Chapter 804 Cruelty ([-] words update!)
There are bathrooms on the training ground.

She quickly finished, changed her clothes, and met Brirange at the door.

Brirange asked: "When you are in China, do everyone call you Xiaoyun?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded with a smile, "Because I was relatively young when I debuted, so many people call me Xiaoyun directly, and they are used to it."

Brirange: "Then I'll call you Xiaoyun from now on."

"Okay." Zhou Yun said, "This is also my more familiar address, Mr. Brirange, where is your daughter now? Is it with you, or?"

"She lives with her mother now, and she is in school." Brirange said, "My job, I often travel all over the world and run around, and she can't settle down with me."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun said, "Being a parent in the entertainment industry does have a lot of problems to face."

Brirange: "Actually, it's all the same. After you have a child, problems in all aspects will be exposed, and many things must be balanced."

Zhou Yun has always had a very good impression of Brirange.

Moreover, the reason why Zhou Yun himself was able to win the movie "Killing Song", Brirange also made a great contribution.

Brirange admired Zhou Yun himself.

She knew that Brirange himself was a very family-oriented person. When he brought his daughter to China, it was also because his daughter had never been here before. He had this opportunity and time, so he brought his daughter with him.

That move made Zhou Yun have a particularly good impression of Brirange.

Zhou Yun: "After the filming is finished, when is it expected to be released?"

"A date hasn't been announced yet, but we're planning to release it in January," Brirange said.

"January?" Zhou Yun was thinking, is this a good time in America?
Brirange: "In other important dates, there are many blockbuster movies booked, and we still try to avoid them as much as possible."

The lineup of "Killing Song" is still weak compared with those big productions with movie superstars.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Will it be released simultaneously in China?"

"This depends on the results of communication with your country's management department." Brirange said, "Of course we hope that the world can be released simultaneously, which can also save us a lot of publicity costs."

The post-production and special effects production of "Killing Song" cost a lot of money, and Brirange hoped to save a little.

To develop this movie, it cost millions of dollars to buy the copyright. Tim Lange was paid as a director, not to mention other expenses.

Merlando invested US$5000 million in the production of the film, and with subsequent investment in publicity and distribution, the cost is estimated to reach US$8000 million.This means that the film's box office will not be able to return until nearly 2.5 million U.S. dollars-of course, these do not include sales to TV stations, online video platforms, and streaming media platforms in other countries, as well as subsequent copyrights development revenue.

This is an IP with a high reputation for the original work, and the biggest star of this movie is the original IP itself.

For Brirange to produce such a large project, the pressure itself must be great.

Zhou Yun wonders if the film will reach $2.5 million worldwide.

But judging from their initial expectations for the film to reach a global box office of $5 million, the prospects should still be very good.

Zhou Yun didn't let himself think about these things too much.

The box office is actually not something she can decide as an actor.

At most, she can carry the box office of this movie in China - she still has some appeal in China, but in the world - to be honest, she also knows that she still needs to rely on this movie to make a name for herself in the world What about market reputation?

Dinner is in a yard, open-air yard, everyone is doing barbecue.

As soon as Zhou Yun entered, he was immediately cheered by everyone.

She looked at the more than 20 people in the yard in surprise.

Among them are not only actors, but also other staff members.

"Hi, nice to meet you all, I'm Zhou Yun." She immediately greeted everyone with a smile.

"Hey, Zhou Yun." American actor Hugh Redman came over to greet Zhou Yun first, "We meet again!"

Zhou Yun met him once at Elizabeth's party.

"Hi." She smiled and hugged, "Long time no see."

Hugh Redman said: "I'm so happy that we can film together!"

Zhou Yun: "Yes, I am also very happy."

She greeted everyone one by one.

Everyone in the room knew her—not only because she starred in this movie, but also because she was nominated for Best Actress at the Golden Globes last year.

The influence of the Golden Globe Awards for film and television is still great.

Everyone also knows that she is a top actress in China, with awards and box office results in full swing.

Especially for Korean actress Kim Joo-rin and Japanese actress Nakajima Ho, Zhou Yun's performance at the three major European film festivals is enough to arouse the jealousy of every actress.

