I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 732 Gu Huaichun's Thoughts

Chapter 732 Gu Huaichun's Thoughts
Does Gu Huaichun want to be a good actor?
For Gu Huaichun, this was not a problem.

From the beginning to the end, he hopes to be a good actor, and he has been playing every role he gets seriously.

However, to Yue Hai, this question is not important, even a bit annoying.

Because they don't care whether Gu Huaichun is a good actor or not, they only care that Gu Huaichun's plays can be hits and can make money, they only care that Gu Huaichun is obedient, accepting and acting according to the company's arrangement.

For the industry, the answer to this question is somewhat doubtful.

If Gu Huaichun wants to be a good actor, I don’t seem to be able to see it, because in the past few years since Gu Huaichun’s debut, he has basically acted in idol dramas. A very classic character.

What's more, the few dramas he has aired recently have all lost their reputation, and none of them have received good reviews.

Correspondingly, no matter how bad the word-of-mouth is, these dramas are indeed a big topic, and they have indeed gained a lot of popularity, and they have made a lot of money selling advertisements.

From this point of view, Gu Huaichun is actually an actor who has no pursuit.

However, if it is said that Gu Huaichun does not want to be a good actor, everyone can see that he has been consciously working hard on each of his roles, trying to perform different things in some very cliché scenes.

Just to put it bluntly, they are all clichéd scenes, no matter how good the acting is, no matter how hard you put your heart into it, without a good script, without a good role, the more serious it is, the more ridiculous it will appear.

Therefore, the industry's attitude towards Gu Huaichun is actually somewhat complicated.

On the one hand, I hate him a little bit, and feel that he is very popular now, with many fans, and he is the first-line. Since he wants to act well, he should choose the script well, and act in some transformational plays that can fully demonstrate his acting skills. On the other hand, I look down on him a bit, thinking that this person is not a serious actor, has no intention of being an actor, and is just a star.

Gu Huaichun knew his current situation very well.

People in the team said all kinds of good things all day long, saying that he acted well, and that he completely crushed his peers.

Even though so many people on the Internet scolded him for his embarrassing acting skills, the people in the team only said that they were all sunspots bought by the other party.

If you don't think about it, Gu Huaichun actually doesn't need to think about his poor acting skills at all.

The environment he lives in is a very inclusive and tolerant environment. The director praises and praises him, the producer satisfies him unconditionally, the agency coaxes him, and his partners carry him.

He has no solid ground at all.

However, he once again thought that he was not affected by this environment.He always feels that no matter what play he plays, he is going all out to prepare for the role, has made his best efforts, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the role.It's just that it took him a long time to realize that no matter how hard he tried, the scenes he worked hard had a limited upper limit.

In the story of a domineering CEO falling in love with me, what kind of acting skills do you want to show to show a different kind of domineering?
The result of the fact is nothing more than the more different, the more greasy.

For this reason, on the day Gu Huaichun himself suddenly realized the bottleneck, he suddenly felt a shuddering sudden realization.

If he continues to let the company arrange it like this, one day, he will be eliminated by this market.

Because he will not be young forever, nor will he be the number one male in this market forever.

If he can't broaden his playing path more when he has the opportunity, then he can only be eliminated in the end.

He may still be very popular and his popularity is getting higher and higher, but everyone's impression of him will always be an actor who has played many handsome men.

And not that kind of actor.

Over the past few years, watching Zhou Yun, who became popular with him, has reached a height that no one can match, Gu Huaichun said in his heart that it was a lie to have no ideas.

No matter how lazy a person is, there are times when he thinks about dumping all sentient beings.

When Gu Huaichun was watching the video of Zhou Yun accepting the award, he also thought about stepping on that stage to receive his own trophy.

In the past few years in the industry, Gu Huaichun has not won any serious performance awards, and basically won some awards such as popularity, commercial quality, and ratings.

To put it bluntly, they are some water awards, which are not recognized by the industry.

Gu Huaichun carefully read the script and chose the script.

He acts in the plays arranged by the company, but he also said that he is willing to act in these plays because he hopes that when there is a play he wants to act in, the company must support it.

In the past few years, Gu Huaichun's position in Yuehai has been extremely stable.

Regardless of word-of-mouth, his popularity remains high and his fans are sticky. In the fashion and business fields, he is favored by brands.

In particular, his appearance is very outstanding, and he is very popular in the fashion industry.

No matter how strict Yue Hai is, no matter how strict his management of artists is, he will always give special preferential treatment to the most profitable and most commercially valuable artists under his banner.

In Gu Huaichun's position, in order to keep him, the brokerage company can no longer treat him like before.

Gu Huaichun wanted to act in the play he wanted, and Yue Hai did not refuse.

