Chapter 482
Do actors have to take the international route?

That's not necessarily the case, you don't have to let people from other countries know you before you can say that you are a good actor.

But not sure if you know a Spanish actress named Penelope Cruz.

You may or may not have heard her name.

But you should have heard of the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" with a high probability, and she participated in it.

Maybe you would think that she became famous all over the world because of the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean".

Actually not, before that, she was already a hot actress in Spain. She already won the Best Actress Award at the Cannes Film Festival for "Return" directed by Pedro Almodovar, and was also nominated for the Oscar that year. Best Actress Award.What is the significance of this nomination? "Return" is not an English-language film. If you have a certain understanding of how Americans hate subtitles when watching movies, you will know how difficult it is to nominate a best actress for a non-English film.

In fact, she doesn't need to go to Hollywood. She stays in Spain and is the queen actress of the world-class director Pedro Almodovar, and a frequent visitor to the world's three major film festivals.

It doesn't matter if she breaks into Hollywood, she cooperates with a big director like Woody Allen, plays "Love in Barcelona", wins an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, and just continues to follow this route.

Why does she have to make a vase in a commercial movie when she has already won several actress trophies?

Not only "Pirates of the Caribbean", but also films like "355".

Others can't really make a conclusion about her motives, but from an objective point of view, "Pirates of the Caribbean" made her known to audiences all over the world.

Does she want to be a world-famous movie star?It seems not.She still loves art films. After "Pirates of the Caribbean", she still returned to Spain and acted in many Spanish films, including Pedro Almodovar, who has always loved her.

So, you see that her popularity is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more audiences know her, and they pay attention to a movie because of her.

When she was nominated for an Oscar again for a Spanish-language film "Parallel Mother", you will no longer be so surprised.

Because to those members of Oscar, she is no stranger.

She's not one of those indie filmmakers who aren't interested in Hollywood, and she's not one of those highbrow artists.

One time can be said to be luck, but the second time, no one can say the same.

Zhou Lan wants his actors to take the international route, not to let them take the route of blooming outside the wall and inside the wall, but as an actor, the more bargaining chips you have, the greater your choice .

You can often see people say that this actor is not very famous, although his acting skills are good, but if he plays the leading role, he will not be sold.

You also often see people say that in this market, actors have always been in the position of being selected. They have no sense of security and it is difficult to have the initiative.

Zhou Lan hopes that her actors can experience less helpless moments.

Taking the international route, maybe in the future they will also be able to bring Chinese-language films to the most central mountain in the world film industry.

Zhou Lan knew that this was actually a huge luxury, more idealistic than idealistic.

But still do it.

Naturally, many people wanted to interview Zhou Yun, but Zhou Yun declined.

Not only her, but the other leading actors of "Behind the Scenes" did not accept any exclusive interviews under Shi Luoqi's reminder.

What will happen to "Behind the Scenes" in Cannes and what kind of results will it achieve?It is these issues that everyone is most concerned about.Shi Luoqi hopes that this drama can maintain a little mystery.

On this day, Zhou Yun will attend the fourth script reading meeting of "Four Killers".

When everyone sees her, the first thing they do is congratulate her.

In fact, Zhou Yun could also feel that there were some other emotions in the congratulatory atmosphere.

Although she felt it, she acted as if she didn't realize anything.

After exchanging pleasantries, everyone sat down and began to read the script.

Halfway through the reading, He Xuran and Yin Linglin had a quarrel.

The reason is that the two characters in the script are a couple. In order to complete a task, He Xuran and Yin Linglin had to pretend to break up and get close to another woman on purpose. During this process, the two had a dispute.

He Xuran and Yin Linglin have different understandings of this scene.

He Xuran believes that the reason for the quarrel is that the character played by Yin Linglin can't look at the task rationally, and was irritated by He Xuran's gesture of being close to another woman.

Yin Linglin thinks that the role she plays is not a person who will be jealous casually. She is angry because He Xuran has crossed the line and did something that she didn't have to do.

In the script, the quarrel in this part did not clearly describe the specific reason for their quarrel, but only said why the two of them quarreled because Xu Ran approached another woman.

"I'm not an irrational person. I agreed that you would approach that woman in order to complete the task. If all your actions are normal, how could I be angry? Didn't you make my Has the character become someone blinded by jealousy?" Yin Linglin said.

He Xuran was also dissatisfied, and said, "Then what you mean is that in the name of completing the task, I made some actions that exceeded the rules. I am a pervert."

Yin Linglin counterattacked: "When you men can take advantage, can you really not take advantage?"

He Xuran smiled angrily, and said, "Don't cover all of us with your boyfriend's bad nature."

Yin Linglin's face turned green with anger, and said, "What did you say?!"

He Xuran said: "Why, if your boyfriend didn't like to take advantage of this, how could you have such an opinion?"

Yin Linglin: "So you mean that your girlfriend is just a brain who falls in love and doesn't distinguish between right and wrong, black and white?"

"Sorry, I don't have a girlfriend."

Yin Linglin's face twitched in anger, and he couldn't say anything else to fight back, so he stood up and rushed out.

Immediately someone went after her.

The scene was awkward.

Zhou Yun gasped, looked at Yao Yuanfeng who was rubbing his brows, and then at Hou Mengjie who was silent, put down the script, and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

She thinks it's time to take it easy.

Don't say anything.

Walking through the corridor, she met Yin Linglin's assistant trying to persuade her to go back.

Yin Linglin wiped his face away when he saw her.

Zhou Yun didn't say anything, nodded, passed her, walked for a while, and entered the bathroom.

Yin Linglin angrily said to her assistant: "If Zhou Yun raised objections, would He Xuran still say those things?"

(End of this chapter)

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