I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 726 Venice International Film Chapter

"Zhou Yun was able to make the officials of the Venice International Film Festival change their minds. She is too powerful now."

When the top management of Yuehai.com met, they were all discussing this matter.

The main reason is that this incident was too shocking for those of them who are engaged in the film and television industry.

Because the Chinese film and television industry is a circle, there are only a handful of people who can have a name when they step out of this circle and go to the international arena. On this basis, people who can still have the right to speak and such ability There are only a handful of them.

To be precise, this is the first time that Zhou Yun has shown her international status to these people in China in such a direct way.

Your previous status was touted by the media and everyone, but you have not received external certification. Whether you win awards or attend events, it can only mean that people accept you and you participate in their activities. It does not mean that you are powerful.

If Zhou Yun heard what these people in China said about her, she would also feel dumbfounded.

If she can respond to this matter, she will definitely explain seriously that this has nothing to do with being powerful or not.

Before she sent this email to Clint, she had no idea whether Clint would read it, or even if she did, how Clint would react.

Regarding Clint's final decision, Zhou Yun was also very pleasantly surprised.

However, a lot of things are sometimes like this, by accident, they are misunderstood by others.

After Zhou Yun finished styling and took a group of photos, he was ready to go to the red carpet with everyone.

This time the film festival has so many Chinese stars to attend at one go, and more than a dozen Chinese media, large and small, have come.

Everyone also dispatched their best writers and reporters, and tried their best to arrange interviews with various teams, trying to make the most exclusive reports.

In the end, Zhou Yun only accepted three exclusive interviews.

She really doesn't have time.

When everyone met, He Xuran was the first to thank Zhou Yun.

"Thank you, Xiaoyun, if it wasn't for your help, we wouldn't be able to participate this time."

"Don't be so polite, I'm just trying." Zhou Yun said.

He Xuran shook his head and said, "It would be a great favor for you to give us a try."

Although Zhou Yun didn't do this to get He Xuran's thanks, but hearing He Xuran's thanks made Zhou Yun feel warm in his heart.

They waited for about ten minutes at the entrance of the red carpet, and finally waited for the time for their crew to appear on stage.

A whole production crew, led by Yao Yuanfeng, and eight people stepped onto the red carpet, mighty and mighty.

"Zhou Yun!"

"Zhou Yun, look here!"

"Zhou Yun, turn back!"


As soon as he appeared on the stage, the photographers on both sides began to shout Zhou Yun's name. The Chinese media and foreign media all pointed their guns and short guns at Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun saw many familiar faces.

She waved to them and smiled brightly.

"Zhou Yun, here!"

Whenever she looked one way for more than two seconds, the photographer on the other side would start shouting.

The photographers on the entire red carpet were all on Zhou Yun.

Suddenly, at this time, the official person in charge of managing the order of the red carpet came over and gestured to Zhou Yun, "Come here, please."…

Zhou Yun nodded and walked over.

It's just that as soon as she walked over, she left the main force.

At this time, Yin Linglin also came over suddenly, smiled intimately at Zhou Yun, and held Zhou Yun's hand.

Zhou Yun was very surprised and gave her a surprised look.

The photographers were finally able to take pictures of Zhou Yun's personal red carpet photos, and suddenly a woman appeared. Domestic photographers knew Yin Linglin, and they were all taking pictures. Foreign photographers were also taking pictures, but some were asking Yin Linglin Get out of the way, they want to shoot Zhou Yun alone.

As a result, Yin Linglin turned a deaf ear, as if he didn't hear anything, kept smiling, holding Zhou Yun's arm with one hand, and waving to the photographer with the other.

The guide came again and said to Yin Linglin, "Hello, please come here."

He directed her to another spot to take pictures.

But Yin Linglin seemed to be unable to understand English, and made a puzzled expression towards the guide, as if he could not understand.

Zhou Yun: "..."

She glanced at Yin Linglin, pulled her hand out of Yin Linglin's, turned around, looked back at the place she had already passed, and took two steps back, generously letting them all take her solo photo .

When she returned to the main team, she heard Yao Yuanfeng say to the people next to him speechlessly: "It would be great if Yin Linglin's little mind can be used for filming."

Zhou Yun smiled after hearing this.

Yao Yuanfeng naturally sees this kind of thing a lot.

He could see at a glance the purpose of Yin Linglin's clinging to Zhou Yun just now.

Isn't it just because everyone is taking pictures of Zhou Yun, Yin Linglin knows that if they stand by Zhou Yun's side all the time, then everyone will definitely take pictures of her when they take pictures of Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun said to Yao Yuanfeng: "Boss Yao, since you know everything, why don't you stop me?"

