge. It seems that it is all those bloody things in life. From the perspective of the flow of life, it's perfectly fine, but just behind these incidents, Zhou Yun can very keenly feel an emotion similar to nostalgia in Wen Duoyan.

This emotion actually runs through the entire script.

Throughout the story of the script, Wen Duoyan never said "I love" or "I stay". She is not a person who can express her feelings frankly.

But at this unexpressable moment, Zhou Yun understood what Wen Duoyan wanted to say.

In "Words of Fallen Leaves", Zhou Yun's favorite is actually these moments that cannot be expressed, and he does not know how to express them.

When Xue Qin made a phone call with Zhou Yun and heard what Zhou Yun said, Xue Qin didn't reply for a long time.

Zhou Yun thought that what he said was completely different from what Xue Qin thought, and asked, "Is my understanding wrong?"

Only at this time did Xue Qin say, "No."

Zhou Yun frowned in surprise.

"I thought that apart from me, no one would understand Wen Duoyan's moments of embarrassment when he didn't know how to express himself." Xue Qin suddenly smiled in a low voice.

When Zhou Yun heard Xue Qin say this, he thought that there should be a lot of Xue Qin himself in Wen Duoyan.

"Director Xue, did you also grow up in America?"

"Yes." Xue Qin said, "I immigrated to the United States with my parents when I was very young."

"Then you are American now?"


Zhou Yun was about to speak, but Xue Qin suddenly interrupted her, and then said: "Don't ask me how much of the story "Words of Fallen Leaves" is based on my own experience, I will not answer this question, I will I don't like answering questions like this."

Creation, more or less, has to discover something from one's own personal experience.

Some creators are willing to share the story behind it, while others are not.

Zhou Yun understood Xue Qin's meaning and said, "Okay, I won't ask."

Xue Qin suddenly seemed a little nervous, and asked, "Zhou Yun, can you understand this story?"

"I dare not say that I understand this story, but I can understand the meaning behind every move and every word of Wen Duoyan." Zhou Yun said, "I can also see my own shadow from her."

"That's good." Xue Qin smiled as if relieved.

The phone call was somewhat inexplicable, but unexpectedly, the two reached a certain agreement.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun put the script aside.

She glanced at the time, it was already half past eleven.

She walked to the door of the study, leaned against the door and listened. Song Chi was talking.

It appears that the meeting is not over yet.

Zhou Yun didn't bother Song Chi, and went to the bedroom to change. Just as he put on his sunglasses, Zheng Xiaoju called.

Said it was downstairs.

Zhou Yun still has a job, so he can only leave first.

She sent Song Chi a message: Xiaogu, they are waiting for me downstairs, so I'm leaving first.

Song Chi didn't reply for a while, Zhou Yun guessed that he didn't have time to look at his phone, so he put on his shoes and went out first.

When they got downstairs, Song Chi replied: Sorry, the meeting is not over yet, be careful on the road.

Zhou Yun turned back with a smiling face.

After getting in the car, Zhou Yun realized that Sister Lan was also there.

Zhou Lan sat in the co-pilot, looked back at Zhou Yun, and said, "Isn't Song Chi at home today? Why didn't he come down to see you off?"

Normally, if Song Chi was at home and Zhou Yun was out for work, Song Chi would always send her to the car.

"He's in a meeting." Zhou Yun asked, "Sister Lan, why are you here today?"

Now Zhou Lan seldom accompanies Zhou Yun to attend business events, and usually Zhou Lan will accompany Zhou Yun personally only for events of a higher standard.

Zhou Lan said, "Talk to you about something."

"Oh." Zhou Yun nodded.

"Do you know who is the pregnant first-line female star that everyone in the circle is talking about these days?" Zhou Lan asked.

Of course Zhou Yun knew, but she still kept her promise to Liu Qingqing and said she didn't know.

Zhou Lan said, "It's Liu Qingqing."

Zhou Yun wasn't surprised at all, he just thought it was true.

For a female star of Liu Qingqing's level, even though her development in the past year has not been very good, she still has a lot of attention.

It is impossible to hide her pregnancy for too long.

After all, the reaction to pregnancy is not small.

"She... how was she discovered?" Zhou Yun was curious about this matter.

Zhou Lan said: "A staff member in her team found out and sold the news."

Zhou Yun frowned immediately after hearing this.

Was Liu Qingqing betrayed by someone close to her?

Zhou Lan took a look at Zheng Xiaoju and said, "Now that staff member has been fired by her company, no one else will use her after this kind of thing happened, but the news of Liu Qingqing's pregnancy has spread Kailai, I heard that Liu Qingqing asked someone for help before, trying to hide her pregnancy, but was rejected."

Zhou Yun's heart skipped a beat.

