Chapter 383
After the two had dinner together, Zhou Yun sent a message to Zheng Xiaoju, saying that his side was over and he could come to pick her up.

"I'm going to the airport later, and I'm going back to Shanghai."

Wei Heyun clicked his tongue twice, and said: "Sure enough, I have a boyfriend, and I can't wait to go back this evening."

"Yes, do you have an opinion?"

"No objection." Wei Heyun said angrily.

The two sat in the private room and chatted.

Twenty minutes later, Zheng Xiaoju sent a message to Zhou Yun: Sister Xiaoyun, we are here.

"They are here, let's go." Zhou Yun said.

Wei Heyun nodded.

The two walked out of the private room and walked towards the door.

Suddenly, two people came up ahead.

It's a man and a woman.

Zhou Yun knew that woman.

A woman I haven't seen in a while.

When filming "The Eighth Heartbeat", in addition to their leading roles, there were also some actors who played supporting roles.Thanks to the popularity of "The Eighth Heartbeat", every participating actor has gained a lot of attention.Although the film is bad, but the reputation has increased, and the actors have benefited accordingly.

Zhou Yun didn't want to meet Yu Yan here.

It was obviously winter, and it was snowing outside, but she was only wearing a small black skirt, which was wrapped around her body, fully showing her proud figure.

The skirt only reached her thighs, revealing a pair of long and straight legs.

She was held in the arms of a man in his thirties, and the two talked and laughed affectionately.

Then, Yu Yan raised her head and saw Zhou Yun.

For a moment, Zhou Yun didn't know whether to say hello to Yu Yan or not.

It turned out to be the man next to Yu Yan who spoke.

"Wei Heyun, you kid is here today, why don't you tell me and have a drink together."

Wei Heyun smiled and said: "I'm with my friends, I don't have time to drink with you."

"Friend? This is your friend? Isn't this Zhou Yun?" The man next to Yu Yan looked Zhou Yun around, showing an ambiguous smile, and turned his eyes back to Wei Heyun, "I said you kid Why did a person come here secretly without telling us?"

"Come on, don't think about it, we are friends." Wei Heyun waved his hands, "I will send Zhou Yun back first, and I will tell you later."

"Why are you in a hurry? Let's have another drink together." The other party said.

Wei Heyun waved his hand, "I have something to do, I'll look for you later, let's go."

Wei Heyun's attitude made it difficult for the other party to say anything more.

The two left.

Zhou Yun didn't say hello to Yu Yan the whole time.

Yu Yan didn't greet her either.

It's like the two don't know each other.

"Who is that person?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wei Heyun said: "Zhong Zidong, a playboy like me who is not doing his job properly."


"What's the matter? The way he spoke just now made you unhappy? Oh, don't mind, he's just like that, he looks like everything is vulgar, he drinks wine like water, and sooner or later he will die on the wine table."

"No, I don't mind his attitude, it's just that the person next to him just now has filmed with me, and his name is Yu Yan." Zhou Yun said.

"She, I know her. I met her when I had dinner with Zhong Zitong not long ago. I heard that she is his girlfriend." Wei Heyun said, "But I have never dealt with her before. Zhong Zitong changes girlfriends too quickly, if I get to know them all, it will take too much energy."

Zhou Yun couldn't help frowning.

"What is Yu Yan doing in a relationship with this kind of person?"

Wei Heyun looked at Zhou Yun's face, and wanted to say something, but he didn't.

"Don't worry about other people's concerns, hurry up, don't you have to catch a plane?" Wei Heyun said, "Hurry up."

Zhou Yun: "Well, let's go."

The snow stopped.

If the snow has not stopped, it is not known whether the plane can take off normally at night.

On the way to the airport, Zhou Yun was a little worried, fearing that the plane would be delayed due to the weather.

She sent Song Chi a message: On the way to the airport, but depending on the weather conditions, I don't know if the takeoff will be delayed later.

Song Chi replied: Well, it's okay, there's no rush, I'm reading the script.

Fortunately, the plane took off as usual.

No snow and good weather conditions.

Zhou Yun fell asleep on the plane, and when the plane landed, she felt a little uncomfortable and opened her eyes.

The company arranged for a car to pick them up.

Che Xian sent Zhou Yun to Song Chi's home.

"You guys rest early. There is no work tomorrow morning. You also have a rest. We will contact you at noon." Zhou Yun said to Cao Jun and Zheng Xiaoju before getting out of the car.

"Yeah, sister Xiaoyun, you should also have a good rest." Zheng Xiaoju shook his hand.

It was already early morning.

Zhou Yun went upstairs and entered the password to open the door.

The door was open and the living room lights were still on.

Zhou Yun put the suitcase against the shoe cabinet, put on slippers, walked in, and found that Song Chi had fallen asleep on the sofa, and there was a script dropped under the sofa.

