Chapter 778 Interview
The secretary knocked on the door and walked into Yao Yuanfeng's office.

"Mr. Yao, reporter Chen Qiren from the Daily News is here."

Yao Yuanfeng nodded when he heard the words, and said, "Please wait a while in the second conference room."

"By the way, I signed this additional budget, and you send it to the finance side." Yao Yuanfeng handed a folder to the secretary.

The secretary received it, nodded and exited Yao Yuanfeng's office.

Seeing no one around, he opened the folder and took a look.

Scared, he added another 600 million budget to Wen Bing's untitled new movie in one breath.

The secretary was speechless inwardly.

600 million is not much for a movie, but for Yao Yuanfeng, it is a rare generosity.

This boss really values ​​Wen Bing.

The secretary sent it to the accountant, and the accountant took a look and let out a "huh".

This number is really small for a film company, but under the name of budget pursuit, it is too rare.

How picky Yao Yuanfeng is in this regard, finance is the clearest.


Come to the second meeting room.

When Yao Yuanfeng entered the door, he saw his old friend, Chen Qiren.

Chen Qiren is a daily news reporter who specializes in character reporting and is also the chief reporter of the daily news. He has worked in the industry for more than ten years and is a well-known celebrity in the industry.

It is not such a big guy, and I can't get his interview opportunity.

Chen Qiren had interviewed him many times before.

"Mr. Yao, long time no see." Chen Qiren was fiddling with his video camera, when he saw Yao Yuanfeng entering the door, he immediately stood up and shook hands with Yao Yuanfeng.

Yao Yuanfeng laughed and said, "Old Chen, I heard that you are married again."

Chen Qiren: "Hey, Mr. Yao is well informed."

"Although you didn't send me an invitation, I still pay close attention to you." Yao Yuanfeng patted Chen Qiren on the shoulder and said, "Sit down, it's really refreshing to celebrate a happy event. I think you've grown longer than before." Some meat."

Chen Qiren laughed, "It's middle-aged, how many men can be as self-disciplined as Mr. Yao and still maintain their figure."

Yao Yuanfeng: "Then what can we do, sit down, we haven't chatted for a long time."

Chen Qiren said: "Yes, you see, Xindun has developed so well under the leadership of Mr. Yao, it should have been a long time ago to find an opportunity to report it properly, and it has been delayed until now."

Yao Yuanfeng smiled.

Chen Qiren said: "In the past, Xindun has always been making films with commercial themes, but in the past two years, it has launched "Day" directed by Wen Bing and "Four Killers" directed by Hou Mengjie, which entered the world's three major film festival competitions. Unit works, is the development strategy of Xindun changed?"

Yao Yuanfeng said: "It cannot be said that the development strategy has changed. In fact, we have never said that we want to make commercial-themed movies. As long as it is a good story and a good movie, we all want to do it, but the company also needs to be profitable. Balance of income and expenditure, so we will be more cautious in our investment in some works with high artistic quality, like when Wen Bing filmed "Days", everyone knows that the production budget of our film is very tight, because we In the early stage, we were not optimistic about the profit potential of this film. Of course, the box office of this film created a small miracle in the end. When it came to "Four Killers", we did not expect it to be shortlisted for the Venice International Film Festival when we were making it. Film festival, but because of its themes and starring lineup, we think it can get a good box office, so the investment will be a little bit bigger, which is completely judged according to the movie’s themes and profit margins.”

Chen Qiren said: "A director like Wen Bing who has made great achievements in both literary and commercial films, do you prefer him to shoot literary films or commercial films?"

Yao Yuanfeng smiled and said: "From my personal point of view, I encourage him to make any films he wants to make, but from the company's point of view, I certainly hope that he can make more films that can make the company money. , In fact, in my cooperation with him, I have never only made literary films or only commercial films. I can tell you a piece of news first, Wen Bing is now shooting a very personal film. It's not a big production and a lot of investment, but because he wants to make this film and he has great enthusiasm to create this film, I support him. He wants to find actors such as Zhou Yun, Gu Huaichun and Yu Chu to play, although he has to Paying an expensive film, I still support him, and just before I came to see you, I just signed a supplementary production budget."

"Wow." Chen Qiren said, "Mr. Yao, your support for Wen Bing is indeed great."

Yao Yuanfeng nodded.

