After Zhou Yun finished filming his own scene, he went next door to practice the action scene to be filmed tomorrow.

She's sparring with Lily Crews tomorrow.

Fortunately, there are not many melee parts between two people.

Although "Killing Song" is an action movie, it is more about moves than moves, but shows the effect of different people fighting with different weapons.

What I pursue is the excitement and beauty of the picture.

After Zhou Yun finished this set of movements, the movement director was very surprised and said: "Xiao Yun, your set of movements is already very beautiful."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Thank you for practicing with me every day."

The action director gave her a thumbs up and said, "You have to practice every day to have the proficiency you have now."

While talking, Lily Crews also appeared.

Seeing Zhou Yun standing with the action director, she frowned and asked, "Will, do you have time now? Can you practice with me?"

Zhou Yun felt that he should have thought too much.

"Did you call it a day?" Zhou Yun asked.

He complained to Song Chi, saying, "I'm doing a free job for your wife, and I don't even have a bonus!"

Many familiar seniors sent Song Chi messages to support his speech tonight.

"Xu Siyao was completely thrown away. Now she really wants to stick to Zhou Yun's body like brown sugar."

Inexplicably, Song Chi's speech gave him a lot of prestige.

He hurried away.

"How can there be such an opportunity?"

When the host said this, the faces of the other nominated actresses were a little ugly.

Regarding this action scene, Lily Crews has been practicing for a long time. She thought that she should be able to suppress her when she was fighting with Zhou Yun. Unexpectedly, Zhou Yun did not expose any loopholes. She was never given a chance.

The awards ceremony tonight is not a serious and authoritative award, it is just a grand event organized by their own TV station, and the awards presented do not have much credibility in the circle, it is all for everyone to cheer for.

In a life-and-death struggle in this battle royale game, who still has the ability to maintain beauty.

I don't know when, Xu Siyao has given up on this idea.

Zhou Yun smiled.

"Goodbye." Hugh Redman suddenly thought of something, "By the way, Xiaoyun, are you free tomorrow night? My girlfriend is here, and she wants to meet you and Nakajimaho for dinner, is that okay?" ?”

In fact, this stuff can only fool the uninformed.

Because acting is not a math problem, there is a standard answer, which can be scored to give a score that no one has any objection to.

If two people can compete before the official shooting, the effect of the fight will definitely be better during the official shooting.

During the days when Zhou Lan went abroad, Wu Chengbao's already busy work became even busier.

Song Chi's award acceptance speech was widely spread on the Internet.

Song Chi also stood aside and applauded.

Of course Song Chi knew it existed, but it was precisely because he knew of the existence of this chain of contempt that he called for it to be eradicated.

On the contrary, Wei Ruxue's few provocative words made people feel that she was small.

The words came from her own mouth, and she was not forced to speak by others.

Zhou Yun nodded with a smile and said, "I'm done practicing, you can practice."

She never advertises herself as an internationally renowned actress, but in everyone's minds, she is.

Chris Pine heard this and asked, "Isn't he doing a solo shot of Hugh?"

The fans were pleasantly surprised, and at the same time began to promote the nature of this actor dialogue event.

"I just went to the service desk to get it," he said.

Chris Pine said: "It's really great to be on this set, and there are people who can help you get everything you need."

In the hearts of the audience, she is good and the god of acting.Such actors are actually very rare, and it is difficult to have another one.Every actor like this relies on the audience's recognition accumulated from one drama to another.

"That's because there are people behind it, okay? Only when there is a platform to support, can I have the opportunity to act with Zhou Yun."

Some people would say before that although her acting skills are not as good as Zhou Yun's, her performance in the drama is not worse than Zhou Yun's at all.

This is the first time in recent years that Chinese actors have participated in this kind of Hollywood dialogue.

"You work harder. If you have the opportunity to act with Zhou Yun in the future and let her think that you are worth cultivating, you will be lucky."

Zhou Yun took a look, "Don't you have mine?"

She met Hugh Redman at the door.

After going through it once, Zhou Yun heaved a sigh of relief.

And those who are still active on the front line can be counted on one hand.

Of course Xu Siyao knew that she had been thrown further and further away by Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun had a two-hour break at noon, and she went out to meet Zhou Lan for lunch.