Yao Yuanfeng suddenly heard Zhou Yun talking behind him on the red carpet, he was startled, turned around, laughed, and said, "I don't need me to stop you for such a small matter, you see, you are not light Get rid of her easily?"

Zhou Yun smiled lightly, and said, "You wish me and Yin Linglin could spread the topic of competing for beauty on the red carpet, to help attract the movie, right?"

Yao Yuanfeng: "How could that be?"

No matter what he thinks in his heart, he will definitely not admit it with his mouth.

Zhou Yun didn't bother to pursue him, so he walked the red carpet and entered the infield.

Moments later, Clint Brewster also appeared in the infield.

His appearance caught everyone's attention.

Clint Brewster is the most powerful person at the Venice International Film Festival, and any producer, director, or actor wants to befriend him.

If he can get his appreciation, the newcomer can become a world-renowned filmmaker in a short period of time.

He is a figure standing on the tip of the art film pyramid.

Clint Brewster walked towards Zhou Yun immediately.

Zhou Yun was chatting with the editor-in-chief of a movie magazine. They had known each other for a long time.

The sudden appearance of Clint Brewster made Zhou Yun's eyes widen in surprise.

"Hi, Mr. Brewster, you're here! What a surprise." Zhou Yun immediately hugged Clint Brewster and kissed him. …

Clint Brewster said: "Your film premiered at our film festival, of course I will come, and you will also bring more of your films to our Venice International Film Festival in the future."

Zhou Yun smiled and nodded, saying yes.

Clint Brewster: "I hear you're leaving tomorrow? Why don't you stay a few more days?"

Zhou Yun said: "I'm very sorry, I still have a film being filmed in China. It took a lot of effort to coordinate the time to be able to participate in the film festival this time. The time is very tight. If I have time, I am very willing to watch it here. Every movie."

Clint Brewster said: "That's a pity. If you have time, we can have a meal together. It's a pity that I have several dates tonight."

Zhou Yun said: "It doesn't matter. We still have many opportunities in the future. When you come to China, you must send me an email in advance. I will do my best as a landlord."


Zhou Yun saw Yao Yuanfeng and the others surrounded the two of them.

Zhou Yun introduced Yao Yuanfeng to Clint Brewster: "Mr. Brewster, this is Yao Yuanfeng, the producer of our film and the boss of Xindun, one of the largest film companies in China. "

Clint Brewster shook hands with Yao Yuanfeng very politely: "Hello, Mr. Yao."

Clint Brewster did not know Yao Yuanfeng before.

Yao Yuanfeng has been making commercial films before, and has never contacted the art directors of these film festivals.

At most, he came here to sell films, but he had never been in contact with him.

Yao Yuanfeng greeted Clint Brewster and introduced himself.

Zhou Yun introduced the director and other actors to Clint Brewster again. The two sides exchanged pleasantries for a while, and the movie was about to start.

"Four Killers" is a film with a particularly personal style, very delicate, and the picture is very beautiful.

From the beginning of the story, it was a night of torrential rain.

The photography is stunning.

Zhou Yun sat in the auditorium and watched the movie seriously.

When Hou Mengjie made this movie, every shot was designed before shooting.

The version that is now officially screened also gives people this exquisite and extreme feeling.

A martial arts film that presents a refined aesthetic.

Zhou Yun didn't know how to describe his feeling. The advantages of this movie are very obvious, high integrity, neat, and extremely beautiful. However, Zhou Yun felt that this movie lacked something that could really affect her.

Something less conscious.

After the movie finished, the applause from the auditorium and media seats lasted for a while.

Clint Brewster said a few words to both Hou Mengjie and Yao Yuanfeng, and then came to say goodbye to Zhou Yun: "You are really incomparable, and you are still the most attractive in this movie."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Thank you for your compliment."

After the media interview, Zhou Yun attended with everyone.

A reporter asked: "Miss Zhou Yun, why did you make such a martial arts movie?"

Zhou Yun replied: "Because the production company is Xindun, which I have worked with, when Mr. Yao Yuanfeng came to me with the script, he told me that there was a very good script and invited me to participate in the performance. I happened to have never filmed it. It’s a martial arts movie, so I acted in it.”…

Another reporter asked: "This time, there are several other young actors who starred in this movie with you. I heard that they are all very outstanding young actors in China. How do you feel about starring in this movie with them?" ?”

Zhou Yun replied: "It is a very precious opportunity to act in this movie with so many outstanding actors. During the filming, I also learned a lot from them."


