Chapter 808 New
Hugh Redman was in a bad mood.

Things turned out like this, completely beyond his expectations.

The agent also called him impulsive.

Hugh Redman doesn't think he did anything wrong, but to be honest, he regrets it a little.

If he hadn't punched that punch, there would be no such troubles at all now.

It is obvious that his future is bright now.

Hugh Redman didn't want to see anyone now, so he stayed in the hotel and didn't have to deal with anyone.

There are too many people who scold him.

He didn't even dare to go online, but from time to time he wanted to know what was going on online, so he would still log in to see what it was like.

As a result, I will be stimulated by many messages every time.

In fact, she also felt that this incident was a bit strange. The incident of Hugh Redman was actually very simple. Why did the media show so much hostility towards Hugh Redman? The feeling of beating him to death and making him unable to get up.

Nakajimaho nodded seriously, "I'm sorry, if it wasn't for protecting us, you wouldn't have encountered these things, but it's a pity that not many people saw what we said."

Hugh Redman said: "This thing makes me very angry."

The first floor of the hotel, the lobby.

Zhou Yun said: "Same as you, very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable, but that's how I got over it."

But none of them ever organized a game to go to the bar again.

Hugh Dreyman shook his head and said, "This has nothing to do with you, anyone would do it anyway."

Subsequent filming continued.

Zhou Yun felt that Hugh Redman was a little too depressed.

Hugh Redman also slowly regained his formerly energetic and enthusiastic appearance.

His hesitant appearance made Zhou Yun's previous bad guess resurface in his mind.

Discussions about Hugh Redman on the Internet gradually subsided.

Not like this.

At this time, Hugh Redman finally came.

"It's a pity that we don't have many fans here who can help us spread the truth."

"I don't think it's a matter of spreading the truth. It's just that those authoritative media have selectively reported the truth that is not good for Hugh Redman." Zhou Yun said, "They didn't slander Hugh, but The part that is beneficial to Hugh was removed, and only the part that was unfavorable to Hugh was reported, and the content and direction of the report were full of bias."

Hugh Redman was almost "morally kidnapped" by Zhou Yun and went to the restaurant.

Zhou Yun said, "You must have not eaten dinner."

Hugh Redman said, "A hamburger, a plate of scrambled eggs, and a beer."

In this mood and state, Hugh Redman felt that no one else would understand him.

There is no way to lay such a long action trajectory line on the shooting site, so it can only be split into multiple shots for shooting.

In the play, she will have a life-and-death chase with Hugh Redman, and there will be a lot of running.

Therefore, after sitting down in the restaurant, Hugh Redman still had some impatience on his face.

Not just running, but also some actions like dodging and jumping.

"If there is no way to turn this matter around in a short period of time, we can only make no response and continue filming." Zhou Yun said, "However, there will definitely be opportunities for response and clarification on this matter, Hugh, When the premiere of "Killing Song" is being promoted, many media will definitely mention this matter. You must know that you are not alone in this matter. Nakajimaho and I are standing by your side. "

Hugh Redman sighed softly, "Xiaoyun, Sui, I am very grateful for your kindness, but this matter... Let's talk about it later."

"I'll wait for you in the hotel lobby."


Hugh Redman froze.

In fact, his emotions were not directed at Zhou Yun and Nakajimaho.Both Zhou Yun and Nakajima Ho knew this very well.

Someone texted him.

Hugh Redman turned to look at her in disbelief, and said, "Zhou Yun, you are such an asshole for saying such things! Why do you think I am being attacked by so many people now?"

As public opinion turned more and more against Hugh Redman, it was no longer easy to connect with Hugh Redman.

Hugh Redman asked, "So what was your mood then?"

Hardly anyone cares about the truth.This is how he feels.

He explained over and over again, telling people why he did it, they didn't care at all, they would just call him a violent person again and again.

He didn't know that there is a word in China that is "a person walks with tea to cool down". Of course, this word is not suitable to describe him here, but today, he feels somewhat like this.

Hugh Redman shook his head, "I don't know about this, and no one knows."

If Hugh Redman hadn't shot at that time, Zhou Yun didn't feel that he would be taken advantage of by that drunk man.She has bodyguards present, and she will be a little skillful, so she won't suffer.However, Hugh Redman was able to stand up and protect the two girls at that time. She was very moved, and because of Hugh Redman's behavior, she had a better impression of him.