Zhou Yun shook his head, "Not yet, there will be more later, I just went to practice the fighting scene that will be filmed tomorrow."

When it came time to award the Best Actor, Song Chi won the award without any surprises.

"Our Song Chi also came to the scene today and will also be the presenter of our Best Actress award. It's a pity that Ms. Zhou Yun couldn't make it to the scene because she was filming abroad. Otherwise, if Ms. Zhou Yun won the award tonight, Everyone will be able to see Song Chi and Zhou Yun on the same stage again."

Finally, this award was awarded to Wei Ruxue.

"Who knows, anyway, the producer can afford it."

The two smiled at each other, and Zhou Yun left first.

"Is Zhou Yun so strong in front of Yue Hai?"

Chris Pine: "Then I'll have to go, I'll be the next scene after Hugh."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Okay, what's your girlfriend's name?"

"Don't tell me, let me tell you that Zhou Yun is famous for being willing to help others. Just look at how many newcomers she has promoted in the past two years."

Although she was sweating all over, she didn't take a bath.

It is normal for Zhou Yun to be invited to participate in this kind of activities-this kind of change in everyone's minds is actually the most important thing for an actor.

From her continuous attendance at some celebrity parties and dinners in the United States in the past two years, to attending some important award ceremonies, not only as a spectator, she will not appear in the feature films broadcast by mainstream media, but as an invited guest, Either go to an award, or participate as a nominee.

Song Chi's interview video was forwarded by many people in the industry.

Especially together with Wei Ruxue's acceptance speech.

After Zhou Yun became famous in the three major European movies, he made a name for himself in Hollywood.

The host said this, as if if Zhou Yun hadn't come tonight, then Zhou Yun should be the one who deserved the award, because everyone wanted to see Song Chi and Zhou Yun on the same stage.

Of course Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Yes, no problem."

Of course she knew clearly that this was not realistic at all.She doesn't like to watch these dramas she made herself.

Originally, the public opinion war between Zhou Yun and "Daily Viewpoint" newspaper was over, Wu Chengbao thought that his busy life could come to an end, but who knows, "Variety" immediately announced the list of dialogue actors, and Zhou Yun was among them.

Nowadays, Xu Siyao can accept that her drama has a bad reputation and is scolded by many people, but it is difficult for her to bear that the drama she starred in is not popular and no one watches it.Once that kind of thing happened, her only support would be gone.

Of course, it was also ridiculed by some practitioners: No matter what Song Chi says, there is a chain of contempt in this circle.

Lily Cruise's movements are also very proficient, and obviously she has not practiced less.

Zhou Yun has seen all these disputes in the country.

When Song Chi was being interviewed backstage, a reporter asked him if his acceptance speech was aimed at Wei Ruxue.

He holds two cups of coffee in his hand.

And when this matter is known to more and more people, many people also have a habitual attitude in their hearts.

The camera captured this scene, which was noticed by viewers and netizens who watched the live broadcast, and discussed it on social platforms.

When putting on makeup every day, the makeup artist needs to make her look a little embarrassed.

Zhou Lan smiled when he saw her, and said, "You, you, you still have to lie down when you are not in the country."

Zhou Yun and Lily Cruise's eyes met.

Zhou Yun's name has really entered the global field of vision.

When everyone saw the news, they ridiculed Wei Ruxue one after another. A person who was talking about filming a TV series turned around and picked up a movie.

Hugh Redman nodded.

That's the benefit of a big crew.


"Only Xu Siyao, who is half-assed, requires himself to be the only one, whether it is the lounge or the car." Another person said, "Have you ever heard of Zhou Yun's request? I heard that she was in Any crew will eat and live with everyone when filming, and will never ask for special treatment, unlike that one, who has gone to the deep mountains and old forests to film, and still insists on staying in a five-star hotel, and has to go back and forth every day Four hours."

Song Chi sent the trophy to Wei Ruxue.

This crew is a new crew starring Xu Siyao. As the heroine, she is not very popular. Everyone hates her in private. They often sit together and say bad things about her. Because of her existence, other actors are united like never before. .

All kinds of voices on the Internet are noisy.