Zhou Yun's answers were all official content, but after Zhou Lan saw it, he laughed and teased: "You are such a hypocritical word that you don't even want to say that it was a pleasant filming." I don’t want to talk about my experience.”

Zhou Yun said: "It was not pleasant at all."

During the filming of this movie, Zhou Yun always felt like a marionette, how to act and how to do it all had to be arranged by Hou Mengjie.

If Zhou Yun doesn't respect the director a little, there will probably be a huge dispute between the two of them.

Many times, we can see in the news that there are disputes and disagreements between a certain big-name actor and the director or other actors in a certain crew. concepts are different.Especially for big-name actors, the bigger the actor, the more assertive he is, and the more protective he is of his image, which may conflict with the director's ideas.

Zhou Yun did not choose to have a conflict with the director. After trying to communicate to no avail, Zhou Yun finally chose to listen to the director's arrangement on the set, but after the filming of the film, Zhou Yun also made up his mind not to cooperate with Hou Mengjie in the future.

She didn't deny that Hou Mengjie was a talented director, but she and him didn't get along well, and he wasn't suitable for her.

"Four Killers" has a good reputation at the film festival, ranking second in the media ratings, although there are still several films in the main competition that have not been screened.

Everyone felt that with such a reputation, "Four Killers" might be able to win a trophy.

However, if it is a trophy, what award can you get?
Moreover, although the media has a good reputation, many people say that this movie is not artistic enough, and some parts are too "cool" and "commercial".

There is some controversy.

Yao Yuanfeng and the others stayed in Venice, but Zhou Yun had to leave first.

The official originally invited Zhou Yun to be the award presenter at the closing ceremony, but Zhou Yun really couldn't spare the time, so he had to decline.

Zhou Yun left the main team, went back to China alone, and joined the crew of "Sinking Moon at Sea" to continue filming.

Five days later, at the closing ceremony of the Venice International Film Festival, awards were awarded one after another, but "Four Killers" failed to win.


This result is very disappointing.

Mainly after the screening of "Four Killers", although the evaluations given by the media did not give special praise, they all said it was good.

This kind of atmosphere makes many people think that there will be an award at least.

The final result turned out to be that there was no award at all, which caught many people by surprise.

There is also a marketing account saying: No wonder Zhou Yun came back early. It should have been known through the gossip that "Four Killers" would not win the award, so he ended his trip at the Venice International Film Festival early. …

Although Zhou Yun's fans clarified that Zhou Yun said that he would only stay for two days when he set off, many marketing accounts still spread it like this for the sake of blogging and blogging traffic.

Zhou Yun ignored the news.

Zhou Yun didn't really look forward to whether "Four Killers" won an award or not.

To put it bluntly, she doesn't place much importance on this movie.

This is not a film she holds dear to her heart.

But at this time, "Four Killers" announced that it will be scheduled for October [-]st, and it will enter the National Day file.

This is to take advantage of the popularity of the Venice International Film Festival and release it early.

Although "Four Killers" did not win an award, the film was well received internationally, and many filmmakers came to discuss the distribution rights of the film in other countries and regions.

On the one hand, this movie has received a lot of attention because of Zhou Yun's email and the incident caused by the three of them, and on the other hand, this movie is still about martial arts.

Chinese martial arts movies still have a fixed market in various countries, and they generally sell well, let alone a famous actor like Zhou Yun starring in this movie.

It's just that when many filmmakers bought the distribution rights of this movie, they asked Zhou Yun to participate in the movie promotion event. Yao Yuanfeng couldn't be Zhou Yun's master in this matter, so he could only communicate with Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan's attitude was very clear. Participating in promotional activities was fine, but he needed to be paid according to the market price, and no free work was done. At the same time, the initiative to participate was in Zhou Yun's hands.

There are many details to discuss in these transactions.

Zheng Xiaoju was carried by Zhou Lan to deal with and connect these matters.

Zhou Yun was filming "Sinking Moon in the Sea", and Liu Yun was the only assistant in charge of Zhou Yun's various trivial matters.

Fortunately, although Liu Yun didn't talk much, she worked meticulously. She arranged Zhou Yun's affairs properly by herself, without any trouble.

The two protagonists, Zhou Yun and Song Chi, only had one assistant with them, which made some other young actors in the crew a little embarrassed.

Nowadays, any actor who is a bit famous is basically accompanied by more than two assistants.

The quantity is also a bit ostentatious, so it should not be underestimated.

It's just that Jiaodu only brought one assistant, and they also brought more than two assistants, which seemed that they were extraordinarily pampered and extravagant.

If they were written like this by the media, many people would scold them for being more ostentatious than the protagonist.

No way, everyone had to travel with only one assistant at a time.

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