Zhou Yun has never made a barbecue by himself.She was also embarrassed to stand by herself, but still wanted to help, so she went to get vegetables.

The barbecue is ready, and there are other dishes prepared by the chef invited by the producer.

Everyone sat down at a long table.

"Let's raise our glasses to welcome Zhou Yun." Tim Lange raised his glass and said enthusiastically.

Everyone raised their glasses.

Zhou Yun quickly raised his glass, "Thank you, thank you, I am very happy to work with you on this movie, let's work together!"

At night, darkness covers the entire land.

Everyone starts to play a game, and everyone has to tell an embarrassing thing they have experienced.

Then everyone votes to decide whoever says the least embarrassing thing will have a glass of wine.

Zhou Yun really didn't think of anything embarrassing about him.

Especially in the past few years, since she joined the industry, nothing embarrassing has happened to her.

Zhou Yun thought about it for a long time, but when it was her turn, she couldn't figure it out, so she said helplessly, "I admit defeat, I'll drink."

A glass of wine is very crisp.

"Why did you just admit defeat? Zhou Yun, don't you have any embarrassing things?" Lily Crews asked.

Zhou Yun: "I didn't remember it for a while."

Lily Crews: "Okay."

Zhou Yun could see that Lily Crews seemed a little dissatisfied with her performance just now.

In fact, this kind of game is originally for everyone to tell an embarrassing thing about themselves, so that everyone can laugh, get to know each other better, and break the ice.

We are all actors and come from different countries. Without breaking the ice, it is difficult to trust each other in a short period of time.

But how can an actor not trust the opponent actor when acting.

But Zhou Yun really didn't think of it, and it would be more perfunctory to say something casually.

This round of the game is over, and everyone starts to play a new game.

Everyone draws an instruction in their hand, and they must complete this instruction without anyone else guessing what it is.

The order Zhou Yun drew was to let Lily Crews eat a grilled chicken wing.

"OK, everyone has confirmed the content of the instructions they have drawn." Tim Lange is in charge of playing the role of "God". "Then the game starts now. The first six eliminated will each have a glass of wine."

Hugh Redman was the first to laugh.

The others looked at him inexplicably, not knowing why he was smiling suddenly.

It is estimated that it has something to do with the order he drew.

Zhou Yun pretended not to hear his laughter, and said, "Who else among you wants to eat, I'll go bake some more."

Jin Zhulin immediately said: "Then let me go to bake with you, I just want to eat some more, I was not full just now."

Zhou Yun was about to agree, when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them.

"Then you go first, I'll go later." Zhou Yun looked at Jin Zhulin with a smile.

It suddenly occurred to her just now, is it possible that Jin Zhulin's mission is to complete something with Zhou Yun?
Jin Zhulin got up without changing her expression, and said to Zhou Yun: "You are too vigilant."

Zhou Yun spread his hands and said, "This is playing a game."

Lily Crews stood up suddenly and said, "Kim, can you bake me another chicken wing? I want to eat chicken wings."

Jin Zhulin immediately said: "Lily, have you finished eating the chicken wings?"

Lily Crews: "It's getting cold, I want something warm."

"Actually, I do too. I also want to eat chicken wings." Zhou Yun said.

Jin Zhulin rolled her eyes, "I'll go see if there is any."

The players who play this game are basically actors. Everyone has some acting skills in their bodies. They try their own tricks. No one knows what the instructions they got.

Tim Lange certainly isn't going to let this game go on for long.

As a "God", he must constantly advance the progress of the game.

"Chris, please help Kim," Tim Lange said to the Danish actor Chris Pine. "Kim needs your help."

Chris Pine responded, got up and followed behind Jin Zhulin.

"Chris!" Nakajima Ho suddenly called out.

Chris Pine turned his head, looked at Nakajima Ho, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Nakajimaho cheered and said, "I'm done!"

She immediately turned to Chris Pine and said, "Sorry!"

Chris Pine looked surprised and asked, "What is your command mission?"

With an embarrassed smile on his face, Nakajima Ho said, "Let Chris Pine ask me a question."

Chris Pine spread his hands and sighed helplessly, "Well, it's hard to guard against."

"It's great!" British actress Rooney Cody high-fived Nakajimaho, "Hahaha, the first person to be eliminated is born."

