Chapter 757 Pursuit
Wen Xi hesitated for a moment and said, "Actually, there are quite a few people like this."

"I know." Zhou Yun nodded, "I'm not saying that such people can't speak, I just don't like them."

Wen Xi: "Actually, compared with William Stanto's wealth, this weakness in his character is nothing."

"I can't." Zhou Yun shook his head, "No matter how rich he is, I can't accept it."

Wen Xi said: "I know that you are different from them, you must not accept it, but many people can accept it."

"Wen Xi, will you accept it?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wen Xi shook his head.

"I don't know. I never make such assumptions for myself. I used to do many things that I would not do in the future, and I did them in the end. Therefore, it is meaningless for me to think whether I will accept it or not."

Zhou Yun: "I really hope I can think like you, but I can't help putting myself in this situation and thinking about what choice I will make."

"It's all the same." Wen Xi said, "But no matter what, William Stanto has nothing to do with us."

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded with a smile.

Wen Xi said again: "But you should be careful yourself. I think the media on the outer islands are watching the excitement. They dare to say anything. Don't let them keep making fuss about you and William Stan. They are all things made out of nothing, but there are too many gossips, and they have been spread for a long time, and people will always believe them."

Zhou Yun: "That's right, but I really don't know what to do about scandals. It's already fake, so how can I prove it's fake?"

"Isn't that what gossip is all about? If you don't want those people to have room to play, you can only try to keep a little distance from William Stanto."

"Well, yes, so when I saw him just now, I just felt unlucky."

Wen Xi laughed.

"It doesn't have to be like this, I feel unlucky."

"It's not aimed at him, it's aimed at the media spreading rumors." Zhou Yun sighed, "I don't do activities on the outer islands very much, and I don't know where they got so much interest and arranged my scandal."

Wen Xi: "Right now, the foreign island's own celebrity artists are not very popular. You are the most popular artist in the world in the past two years. They naturally pay attention to you. Your fame is money to them."


Zhou Yun and Wen Xi walked around the art exhibition, and when they were about to say goodbye to Daniel Li, they suddenly heard a burst of exclamation from the front.

Zhou Yun and Wen Xi were taken aback for a moment. After looking around, they found out that William Stanto bought a painting by Daniel Lee for $[-].

Daniel Lee was talking to William Stanto, and the two were surrounded by the crowd, and everyone was applauding.

Daniel Lee had a thankful smile on his face.

William Stanto patted Daniel Lee on the shoulder, not knowing what to say.

Wen Xi came back to his senses, and said to Zhou Yun, "This is quite a big deal."

Zhou Yun said, "Yes."

"What about you? Do you want to buy one?"

"Forget it, I'm not particularly interested in these paintings, and I don't understand them either." Zhou Yun said, "If this is Joanna's painting exhibition, it's okay for me to buy one, just to express my gratitude, not I won't join in the excitement of her own art exhibition."

"Haha." This is what Wen Xi likes about Zhou Yun. He speaks truthfully, neither hiding nor pretending.

In the entertainment industry, you will meet too many people like this, either because of your own personality or form. All in all, this is a place where it is difficult to tell the truth. Okay, but not a word of truth is heard at all--and no one wants to hear the truth.Sometimes, those who tell the truth embarrass those who listen to the truth.It's just that a person is still willing to listen to some truths some of the time after all, rather than false things all the time.

like now.

If you really want to talk about whether they are the kind of friends who can take care of each other, neither Zhou Yun nor Wen Xi will say that they are like this.

However, they have more feelings than ordinary friendship.

This is enough.

Familiar with each other, take care of each other, work in this industry, have a few friends who can tell the truth, friends who talk about things, even if they can’t be honest with each other, at least they can support each other to walk a road that few people can truly understand.

This is enough.

Two people emerge from an exhibit of Daniel Lee paintings.

Wen Xi asked, "Do you have anything else to do later?"

"No, I'm going to go shopping, how about you?"

"I'm going to meet a brand representative with my agent." Wen Xi said, "But there's still a little time, how about I go shopping with you?"


The city of Paris is always attractive to women.

But Zhou Yun and Wen Xi watched a lot, but seldom actually swiped their cards.

Both of them have seen too many good things, and it is difficult for ordinary things to impress them.

On the contrary, in a store, the shopping guide recognized Wen Xi and was pleasantly surprised.

Sure enough, he is a person who is engaged in the fashion industry, and he also pays attention to supermodels.

He very enthusiastically asked to take a photo with Wen Xi, and Wen Xi graciously agreed.

Zhou Yun acted as the photographer.

After visiting this store, Wen Xi was about to leave.

She still has a job.

After Wen Xi left, Zhou Yun was in no mood to continue shopping and went back to the hotel.

As soon as she got to the room, she received a call.

Still an unknown number.

Zhou Yun was very surprised.

As soon as she connected, she asked, "May I ask who you are?"

As a result, they said in English: "Hi, my rumored girlfriend."

Zhou Yun's eyes widened suddenly, he looked at the city scenery outside the window in surprise, and was speechless for a while.

The only one who could talk to her like that was William Stanto.

Zhou Yun didn't know where he got her cell phone number, but that's not the point, the point is, why did he suddenly call her?

Zhou Yun frowned in surprise and said, "Mr. Stanto?"

"Just call me William." William Stanto smiled and said, "Are you surprised to receive this call?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun admitted frankly, "I really didn't think of it."

"I don't know if I have a chance to treat you to dinner tonight?" William Stanto asked directly.

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

At this moment, she no longer understood and understood what William Stanto had in mind for her.

"Sorry, I already have an appointment tonight." Zhou Yun said.

She hoped that with such an attitude, William Stanto would quit.

However, how could someone like William Stanto retreat so easily.

"That's a pity, what about tomorrow?" William Stanto smiled and said, "Miss Zhou, I've never been rejected twice by a girl? You won't be free, will you?"

Zhou Yun didn't hesitate, and said in an apologetic voice: "Ah, I'm really sorry. I have work all day tomorrow, so I really don't have time."

William Stanto ate a hard nail, he really didn't expect it.

He didn't come back to his senses for a long time, as if he couldn't accept this reality.

"is it?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun said, "I came to France to work."

"When will Miss Zhou be free?"

"Mr. Stanto, we just had an affair, so let's avoid it." Seeing that William Stanto ignored her subtext, Zhou Yun simply said, "I'm married, I don't want to spread the word Some nasty gossip."

William Stanto was silent for a few seconds before asking, "Are you married?"

Very surprised.

Obviously, William Stanto didn't know the news before.

This is also normal, Zhou Yun and Song Chi did not disclose this news, and it is normal for William Stanto not to know.

But Zhou Yun said so directly now, and she hoped that William Stanto should leave with a sense of humor.

"Yes, I'm married." Zhou Yun said, "I think you have a very close relationship with Gillan Stewart. She should like you, right?"

She has a bad word to say directly.

Since you already have a beauty like Gillan Stewart by your side, why are you still thinking about others?
William Stanto said, "Well, it looks like I'm out of luck, bye."

He finished and hung up the phone.

Zhou Yun was taken aback for a moment, then smiled again, then turned around and told Song Chi about it.

"Fortunately, he didn't continue pestering."

(End of this chapter)

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