Zhou Yun gently picked up the script and put it on the coffee table.

Fortunately, there was heating in the room, so Song Chi wouldn't catch a cold if he fell asleep like this.

Zhou Yun picked up the squarely folded blanket and gently covered Song Chi.

At this moment, the doorbell rang suddenly.

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

"Hello, takeaway." The voice of the delivery boy came from outside the door.

Song Chi opened his eyes and replied, "Here we come!"

Then he saw Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi stared wide-eyed.

"When did you come back?" Song Chi asked in surprise.

Zhou Yun said: "Just now, I followed the delivery guy."

Song Chi sat up, "I'll go get takeaway first."

During the day, Song Chi told her to make soup for her and order some barbecue later.

But when the barbecue was delivered, the card was too accurate.

Zhou Yun sat on the sofa and watched Song Chi bring in the takeaway.

"Are you guessing when I will come back, ordered?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi put the bag on the coffee table, nodded, and said, "I checked the time, it's about this time, by the way, there's still soup in the kitchen, I'll go get it, and you clear the coffee table."

Zhou Yun snorted, squatted down in front of the coffee table, packed his things, cleared the coffee table, and unpacked the takeaway.

After a while, Song Chi came over with a bowl of fragrant soup and put it on the coffee table for Zhou Yun.

"Wow, what kind of soup is this?"

"Pigeon soup, Auntie stewed it." Song Chi said, "You don't need to lose weight these days anyway, so you can take this opportunity to supplement."

Zhou Yun sat cross-legged on the carpet and said, "Design."

Song Chi turned on the TV and said, "I haven't watched the update tonight, but the real-time ratings have increased by 0.5% tonight."

Zhou Yun looked at Song Chi in surprise, and asked, "Is it true?"

Song Chi smiled, "Of course it's true, there's no way it's fake, your fans are so powerful, they're all clamoring that you have to watch "Questing the Heart" first, and then you come back, and it also drives up the TV ratings. "

According to the broadcast rules, the updated episodes that night will not be released on the video website until midnight.

In order to join the debate battlefield as soon as possible, many people can only stay on the TV side, watch and battle with others at the same time.

"So the ratings of "Question Heart" broke 1?"

"Well, the ratings have broken 1." Song Chi said, "The purchasing director of Binjiang Satellite TV even sent me a red envelope."

Zhou Yun laughed reassuringly, "If every argument can bring this effect, I don't mind them arguing a few more times."

"Now the TV station's publicity has begun to expand and sink. At present, the main audience of this drama is still young people, but according to their survey, the feedback from the middle-aged and elderly people on this drama is also very good." Song Chi said, "What they mean is that they want us to star in some programs with middle-aged and elderly people as the main audience, so as to spread the publicity."

"I can cooperate." Zhou Yun said, "But I'm going to be filming in a week or so, is there enough time?"

"It should be possible." Song Chi nodded, "Several ace programs on Binjiang Satellite TV have set schedules for our crew, and let us record the programs and do publicity. It's a pity that due to the problem of the broadcasting platform, other There is no way for us to get on the programs on the platform.”

"Everyone has to compete with each other, and there's no way around it." Zhou Yun said, "However, Song Chi, when promoting the movie "Days" before, Sister Lan thought of a massive promotional tactic, but it was very exhausting. Human and energy-consuming, she gathered all the film and television bloggers and Up masters on the market, contacted them, gave me an exclusive interview, and promoted the movie "Days". This kind of publicity does not require me to spare time to cooperate with them It’s been recorded, usually it’s their itinerary with me. Finding time to complete the interview content is very time-saving, but the effect is very good. Maybe each person’s fans range from hundreds of thousands to several million, but their fans The sum of the numbers is actually a force that should not be underestimated, and the pre-sale box office of "Days" was pulled up in this way."

Song Chi nodded and said, "I'll tell the publicity side."

"Well, if you need me to do something, just come to me. As long as the time is OK, I will cooperate." Zhou Yun said, "Especially now that the Internet is so developed, even if I am on the crew, I can still do it like yesterday through online Q&A, Live broadcasts and online interviews are used for publicity.”

"Don't worry, with your popularity on the Internet these days, even if I want you to rest for a while, our drama announcer will not agree to let you rest." Song Chi said with a smile, "She can't wait to catch you, every day Run publicity."

Zhou Yun snorted softly and said, "I thought you would feel sorry for me, so you took all my work away."

"It was indeed a part of push." ​​Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun immediately changed his face again, "Look, I knew you would push away the work I was going to do, and you were blown out by me."

Song Chi: "..."

"How did I find out that no matter what I do, you have the right to talk?"

"Well, that's right." Zhou Yun nodded shamelessly and admitted.


Song Chi sighed and said, "Okay, I'll shut up, you can eat quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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