Ho Nakajima happily high-fives Rooney Cody.

"Sui, you're eliminated too." Rooney Cody said apologetically while smiling and hugging Nakajima Hoi immediately after she gave her a high-five.

Nakajimaho still looked confused and asked, "Ah? What's wrong? What did I do?"

Rooney Cody said, "Honey, you're not supposed to high-five me, it's my job to give you a high-five."

Nakajima Ho made a regretful sound.


Chris Pine had a good laugh.

Jin Zhulin stood aside, not daring to move.In an instant, two people were eliminated immediately, and Jin Zhulin was worried that someone's task was to let her cook barbecue.

She thought that it was Zhou Yun who first brought it up on his own initiative. Is it possible that Zhou Yun deliberately mentioned this matter, and then tricked her into having a barbecue?

Jin Zhulin thought that her command task was to let Zhou Yun do something with her, and she felt that Zhou Yun's task might not be impossible.

For a moment, everyone dared not act rashly.

However, how could Tim Lange allow everyone to do nothing during the game in order not to be eliminated.

He began to direct again.

Tim Lange immediately told Jin Zhulin to stop the barbecue and let her go back to her seat.

At the same time, Zhou Yun was immediately asked to have a barbecue.

Zhou Yun was thinking that his mission had not been completed yet, and Lily Crews had to eat chicken wings.

She got up immediately and went.

Jin Zhulin was also thinking about her mission. Seeing that Zhou Yun had gone, she prepared to help again.

At this moment, Lily Crews suddenly said, "Kim, can you get me some tissues? I'm out of here."

Jin Zhulin asked with a smile: "Lily, your command task won't let me do something for you?"

"Oh, Lily is eliminated." Tim Lange said with a smile.

Lily Crews pursed her lips in dissatisfaction, and said, "How did Jin guess it? My task is too easy to guess."

"You've made it obvious, too," Hugh Redman said.

The third person eliminated is produced.

Zhou Yun laughed and said, "Then Lily has been eliminated, what about my mission?"

Tim Lange said: "You just need to make sure that no one else can complete the task now."

Zhou Yun smiled and asked, "Lily, do you still want chicken wings?"

Lily Crews shook her head: "No, you'll get fat if you eat any more. We have to wear tights for filming."

Zhou Yun nodded.

After a while, two other candidates for elimination were also produced.

Six people drank.

A few small games did make everyone more familiar.

Tim Lange also sat down.

"Tim, why did you decide to direct this movie?" Hugh Redman asked.

Tim Lange said with a smile: "My daughter is a loyal fan of the book "Killing Song". After receiving the invitation, I basically agreed without hesitation."

Hugh Redman: "That's why."

"It would be a tempting experience for any director to make this film," he said. "The story is famous all over the world, isn't it? It has fans all over the world."

When Zhou Yun heard this sentence, the first thing he thought was that "Slaying Song" didn't seem to have been published in China yet.

It can only be said that this book is very popular in the European and American world.

"We are all here together to create a great story." Tim Lange said, "I know that many teenagers around the world really like this story. There are high expectations, so this requires all of us to go all out and devote ourselves to the creation of this movie. I know that everyone is a very popular and charismatic star in their own country. I also hope to be able to Make this movie your masterpiece, let's work together."

Let's raise our glasses together.

Zhou Yun said: "We work hard together."

After dinner, everyone went into the room together to watch a movie.

The movie they picked tonight is a movie starring Ho Nakajima.

Nakajima Ho was a little shy, as if she was embarrassed that so many people gathered to watch her performance.

But Zhou Yun thinks that Tim Lange's approach is really worth learning.

Such an activity can let everyone know the performance style and habits of each actor.

This is very good for them to play against each other later.

There is no such event, and to be honest, it is very difficult for Zhou Yun to choose a movie starring so many people by herself.

It's almost impossible.

In the process of watching the movie, Tim Lange would say a few words from time to time.

Nakajimaho will also respond to some of your comments.

Why was it handled that way at the time, and what did the director of this movie want to express.

Nakajima Ho is a very shy girl, but although she speaks softly, she is very defending of her work and firmly maintains the honor of this film.

This is Zhou Yun's first time watching this film, and she quite likes it.