Anyway, as long as it is a project performed by Gu Huaichun, there must be investors who are willing to invest, not short of funds, and not worried about follow-up returns.

But Yue Hai didn't expect that Gu Huaichun finally took a fancy to a book that was difficult to pass the trial.

The script was written several years ago.

At that time, the review system was not as strict as it is now, but at that time, it was difficult to find suitable actors, and the cast that could be formed was not favored by the TV station, so it has been put on hold.

After the rise of online video, the content creation department needed a large number of scripts to expand their IP pool, so they bought this script that had already been drafted.

It's just that when the cast and crew can be assembled, the story of the relationship between men and women and money has become sensitive, and it is extremely difficult to pass the review.

Once a drama fails to pass the trial, it is very helpless.

For this reason, Yue Hai has been suppressing the script, never thinking about shooting it.

If Gu Huaichun hadn't suddenly taken a liking to it, this script would have remained dusty forever.

Yue Hai was very troubled by the script that Gu Huaichun liked.

Because they are really afraid that the show will not be aired at that time, and they will lose it in their own hands.

However, even if Gu Huaichun decided on this script and insisted on shooting it, they couldn't be tough with Gu Huaichun.

They originally wanted to let Gu Huaichun dry first, and after a while, Gu Huaichun calmed down, and the two sides would talk about such matters.

But Gu Huaichun has been relentlessly advancing the project.

On this day, Gu Huaichun called Lu Yuan, the boss of Yue Hai who was in charge of film and television content production, to communicate about the show.

As soon as Lu Yuan received this call, he felt a little headache.

"Huaichun, I know you want to advance this project, but it's not so fast. It wasn't long before we finished talking last time. Why do you call every day now?"

Lu Yuan asked directly, it can be seen that he was really annoyed by Gu Huaichun's phone call.

Gu Huaichun said directly: "Boss Lu, I'm not here to rush your progress today, I have some news to tell you."

Lu Yuan: "Huh? What news?"

Gu Huaichun said: "I have invited the heroine."

When Lu Yuan heard it, his head grew big.

"No, Huaichun, why are you so impatient? We haven't figured out whether this drama can be filmed or when it will be launched. Why did you go to find the heroine?" Lu Yuan said, "And, this drama The company of the heroine of the drama must also have considerations. If we decide to make this drama in the end, among other things, the company must have taken a huge risk for this drama, and it must be turned around elsewhere. You are so private Go to the contact person to play the heroine, it won't be easy at that time."

Gu Huaichun seemed to have long thought that Lu Yuan would say these words, chuckled lightly, and said, "Mr. Lu, don't worry, as long as you listen to the name of the heroine I invited, you will definitely not have it." Second opinion."

Lu Yuan frowned suspiciously.

Gu Huaichun said: "Didn't you always want to invite Zhou Yun to film our Yue Hai scene through me? This time I invited him."

Lu Yuan's eyes suddenly widened.

He was amazed.

Since the broadcast of "Deep Sea" at the beginning of the year, Yue Hai has tasted the sweetness and tried his best to sign another film contract with Zhou Yun. However, all the scripts sent to Zhou Yun's studio were rejected, even if it was Zhou Yun was not impressed by the lineup of famous directors + famous screenwriters and ceiling-level remuneration.

Yue Hai is suffering from not being able to find a way to continue to cooperate with Zhou Yun. You must know that "Deep Sea" is still the drama with the highest advertising revenue this year.

Lu Yuan asked in surprise, "You mean, she agreed to Zhou Yun? Didn't she just agree to read the script?"

Gu Huaichun said: "She agreed, and she will keep all the schedules for me."

Lu Yuan immediately made a decision.

Needless to say, there is nothing that has passed the review but cannot pass the review. If you can't pass the review, pruning and pruning can always pass the review. Besides, there are still a wide range of overseas markets.

As long as Zhou Yun is the leading actor, even if it is not released in the mainland, the show will not lose money.

They had already tasted the sweetness in the drama "Deep Sea".

So far, "Deep Sea" is still continuously earning copyright fees for Yue Hai.

Lu Yuan said: "Huaichun, if you can invite Zhou Yun over, I will give you the green light for this project immediately and advance it as quickly as possible."

Although Gu Huaichun had thought of Lu Yuan's reaction a long time ago, when he really heard that Lu Yuan suddenly acted as if he had snatched some rare treasure, and was afraid that this rare treasure would be snatched away by others, he still wanted to sneer in his heart. .But at the same time, this also strengthened his thinking, to transform, to become a real actor who can carry dramas, not a so-called popular traffic actor.

If he wants to become an actor who can really have a place in this industry, he must persist in transformation and do what an actor should really do.

(End of this chapter)

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