Chapter 755 Greasy
"Dong dong."

Liu Yun came to knock on the door.

Zhou Yun opened the door and asked, "Are you going to leave?"

"Well, the car is already waiting below." Liu Yun said.

Zhou Yun: "Okay, I'll take the things down."

She took her bag, put on her sunglasses, and went downstairs with Liu Yun.

She didn't have a show job today, but she temporarily accepted an invitation from a painter to visit his exhibition.

Zhou Yun happened to have no work today, so he readily accepted the invitation.

This painter is a painter from France, and he also participated in the D family's big show yesterday.

Zhou Yun met each other at the party after the big show.

Zhou Yun didn't know the painter before, but Joanna was the one who introduced him, and Joanna's attitude in dealing with Gillan Stewart made Zhou Yun very satisfied, so after hearing that Joanna hoped that she would When he had time to support the artist, Zhou Yun immediately accepted the invitation.

Zhou Lan was not with her.

She made an appointment today to visit the editor-in-chief of the French V magazine.

France's V magazine can be said to be the top fashion magazine in the world, and it can even be said to be the only one.

It is the faucet.

Zhou Lan did not daydream about Zhou Yun being able to appear on the cover of French V magazine now - for a Chinese actress, this is very difficult in itself.

However, Zhou Lan felt that since they were all here, why not establish contact first?

Moreover, given how much the D family valued and liked Zhou Yun, they might not be willing to buy covers for Zhou Yun in the future.

Zhou Yun didn't care about Zhou Lan's affairs.

She came to the exhibition site, got off the car, and found that there were still some photographers at the door taking pictures of the people entering and leaving.

When she appeared, several photographers recognized her and surprised her to look at the camera.

Because of this momentum, everyone nearby looked at her.

Zhou Yun has already passed the stage where he would be embarrassed by others.

She waved to the photographers indifferently but happily, and walked in with Liu Yun without slowing down.

The painter's name is Daniel Lee. He is of Korean origin. He is tall and handsome. He does not have a very distinct artist temperament like many painters in the news.

As soon as Zhou Yun entered, the handsome painter greeted her with a smile.

"Hi, Xiaoyun." Daniel Li extended his hand and shook hands with Zhou Yun, "Welcome."

Zhou Yun sent her a bouquet of flowers that Liu Yun had prepared for her, and said, "Congratulations!"

Daniel Li received it with a smile and said, "Thank you for coming."

Daniel Lee is not a very famous painter.

Strictly speaking, he is just a fledgling, and this is also his first art exhibition in France.

In this era, no matter what you do, you can't get rid of your fame.

Painters also need to be famous.

The first is to recognize you in the industry.

The second is to be recognized in the market.

In many cases, the level of a painter's art is basically linked to how much he can sell for a painting.

The more artistic something is, the more predictable it is - not that art is equivalent to money, but that money will outline the shadow of art.

What Zhou Yun was more curious about was the relationship between Daniel Lee and Joanna.

However, it is not surprising that Joanna is willing to help Daniel Lee.

The fashion industry, especially the art field, is inseparable.

As far as Zhou Yun knows, there are actually many people in the fashion industry who have close relationships with people in other art industries.

The so-called circle.

Zhou Yun had never entered this circle.

She has met many friends, painters, pianists, architects, violinists, calligraphers, etc... all at work.

But Zhou Yun was not familiar with them. After getting acquainted, he changed his contact method and never contacted them again.

Zhou Yun had never met these people before.

Another one, Zhou Yun is not very interested in these things.

Listen to good music, look at beautiful paintings, and that's it.

She is not the kind of person who loves art who can clearly say one, two, three, and taste three, four, and five.

Zhou Yun looked over one by one in the exhibition hall.

Daniel Lee's paintings are modernist and, of course, beautiful.

Zhou Yun couldn't understand it, but he also knew that the painting was beautiful - it was a visual experience.

"Xiaoyun, you are here too."

Wen Xi's voice suddenly sounded behind her.

Zhou Yun looked at Wen Xi in surprise.

"Such a coincidence."

"It shouldn't be a coincidence that Joanna called you too?" Wen Xi asked.

Zhou Yun said: "Joanna introduced Daniel Lee to me last night."

"I said so." Wen Xi smiled helplessly, "They are all here to support her."

"Is Joanna so nice to people? How many people did she invite to support this person?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

Wen Xi glanced at Zhou Yun in surprise, and asked, "You don't know yet? Daniel Lee is not just her friend."


"I've heard for a long time that the two of them should be in love, but it hasn't been made public yet," Wen Xi said.

Zhou Yun's eyes widened in surprise.

"Now you know why Joanna did this?" Wen Xi smiled slightly and said, "Otherwise, why would Joanna use all the connections she can use, you see."

Zhou Yun followed Wen Xi's gaze and saw Gillan Stewart and William Stanto walking over together.

The two did not hold hands, but walking side by side, it was easy for people to misunderstand whether the two were related.

As soon as Gillan Stewart saw Zhou Yun, his face became gloomy.

"Why did I meet her again?" Zhou Yun was also unhappy.

Wen Xi said, "I didn't expect her to come too."

"I don't want to talk to her, let's go." Zhou Yun said.

Wen Xi nodded, and the two turned to leave.

At this moment, William Stanto suddenly shouted happily: "Hey, my rumored girlfriend!"

Zhou Yun almost stumbled and fell to the ground.

She turned her head in surprise and looked at William Stanto in disbelief.

Subconsciously, she wanted to ask William Stanto, "What are you doing? Are you crazy?".

However, seeing the indifferent expression on William Stanto's face, Zhou Yun realized that this matter was probably just a joke to William Stanto, and she didn't take it to heart at all. To question him casually, it seemed that she was narrow-minded and couldn't take a joke.

Zhou Yun took a look at Gillan Stewart, who had a displeased face and disliked her, and said to William Stanto: "Mr. Stanto, don't make your real girlfriend jealous if you call me that. I don't want to take the blame."

"A real girlfriend?" William Stanto immediately rolled his eyes and said, "Where is it? Why didn't I know that I have a real girlfriend?"

Zhou Yun noticed that when William Stanto said this, Gillan Stewart's face froze.

Now she understood, it turned out that the two of them hadn't been officially together for a long time.

Zhou Yun didn't mention Gillan Stewart, just smiled and said: "Not now, and there will be in the future. I don't want to bear the name of an unfounded rumored girlfriend."

William Stanto said: "I always thought I was quite popular, but I actually overestimated myself."

Zhou Yun didn't know how to answer this question.

What is this man talking about, does he know in his heart?

Zhou Yun complained silently in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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