Nakajima Ho's performance in the movie is also very good, with a very restrained acting method.

is a very good actor.

After watching it, Tim Lange said: "Sui, you acted really well in this movie, gentle and powerful, especially the scene where you finally decided to take a risk to save Koichiro, your eye scene very good."

A look of embarrassment crossed Nakashimaho's face.

"Thank you for the compliment. In fact, I still have a lot of shortcomings. Please give me more advice."

Everyone else is boasting about Shimaho.

The atmosphere is very harmonious.

That's how Zhou Yun spent his first night when he arrived at the set.

She went back to the hotel, took a shower, and got ready for bed.

The high-intensity movement training made her very tired, especially after the hot water was flushed, she felt even more tired.

She texted Song Chi good night, turned off the lights, and almost fell asleep next to the pillow.

Early the next morning, Zhou Yun changed into his sportswear and went downstairs for a run.

This neighborhood is unfamiliar, and Zhou Yun didn't dare to run far, so he ran along the road near the hotel.

Halfway through the run, I ran into Jin Zhulin who was also running in the morning.

"Hi." Zhou Yun greeted her.

Jin Zhulin also let out a cheer, with a bright smile.

Everyone speaks good English and can communicate normally.

"Do you usually get up for a run every morning?" Jin Zhulin asked.

Zhou Yun nodded, "I have always had this habit."

"Me too." Jin Zhulin said, "Have you ever been to Korea?"

"I went to promote movies." Zhou Yun replied, "But I haven't traveled, and I leave in a hurry every time I finish work."

Jin Zhulin: "You are also very popular in South Korea. Many people in our country like you very much. If you have the opportunity, you must visit us."

"Really? Then I will definitely go if I have the chance." Zhou Yun said.

After the two exchanged a few words, Jin Zhulin said, "I've almost run away, and I'm ready to go back. Will you continue to run?"

"Well, I'll run for a while." Zhou Yun nodded, "Go back first, see you later."

"it is good."

Zhou Yun continued to run, with two bodyguards following behind her.

Jin Zhulin looked back at Zhou Yun, and her eyes fell on the two bodyguards following Zhou Yun.


In the next few days, Zhou Yun did the same thing every day, learning movements and practicing movements.

Almost half of the film is action, and it's in different scenes.

After learning the movements, Zhou Yun began to practice with other actors.

This process is actually very boring, and it is very easy to get hurt.

Because many people are not familiar with martial arts, but they don't know how to control themselves.

On the fourth day of entering the group, Zhou Yun had a bruise on the back of his hand—a bruise from being hit by Nakajima Ho with a shield.

Nakajima Hoto was shocked and kept apologizing.

Zhou Yun patted her on the shoulder, gritted his teeth and endured the pain, and said, "It's okay, there's nothing serious, you can continue practicing, and I'll take care of it."

Fortunately, the problem is not particularly serious, it's just pain, but it doesn't hurt the muscles and bones, and it will be fine after a few days of rest.

After Tim Lange learned about this, he explained to the action director that he must not let the actors mess around. Don't let the filming start before the filming starts, and half of the people will be injured first, so they can't shoot.

It was in this situation that Jin Zhulin suddenly had an accident.

She tore her knee ligament during training, her face was flushed with pain, beads of sweat rolled down, and she couldn't stand up.

Everyone urgently sent Jin Zhulin to the hospital for examination and recuperation.

The doctor asked Jin Zhulin to rest for at least a week, and she had to make a brace. It would be best not to let her leg rest on the ground for a week.

Jin Zhulin became anxious when she heard this.

She directly said no, she still wanted to film.

The movie is about to start shooting, and she still has a lot of moves that she hasn't learned yet.

But the doctor said that if she doesn't take a good rest, the injury will be with her for the rest of her life.

Zhou Yun and the others also heard the news.

Soon, Zhou Yun even heard the news that Merandu planned to replace Jin Zhulin.

Now that the movie has not started shooting, the loss caused by replacing Jin Zhulin is minimal.

But, do we need to go this far?

It's not like Jin Zhulin won't be able to leave her bed for the next few months.

Everyone was talking about it, not knowing how to deal with this matter.