"It is not easy to find a talented director who can continue to create. I have worked in this industry for so many years, and I have only met a handful of them. Think about it, is there any new director like Wen Bing who has such Rich creative desire, and such efficient creative frequency.” Yao Yuanfeng said, “He has been a film director for only three years, but he is already shooting his fourth work. I admire him very much. I don’t have his talent. As a film producer and producer, all I can do is support him with all my strength."

Chen Qiren nodded.

"In fact, Mr. Yao, you have always been a person who is very good at dealing with big-name movie actors. Basically, every movie you produce has a very strong cast. How do you think about the relationship between actors, big-name actors and movies? After asking, he added, "I asked you this question three years ago, and your answer was that movies are the art of directors, but big-name actors can make this work of art popular in the market. I know, I don't know if you have any new ideas on this issue."

Yao Yuanfeng nodded.

"Indeed, especially after getting to know Zhou Yun." Yao Yuanfeng said, "If you have been deeply involved in the production process of a movie starring Zhou Yun, you will know that a suitable and good big-name actor is very important to a movie. The final presentation also plays a decisive role. To be honest, I love and hate Zhou Yun. She always has very high and even troublesome requirements for scripts and productions. But, on the other hand, I also know that , she actually wanted to make the work better. This process was very painful, but in the end, every work she starred in showed a very good result. Moreover, a good actor can stimulate a good directorMore creative inspiration."

Chen Qiren said: "Now the industry has given you, Wen Bing and Zhou Yun the title of 'Iron Triangle'. The three of you have already collaborated on three films. I heard you just now, and now you are shooting another new work. For such combination, do you have anything to say?"

Chen Qiren's question almost touched Yao Yuanfeng's heart.

He smiled triumphantly and said: "Everyone can give us such a title, which shows that our previous works have been recognized by everyone. This is something that makes me very happy."

"However, now that Zhou Yun's boyfriend Song Shiyu has also opened his own film and television company, has Mr. Yao ever thought that Zhou Yun might put more energy into acting her boyfriend's drama in the future?"

"If you say that, you underestimate Zhou Yun too much, and you underestimate me too. First, even though Xiaoyun and I have cooperated so closely, Xiaoyun has never stopped cooperating with other film and television companies. An actor, originally I have never cooperated with only one film and television company. Second, it is very normal for Xiaoyun to cooperate with Song Shiyu's company, but have you ever wondered why Xiaoyun has never cooperated with Song Shiyu's company in the past few years? It’s because they love each other, so they are more cautious and don’t want to cooperate for the sake of cooperation. Third, not only Xiaoyun is cooperating with me, but I also have a script in my hand, which has already been read by Xiaoyun and Song Shiyu. They are very interested and said they want to act. So far, Song Chi and Zhou Yun have never collaborated in a movie. It is very likely that their first collaboration will be in our new shield. We have such a relationship, so don’t worry about other people thing?"

Chen Qiren said: "Apart from Zhou Yun, does Xin Dun have any other actresses who have long-term cooperation?"

"Of course there are. Ning Yao, Yin Lin, Qin Zhihuai, etc., are all actors who have worked with our Xindun for many years. Of course, they may not be like Xiaoyun, who have been with us in such a short period of two years. Our Xindun cooperation is so intensive, but in terms of the time span, many of them are old friends who have cooperated for more than ten years." Yao Yuanfeng said, "In fact, like the three I just cited, all of them are still working together. The confidential project is in contact with them and developed."

Chen Qiren said in surprise: "Are there so many projects being promoted at the same time?"

Yao Yuanfeng nodded: "In the next ten years, our Xindun plan is to become a film company with international influence. In recent years, several films such as "Days", "Four Killers" and "One Mountain Two Tigers" have been released Foreign countries have achieved record-breaking results, and we will continue to pursue the success of the current results, and cooperate with big-name stars with international influence to achieve greater international influence."

Chen Qiren nodded.

"It is true that Xindun's two-year films have achieved great success in the international market. However, many people say that these works that have achieved success in the international market are all films starring Zhou Yun. Some people say that this is Zhou Yun was able to sell such a high box office because of his international influence, Mr. Yao, what do you think?"

Yao Yuanfeng smiled.

"Anyone who says such things can only prove that this person is a complete layman in movies." Yao Yuanfeng said, "I never deny that Xiaoyun's international popularity has greatly helped the sales of these films, but, What really helped these films achieve good results is the high quality of these films themselves, so we must look at this matter objectively, but I am not saying this to deny Xiaoyun's role in it, it is two different things. "

(End of this chapter)

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