I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 397 Will it go well?

Chapter 397 Will it go well?
"Then here comes the question, what's the title of this film?" Zeng Lili looked at Xue Qin with a smile, "We don't even know yet."

""Behind the Scenes"." Xue Qin said these two words, "I want to call it "Behind the Scenes."


Zhou Lan came with Wang Jing.

high speed.

Zhou Yun said: "Sister Lan, your speed is very fast."

Zhou Lan said: "Of course, it's better to strike first. If someone gets there first, wouldn't it be a good opportunity missed?"

Zhou Yun smiled.

Zhou Lan said to Wang Jing, "Xiao Jing, this opportunity was won for you by your elder sister Xiaoyun, so take advantage of it."

Wang Jing nodded, and said gratefully to Zhou Yun, "Thank you, Miss Xiaoyun."

"Come on, the script for this play hasn't come out yet, it's different from your usual plays, and I can't give you a lot of time to prepare." Zhou Yun said, "It requires special concentration and fast reaction. .”

Wang Jing said yes.

They took Wang Jing to see Shi Luoqi and Xue Qin.

In fact, Wang Jing's role as the girlfriend of the leading actor in "Behind the Scenes" has already been decided, and now it's just a formality.

The euphemistic name is: audition.

In front of Wang Jing, Shi Luoqi said: "Zhou Lan, you also understand the situation of "Behind the Scenes". The budget is limited, and I can't pay Wang Jing's salary according to the market price."

Zhou Lan was already mentally prepared, so he took out the contract directly from his bag and said, "Sister Luo Qi, Director Xue, and Wang Jing are lucky to have the opportunity to act in this play. I drew up this contract. Where is the salary?" Fill in the blanks, I have already communicated with Wang Jing, it doesn't matter how much you pay for this movie, we will definitely perform it."

Shi Luoqi glanced at her in surprise, and then at Wang Jing.

Wang Jing was a little nervous.

Shi Luoqi is famous, Wang Jing saw Shi Luoqi at this moment, it was like a young monk suddenly meeting an eminent monk, like a rookie meeting an industry leader.

Wang Jing recalled in her mind what Zhou Lan had said to her yesterday: "Xiao Jing, let me tell you frankly, if you don't act in this drama, I have several well-paid online dramas for you to act in, and I will take The commission will be higher, but I have been telling you, and I have been telling Zhou Yun, acting, being an actor, even if you don’t do this line of work, no matter what line of work you do, don’t just look at the immediate gains and losses , don’t just focus on immediate interests. There is no script for the drama "Behind the Scenes", and I can’t tell you how good and successful this drama will be. pay."

In the past year, Wang Jing has acted in several online dramas, and also broadcast a drama. With her first batch of fans, it can be regarded as a preliminary experience of the temptation of fame and fortune in this circle.

This year, whether it was filming or attending events, I hardly encountered any unequal treatment, or cold eyes or ridicule from others.

Wang Jing has seen such encounters with others.

The reason for all this, Wang Jing knew in his heart.Of course, if she doesn't know it in her heart, people around her will also remind her.

Wang Jing came back to his senses, smiled at Shi Luoqi, and said, "I will try my best to cherish this opportunity."


On the day of the filming of "Behind the Scenes", Zhou Yun found that his heart was beating extremely fast.She knew she was nervous.The enthusiasm in the front wanted to do this, but it was really going to be true, the enthusiasm was not so effective.

She didn't know what it would look like when the first day of filming started today.

Will it go well?

(End of this chapter)

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