Zhou Yun's scenes soon did not run from morning to night as in the first three days. Sometimes there was only one scene to be filmed a day, and it took more than four hours to call it a day and leave.

Hugh Redman asked: "Xiaoyun, have you experienced this darkest moment in China when you were besieged by everyone?"

Hugh Redman shook his head and said, "I'm not hungry, you can eat by yourself."

Zhou Yun felt that he should have thought too much.

Nakajimaho looked at Zhou Yun worriedly, and asked, "Xiaoyun, will Hugh come down?"

"I know you're in a bad mood, but we still have to make this movie well, right?" Zhou Yun said, "We are actors, and for us, there is nothing more important than making the tricks well, Now these bad voices, when you come up with a character that surprises others, all of them will disappear."

After Zhou Yun put on the equipment, he followed the route planned by the director and the others in advance.

"It's not that I didn't see it, it's that I don't care." Zhou Yun said, "Look, how many people are paying attention to Hugh Redman beating someone in a bar."

Hugh Redman shook his head, "They have already contacted some media to respond to this incident, but none of them are as powerful as the few media that have been attacking me. We can only bear this loss, and wait for it to come naturally. Cool off."

This is a small restaurant near the hotel, and it is not a high-end restaurant. The seats are relatively narrow, but because everyone is talking and the environment is noisy, it makes people feel at ease talking here.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

On the seventh day of filming, the scene between Zhou Yun and Hugh Redman will be filmed.

Did someone see that Hugh Redman was upset and shot behind his back?But it shouldn't be, Hugh Redman is a young actor, who can make him treat him so badly and treat him like this?

Zhou Yun: "Hugh, Nakajimaho and I are very grateful to you for this matter. This is not the same thing as anyone would do. You are angry in your heart. I don't know what can be done to help you. You, however, will do my best to tell everyone the truth about this matter, and I thank you very much."

Zhou Yun and Nakajima Ho ordered their own, and asked Hugh Redman what to eat.

Nakashima Ho couldn't help frowning.

Yesterday there were always people sending messages to him, encouraging him, or supporting him, but today there are fewer people sending messages to him.

"Hugh, don't you want to continue to be friends with us?" Zhou Yun asked directly.

Hugh Redman frowned.

Tim Lange originally wanted to try to take a long shot, but found it too difficult on the scene.

"You are a man, can you be more generous? Don't play your temper like a child? No matter what happens, there is always food to eat." Zhou Yun said, "Let's find a restaurant to sit down and have a good chat. It's not about you alone, Nakajimaho and I also want to help you, or do you think we can't help you?"

It doesn't seem like a normal reaction of someone who has suffered injustice.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I know, that's why the two of us can't just sit idly by you now, especially if you don't eat dinner and shut yourself in the hotel room by yourself."

"I have experienced it." Zhou Yun nodded, "So now I can understand your mood very well."

With such an arrangement of the film crew, Zhou Yun was also happy to take a stroll around the neighborhood with Liu Yun when there was no filming.

"How can this work? Don't you just ignore it?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I don't know, just wait and see. If he doesn't come down, then we'll go up and knock on the door. No matter what, we can't let him stay in the room alone."

Nakajima ho hummed, nodded, and said, "Oh, I don't know why those media don't distinguish between right and wrong. We've already explained the truth clearly, but they don't seem to see anything."

"This is my own business."

Hugh Redman was impatient.

Zhou Yun said: "We didn't eat either, let's have dinner together."

The three of them had dinner together before returning to the hotel.

Every time Hugh Redman saw this word, a fire would burst out in his heart, wanting to destroy something.

Zhou Yun said, "Hugh, what does your company say? What are they going to do?"

What Hugh Redman didn't expect was that it was Zhou Yun who sent the message.

He looked at the complex expressions of the two of them, and asked, "Why did you ask me to come down?"

The chase scene was shot entirely under the green screen, without real scenes, and it was all up to the actors' own imagination.

Zhou Yun watched Hugh Redman shoot first.

As a result, Hugh Redman was also very uncomfortable with this kind of shooting without real scenes, and his state was affected and he couldn't fully enter the scene.

Tim Lange understood them well enough to stop and tell him what the scene was like.

Fortunately, there is a screen on the scene, which can make a rough and rough movie picture in real time, and present the scene they just shot, so that they can probably understand what the movie will look like.

(End of this chapter)

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