Zhou Lan added: "I don't know who Liu Qingqing is looking for, but no one would dare to help her with this kind of thing."

"Then how is Liu Qingqing doing now?" Zhou Yun asked, "If she's pregnant, she shouldn't be able to film in the future, right?"

"What are you thinking, she is the first sister of the company, and the KPIs of the whole company are pointing at her, so it's not impossible to move." Zhou Lan said, "It's just that Liu Qingqing got pregnant before she was married. It's a big scandal, and her company is probably in a state of distress right now. This kind of thing can't be hidden, and it will be exposed sooner or later. At that time, no one knows what the attitude of the public is. In case some conservative and feudal people don't like it, Attacking Liu Qingqing who got pregnant out of wedlock, Liu Qingqing's career may suffer a big blow."

"Pregnant before marriage..." Zhou Yun frowned slightly. She remembered what Liu Qingqing said when she came to see her. "In this age, will anyone still use this as a fuss to attack Liu Qingqing?"

"Liu Qingqing's usual screen image is very positive and gentle, and this matter does not match her public image." Zhou Lan said, "But what the future will look like, I can't say now, and there may be many When people saw Liu Qingqing being attacked, they felt compassion and supported her, but no matter what, Liu Qingqing's current development path will be hindered, and she must either transform or come back after hibernation. Think about the dramas she has acted in these years , are basically some gentle and beautiful female characters, which beautify the audience's impression of her to a certain extent, and her positions are all on TV dramas. Many audiences are older people, not all young fans, Once her incident is exposed, it will have a great impact on these fans."


Zhou Yun said: "Then what is she doing now? Is she still filming?"

"No, a play that was supposed to start work has been temporarily suspended." Zhou Lan said, "I'm going to ask Wang Jing to try that play to see if I can catch a leak."

Zhou Yun frowned: "Does the production team not want to use her because she is pregnant?"

"Of course not. This isn't the time when you can't act as a girl if you're pregnant. However, the film studio is worried that once Liu Qingqing's incident is exposed, negative public opinion will be generated in the public domain. By then, the film will not be sold, and the loss will be even greater." Zhou Lan Said, "Even Chengqian Film and Television's "Luo Yan" was unlucky. It was supposed to be re-shooted because of the male lead, but now Liu Qingqing has this incident again. The unresolved ones have also been stopped immediately." gone."

Zhou Yun: "If Liu Qingqing's career suffers a setback because of this incident, I really don't know what to say."

"Don't do something stupid, rush out to help her or something." Zhou Lan said, "If you want to be a star, you must accept the reality of being a market commodity. The feedback from the audience is not good, regardless of whether it is reasonable or not. Reasonable, this is a reality that must be faced. In the final analysis, Liu Qingqing was also backlashed by the people she established for these years. If this happened to Ning Yao or Wei Ruxue, the impact would not be so great , the two of them have never set up any innocent characters for themselves, and their acting paths are much wider than Liu Qingqing's. Wei Ruxue can play villains and villains, and Liu Qingqing has not taken this step until now .”

"Then what can Liu Qingqing do now to prevent this from happening?" Zhou Yun asked, "Oh, forget it, if I didn't ask, how could it be possible to pretend that something like pregnancy didn't happen."

Zhou Lan said: "It's not that there is no way. The first way is that Liu Qingqing can beat the child in her stomach, then deny all this, and push everything to someone's rumors."

Zhou Yun: "..."

She knew that Liu Qingqing was determined to give birth to this child.

At the beginning, she didn't want the company to force her to beat the child, so she came to her for help, and wanted to have a child by acting.

"But this matter has already exploded, and everyone knows it. Can you still deny it?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan shook his head and said, "Whether she is pregnant or not, who can prove it except myself?"

Zhou Yun felt that Zhou Lan was right.

"What's the second way?"

"Liu Qingqing will marry her boyfriend immediately, and then announce the news of her pregnancy. In this case, although the impact is still very fast, at least the risk can be controlled within a controllable range, and no one will be left behind." Zhou Lan said , "Her name seems to be Li Qi, but to be honest, I think this possibility is very small."

"Huh? Why?"

Zhou Lan said: "If they were able to get married, Liu Qingqing wouldn't be so passive now. The filming stopped and she remained indifferent. This can only show that Li Qi's side, she didn't get it done at all."

Zhou Yun: "Listening to what you said, Liu Qingqing has almost no way out."

"Su Yan directly snatched two of Liu Qingqing's endorsements yesterday." Zhou Lan said, "In normal times, Liu Qingqing would have been too impatient to take revenge, but until now, she still hasn't made any movement, so if you want to say There is no way for her to retreat, and this is not wrong."

 Five thousand words update, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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