Zhou Yun originally wanted to ask Brirange, but in the end he decided to forget it and not join in the fun.

No matter what Merandu did in the end, it was their business.

To everyone's surprise, Jin Zhulin appeared on the training ground in a wheelchair the next afternoon.

She told the movement director that she can't learn the movements of the lower body now, but she can learn the movements of the upper body first, and sincerely asked the movement director to arrange teaching.

Seeing this scene, the other actors asked her to heal her injuries first.

Jin Zhulin was very stubborn, and said: "I can't hold back the crew, don't worry, I will take care of myself, and I will definitely learn all the movements before shooting, and keep up with your progress."

Hearing what she said, Zhou Yun felt very uncomfortable.

In fact, this movie is a very precious opportunity for anyone, and no one wants to give up.

Zhou Yun knew better, if it wasn't because he was not reconciled and refused to admit defeat, which young man would be willing to take the risk of injury and recovery and continue to challenge himself?

She developed respect for Jin Zhulin.

The news of Jin Zhulin's injury also appeared on major entertainment news websites in South Korea, attracting much attention.

There were comments on the Internet that "Jin Zhulin is suspected of quitting the crew of "Killing Song" due to injury".

Zhou Yun didn't know where this statement came from. The person who said this was just an ordinary account ID, not a serious media.

However, this rumor is very similar to the news circulating in the crew.

Zhou Yun was a little suspicious that the news was leaked by the crew.

Many fans of Kim Joo Rin in South Korea condemned Merando on the Internet for not protecting the safety of the actors.

The pressure of public opinion was once great.

This incident even affected the online social accounts of several co-stars including Zhou Yun.

Many fans of Jin Zhulin leave messages, comments, or directly @ them on their posts, and then ask them to express their views on this matter and condemn Merando together.

This behavior is too naive.

Not to mention that the relationship between Jin Zhulin and Merandu is still very good, even if Jin Zhulin and Merandu really broke up, how could they actors speak for Jin Zhulin?

Jin Zhulin is no victim.

Of course, the crew has no responsibility to protect the safety of the actors, but Jin Zhulin's knee ligaments will be damaged, which is also related to her own bravado.

She couldn't do a certain movement, and the movement instructor wanted to change the movement with her. She refused and stubbornly wanted to learn that movement, but something happened during the contact process.

On the training ground, the atmosphere of everyone's training was a little silent, not as harmonious and happy as it was at the beginning.

Before the filming started, a new face suddenly came to the training ground, and he was also a Korean actor.

Very young, with sharp eyes.

Although no one told them who this girl was, but considering the current situation, everyone knew what this new girl was doing.

After seeing this girl, Jin Zhulin immediately went to Brirange angrily.

Zhou Yun and the others didn't know what kind of conversation happened between them, but after their conversation, the new girl didn't leave, and Jin Zhulin still came to the training ground every day, forming a strange stalemate.

Under such circumstances, dinner parties and movie watching activities every night have also become awkward.

Tim Lange acted as if nothing had happened, and pulled everyone to eat, watch movies, and chat with a smile every day no matter what.

It feels weird.

Zhou Yun didn't know how to describe her strange feeling, as if she clearly knew that this matter was not as peaceful as it seemed on the surface, but she still had to work hard to maintain this feeling like everyone else. Peaceful atmosphere.

Jin Zhulin is even more so.

Everyone knows that there is someone who will replace her at any time, and she always acts like nothing happened, and she still trains, eats, and chats with everyone, and her smile is still bright and bright.

But everyone knows that it's all about performances.

Zhou Yun felt helpless.

That's the way it is with actors, it's so helpless.You get hurt, no one can wait for you, the shooting date is there, and a day of delay is adding cost.

The movement here is so big that the domestic entertainment circles have begun to pay attention to this matter.

Even Wang Jing came to ask her what was going on.

If Jin Zhulin really quit due to injury, there will be an extra role position, and most people with the right conditions are moved by this idea.

Wang Jing is no exception.

Zhou Yun understood what Wang Jing was thinking, and knew what she was thinking, so he had to tell her the ins and outs of the matter, so that she would stop thinking about it—even if Jin Zhulin really stopped acting, Merandu had already A replacement actor has been found.

(End of this chapter)

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