In fact, the reputation of Zhou Yun's shortlisted drama is not particularly high.

She could hear every word of what those people said inside clearly.

Zhou Yun waved his hand and smiled, "Just kidding, I have it myself."

Song Chi said, "Please worry about our affairs in the future!"

"Who said that, let me tell you that almost all the roles in the drama starring Zhou Yun have to be auditioned. Whoever is suitable will be cast, and the platform doesn't work. Zhou Yun must nod." Someone immediately said, "I I was in contact with a drama by Yue Hai before, and I have met four times. I thought I could sign a contract. Who knows that Yue Hai’s people said that we actors have to wait for Zhou Yun to read the list first, there is no problem. After signing with us, the result has been waiting until now and there is no follow-up."

For the Chinese, being able to break into the world's stage and shine is something that everyone will be proud of.

Anyone who is really knowledgeable knows that the number of Chinese actors who are truly famous internationally can be counted on two hands.

In the dressing room of a production crew, an actress laughed.

Can't be too clean.

He not only had to manage Song Chi's company, but also helped Zhou Lan take care of Zhou Yun's public relations in the public opinion.

Song Chi took the stage, received the trophy, and said in front of the microphone: "Thank you, thank you for giving me this award. I am very happy, because I haven't won an award for a long time. Of course, whether we win an award or not, we have always been good people. Make a good movie, this is a TV award, it is an award given by TV people to TV people, someone asked me, Song Chi, why have you made fewer TV series and more movies in recent years, I think, movies and TV are not the same The carrier is different, but people are still a family. Whether it is a movie or TV, it is a work. What we have to do as actors is to shoot the work well. In fact, many good stories are only suitable for the carrier of TV. From the classic The four major classics, many stories up to now require TV and drama series to accommodate these more complex and richer story logic and character relationships. I now have a company that produces film and television dramas by myself, including movies and TV series. TV series, including the two TV series that will be broadcast on our satellite TV soon, I am very grateful to the seniors who have always supported us in this industry, I will continue to be a good person and do a good job in every work, thank you."

Lily Cruise's attitude towards Zhou Yun is the same.

The others followed suit with a smile.

Zhou Yun's fans were all surprised.

Wei Ruxue went on to say: "Anyway, I am very happy to receive this award. I have been in the industry for many years, and I have filmed many scenes until today. Thank you for your hosts and the support of the audience. As a member of TV people, I It may be different from some actors, and I don’t have the ability to be amphibious in film and television, and fully blossom, but I want to say that since the first day I became an actor, I have been focusing on my own performance, and I also I am very confident. No matter who I compare myself to, I can say that I am a good actor. All the producers and directors in the audience come to me for filming. It doesn’t matter how much you pay, as long as it is a good script and a good team. , I will definitely act!"

Therefore, when the public says the public is right, and the mother-in-law says the woman is right, an authoritative award can give an actor a medal in one go.

However, because this drama is indeed very popular, it is the hottest TV drama in summer, so it is normal to be shortlisted.

After Wei Ruxue finished speaking, Song Chi didn't say anything to her, just walked in front of her and stepped off the stage.

They went to great lengths to invite Song Chi here, and if they didn't give him an award, it wouldn't make sense, and it wasn't an authoritative award in the first place.

Not to, not to.

Why do you often judge whether an actor is good or not by whether he has won an award?

She was annoyed and angry, but there was nothing she could do.

"Kiss Elliott," said Hugh Redman, "she's an actress, too."

Because of this event, there were not many Chinese people who participated in it before, so the popularity is limited.

Holding the trophy, Wei Ruxue said with a smile at the first sentence, "It's a good thing Zhou Yun didn't come tonight, otherwise, there might be no way to get this prize."

——Is Song Chi a bit unmannered?His face was so ugly. Could it be that Zhou Yun wasn't the one who deserved the award, so he just made a bad face at Wei Ruxue?
——How could Song Chi put on a bad face because the winner was not Zhou Yun? Did you listen to Wei Ruxue's speech?Her award acceptance speech was well said, why must she step on Zhou Yun insinuatingly?It's none of Zhou Yun's business that the amphibious film and television are in full bloom, what is she so upset about here?What's the matter? It's a good thing that Zhou Yun didn't come, otherwise she might not be able to win the award. What do you mean by saying this?
——If I were Song Chi, I wouldn't talk to Wei Ruxue, okay?Zhou Yun didn't even show up today, and in the end she still had to cheat.

