I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 433: February is Coming

Chapter 433 February is approaching
Zhou Yun hung up the phone speechlessly.

But she really couldn't control what Gu Huaichun wanted to do, and she didn't have the position to control it.

Just a friend, don't judge his lifestyle like his parents.

As long as it's not a matter of principle, and he's neither stepping on two boats nor deceiving others, it doesn't matter how many women he sleeps with.

Zhou Yun persuaded himself in this way.

At noon that day, after dinner, Song Chi called her.

"The Huayu Awards are about to start, and "Question" is ready to apply. I have a small question. Do you want to apply for the Best Actress or the Best Supporting Actress?"

Zhou Yun was a little surprised and said, "Can I still apply for the best actress unit?"

"Well, according to the regulations, your role is enough to be nominated for the best actress, and your voice is not small. I have received many inquiries from people in the past few days."

"Su Yan is also planning to nominate for Best Actress, right?"

"Well, but she doesn't have much hope of winning the award. The biggest voice this year is Wei Ruxue. Last year's "Cold Spring" was very popular, and her acting skills were also well recognized."

"Then I apply for Best Actress, and I don't have much hope of winning the award." Zhou Yun immediately realized this problem.

Song Chi: "You are different from Su Yan. Your evaluation is higher than hers, but if you compete with Wei Ruxue, the chances of winning are really slim. She has been holding various parties recently, and she also wants public relations."

"If the chances of nomination for Best Actress are not high, then I will nominate Best Supporting Actress." Zhou Yun said, "Liu Rufu never thought that she must be the protagonist."

Song Chi smiled.

"Well, if you nominate the Best Supporting Actress, you are basically guaranteed."

"When will the awards be awarded?"

"It's expected to be the end of March, which is the time in previous years." Song Chi said.

"That's still a while."

"Well, it's not just the Huayu Award, there are several TV drama awards that need to be declared one after another. I'll give you the Best Supporting Actress unit."

"it is good."

Zhou Yun laughed and asked, "What about you? Do you have a good chance of winning the Best Actor?"

"I don't know, although I think I have made a breakthrough in acting, but generally the Huayu Award for Best Actor will go to the leading actor in a drama. Although "Questioning the Heart" can't be called an ancient puppet, it is indeed not that serious. Moreover, I have already won the Huayu Award once."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"The last thing is the point."

Major domestic awards generally have a default rule. If an actor has already won an award once, if he wants to win an award later, he must have a major breakthrough or completely crushing strength before he can achieve it.

This is also to protect the winners from higher repetitions.

"By the way, I heard that "Warm Little Pony" is going to be released on May [-]."

"Why are you so well informed? I haven't even heard the news."

"The news hasn't been decided yet, it's just that there is such a wind blowing out." Song Chi said, "I guess we'll see how the competition for this schedule will be before we make a decision."

Zhou Yun said: "No matter which schedule it is in, it is a movie of the king's level, isn't it true that the theater still doesn't arrange movies for the comedy starring Shen Yao?"

Song Chi: "I'm afraid of confronting other kings."

"By the way, a TV series I acted in will be aired soon, and it is going to be aired after Chinese New Year's Eve."

"Just finished "Questing the Heart", and another drama is broadcast, seamlessly." Zhou Yun smiled.

Song Chi: "I didn't expect this drama to air so quickly. It took less than half a year to finish filming, but it would be better if it aired earlier. I have several dramas in my hand and have been holding them down. The longest one has been two years. .”

"It's been so long? Why? The subject matter is more sensitive?"

"There are various reasons," Song Chi said.

At this time, Zeng Lili came over, apparently looking for her.

"Someone came to see me, I won't tell you first."

"OK Bye Bye."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun looked up at Zeng Lili, "Sister Lili, are you looking for me?"

Zeng Lili nodded, walked over, sat down next to Zhou Yun, and said, "I'm going to finish filming the last scene this afternoon, so I came to say goodbye to you in advance. At first I thought I would leave after a few days of filming. I didn’t expect to take so long to shoot a scene by accident.”

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "It's thanks to such a period of time that I can get to know you well."

Zeng Lili also smiled, and said: "You are really the least proud young man I have ever seen. Logically speaking, you graduated from a prestigious school, you are so beautiful, and you won the actress at a young age. You should be more proud than anyone else."

"I'm afraid to feel that I have the right to be proud."

"That's the truth, keep it up." Zeng Lili said earnestly, "We don't talk about many people and things, but we can see them. Believe me in one word, a proud person can go far. People who put pride on their face can't go far."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I understand, I will listen to you."


In the afternoon, Zeng Lili finished filming and left the crew.

A few days later, Mr. You Jiang also finished filming and left the crew.

I don't know if the filming went smoothly or what happened. For several days and several scenes, the filming went extremely smoothly, without any accidents, and the quality was also high.

At this time, Shi Luoqi finally recruited an actor to replace Feng Chaotian.

Zhou Yun never thought that this person was Yin Zhou.

The moment Zhou Yun saw Yin Zhou, Zhou Yun suddenly woke up again. Yin Zhou's image was indeed suitable for playing such a pious character as Meng Fanyan, but she hadn't even thought of it before.

"Yin Zhou!" Zhou Yun shook his hand in surprise and ran over.

Yin Zhou came to the set with Shi Luoqi.

Wearing a black overcoat, he stood beside Shi Luoqi, smiled softly, and said, "Xiaoyun, long time no see."

"Long time no see!" Zhou Yun said to Shi Luoqi pleasantly, "Sister Luo Qi, your vision is so accurate, I didn't even think of Yin Zhou, but you found me. I really have a blind spot of vision. The more familiar people are, the more unexpected they are! "

Shi Luoqi said: "I thought you were embarrassed to recommend your acquaintances."

"How could it be! If I think of it, if it's suitable, I will definitely recommend it! You don't even want to avoid your relatives." Zhou Yun was really happy, "That's great."

At noon, Zhou Yun invited Yin Zhou to have lunch.

"It's been a long time since I saw you. When I met Gu Huaichun last time, I thought you could come, but you were filming." Zhou Yun said, "It's been a long time since we got together."

Yin Zhou said: "After the broadcast of "The Eighth Heartbeat", everyone is very busy, but there will be a lot of time in the future. You see, we are collaborating again now."

Zhou Yun nodded and said: "I'm still worried. I haven't found an actor to play Meng Fanyan. Is this movie about to open up? Alas, I was so focused on looking at other places, but I forgot that you are by my side." The right person."

"It's okay." Yin Zhou smiled.

 All orders are 180+~
(End of this chapter)

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