An idea suddenly popped up in Zhou Yun's mind - er, can't it?

Although busy with work and depressing, Wu Chengbao did not miss the work that should be done.

According to the urine nature of this award, it is really possible.

Wei Ruxue's speech caused thunderous applause from the audience.

The expressions on everyone's faces are colorful.

Everyone thinks her performance in this play is mediocre, which is not surprising.

Lily Crews also looked at Zhou Yun when she heard Will's words.

But the reality is already in front of us.In the drama market, a script like "Deep Sea" would not have been filmed by any platform if Zhou Yun hadn't liked it.Xu Siyao couldn't act in such a script.She knew very well that she was not as adventurous as Zhou Yun.

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Nakajimaho, and found that Nakajimaho had a look on his face that she didn't know how to describe, like helplessness—like the helplessness when seeing a close person still be so reckless .

"If you don't make such a fuss, how can you highlight that she is the heroine?"

However, during the award ceremony, a host said something that should not be said.

Song Chi didn't deny it directly, but said: "Actually, it's also my own perception in the past two years, especially after I run a film and television production company myself, I have such a deeper feeling. To make a work requires a lot of people. To help you, from script to photography, from lighting to logistics support, not to mention a series of more complicated issues such as broadcasting, review, funding, etc. In this process, there is actually no distinction between movies and TV dramas. I do For any work, everyone doesn't care whether you are making a movie or a TV series. As long as there is something that can help, they will definitely help. This distinction is really meaningless, and I am very disgusted that some people must classify these two things into three or six or nine grades."

"Xiu has already returned from work." Zhou Yun said, "I just said goodbye to Xio."

Someone edited a comparison video to analyze the subtext behind Song Chi's words for those who don't know the situation.

"Oh, really?" Zhou Yun had never heard of it.

"Well, speaking of it, Xu Siyao actually got what she wanted. We scold her here for being inferior to Zhou Yun, but she is still a top-notch player now. The salary we earn from acting in a TV series may be worthless in our entire lifetime." Can't earn it."

Will said: "Actually, both of you happen to be here. Why don't you two fight each other directly? You will fight each other tomorrow."

"Everyone says that actors are paid well and make a lot of money. They don't see those hard-working actors like us who are still struggling to make ends meet."

"Can you?" she asked.

When everyone mentioned Xu Siyao, their tone was extremely disdainful.

"Hey, Nakajima." Chris Pine's voice suddenly came from behind.

Xu Siyao herself didn't realize that after such a thing happened, she didn't even have the idea of ​​competing with Zhou Yun again.

The motion director's name is Will.

"I'm going, is it true or not?" Someone opened his eyes wide, "6000 million? Hasn't the salary limit been started long ago?"

"Well," said Hugh Redman, "it went relatively well today."

At the same time, Zhou Yun's name was branded fiercely on her heart as if someone had branded it with a red-hot iron.

The cast list released by "Variety" has attracted a lot of attention in China.

Zhou Yun is not stupid, she can sense Lily Cruise's hostility towards her.


these people!She will never make these people feel better!
A burst of anger burst out of her heart uncontrollably, burning extremely fiercely.

Song Chi attended with contracted actors from his company.

Many actors have traveled the road of internationalization, and many actors have started to add a prefix to themselves because they have acted in one or two overseas films: internationally renowned actors.

Zhou Yun and Lily Crews started to move under the arrangement of the action director.

After all, Zhou Yun's award received more attention than Wei Ruxue's award.

"Five billion, wow..."

——It’s nothing more than being sour on Zhou Yun. The younger generation back then has left her far behind.

Xu Siyao couldn't even imagine that one day he would be able to have a drama series like "Deep Sea" go abroad and be liked by foreign audiences.

Anyway, when filming later, she also needs to show such a state.

She can only bear this loss by herself.

Zhou Yun suddenly became curious and asked, "We're not filming, so what is Tim filming now?"

Although she is abroad, she still pays close attention to domestic developments.

——It doesn't need to be said that, no matter what, Wei Ruxue is a well-deserved first sister in the field of TV dramas, and her performance in TV dramas is very good.

Wu Chengbao: "..."

Unfortunately, on the second day after the awards ceremony, a Hong Kong film starring Wei Ruxue officially announced the lineup.

Especially Song Chi's two speeches last night had blown up her circle of friends.

Seeing these voices mocking her, Wei Ruxue turned green with anger.

Zhou Yun was shortlisted for the best actress in "Under Dress".

Zhou Yun waved his hand.

Chris Pine immediately handed her his glass and said, "Here you are."

Hugh Redman nodded with a smile, "Then I'll go first, see you tomorrow."

In China, no one thinks that she is an actress of the same level as Zhou Yun anymore.

Everyone stopped talking.

However, for a very small number of actors, even if she has not won an award in her whole life, it does not affect her being a good actor at all.

In the past, whenever someone said that she was not as good as Zhou Yun, her first reaction was to be angry and question, why should she be said to be not as good as Zhou Yun?She is not as good as Zhou Yun!

He also knew that this propaganda work was very important to Zhou Yun.

But now, a "Deep Sea" will elevate Zhou Yun's achievements in the drama to a height that other actresses can hardly match.

Song Chi immediately sent him a big red envelope.


Zhou Yun looked back and saw Nakajima Ho holding a mobile phone about two meters behind him, and Chris Pine coming from the corner in front.

Song Chi was shortlisted for Best Actor, and at the same time, the TV station also invited him to be the award presenter for Best Actress.

Among them was an award ceremony for a TV drama award. The TV station hosted it invited him five times, and he must be invited to the show, and Song Chi's company still has two dramas to cooperate with this TV station. There is no way, Song Chi can only cooperate with the crew Take time off and come out to this awards ceremony.

"Did you know? Xu Siyao asked for a salary of 6000 million for acting in this drama." Someone said suddenly.

Wu Chengbao could only continue to pull his online publicity team, and spared no effort to spread this matter to every media, trying to let everyone know that Zhou Yun participated in one of the top events in the world's film and television industry every year.

——I admit it, but if she is sour on Zhou Yun, that means she despises herself.

"Of course, do you know? The overseas copyright of "Deep Sea" has earned Yue Hai almost [-] million yuan. I also heard from insiders, because Zhou Yun, "Deep Sea" The overseas copyright of this drama has sold very well."

Outside the half-hidden door, Xu Siyao, who had stopped when she heard her name, tightly clenched her nails into her palms.



Hugh Redman also seemed to have just practiced with someone else, and his body was sweaty and his hair was wet.

Many people are retweeting.

When he saw Zhou Yun, he showed a bright smile and said, "Are you done?"

She was amazed.

They didn't expect that Zhou Yun didn't have a film to participate in the awards season this year, but she was invited anyway.

Zhou Yun actually has such an idea, but she doesn't know if Lily Crews is willing or not.

Even though Zhou Yun is already one of the top actors in China, she still needs some positive and constant exposure.Especially this kind of good thing, if good things are not publicized, what is the publicity?
December is the month of celebrations, ceremonies, fashion events and award ceremonies.

Will glanced at Zhou Yun.

Wu Chengbao: " just catch my donkey for a walk. When the time comes, walk me down. I'll see who else you can walk!"

Zhou Yun knew that Zhou Lan was talking about Wei Ruxue.

She said: "It's not a day or two that she has opinions on me, let her go, sister Lan, did you see what Song Chi said?"

"Of course I saw it. My circle of friends is all about this." Zhou Lan said, "Song Chi is really getting more and more mature, and he easily dispelled Wei Ruxue's words full of personal prejudice and emotions. , and gave a powerful speech to the domestic film and television industry. In fact, everyone knows that the quality of domestic dramas has been getting higher and higher in recent years, and many of them are even better than movies. There are some people who are immersed in the past. He refuses to admit this, always regards himself as a filmmaker and looks down on this and that, Song Chi's words are a very strong response to these people."

"That's really good." Zhou Yun was very proud.
The second update is here, ask for a monthly pass, it's up to you whether there is a third update!

Fighting spirit!

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