"Mr. He, don't worry, now everyone knows that the sequel of "Under Dress" will continue to be produced by our thousands of film and television companies, and everyone is full of expectations. Do you think Zhou Yun and Zheng Xiaowen will stand up at this time? Are you talking nonsense?" Liu Lanzhi spread out her hands triumphantly, and said at the meeting of the high-level executives of the Chengqian Group, "I know that you are the person in charge of Chengqian Entertainment. In the past few years, Zhou Yun's rise has been frighteningly fast. Now she is also one of the top actresses in China, but no matter how top actresses are, she is just an actress, and no one can fight against real big companies and big groups. Walking down the steps I gave me, what else can I do? Do you challenge Cheng Qian in public? Don’t forget, even if she has opened a studio now, her studio is still hanging below Cheng Qian, and Cheng Qian holds a controlling stake. .”

He Yong smiled slightly and said: "Mr. Liu can figure it out. I'm just reminding you out of morality. If this project becomes obsolete in the end, don't blame me for not reminding you in advance. However, I think Mr. Liu is so determined now that he must want to It's clear, I'm sure Zhou Yun and VX won't have any opinions, right? Then I wish you success, and speaking of it, I really don't push forward this sequel project like President Liu."

Liu Lan frowned.

He Yong is not the kind of person who would give in casually, why did he give up confronting her so quickly today?
Liu Lan felt something was wrong.

However, this was the time for her to take advantage of the victory. She didn't think too much, but continued to say: "The sequel of "Under Dress" will be a work for our thousands of film and television companies to set sail again. It has always been based on the artist agency of Chengqian Entertainment, and the positioning of film and television production has not been independent and clear enough. I hope that within five years, Chengqian Film and Television can be made into a first-line company in the industry, producing a A blockbuster."

"Liu Lan, produce a blockbuster every year? Do you think our thousands of film and television can achieve this goal?"

"I have this confidence." Liu Lan said, "As long as we make good use of the resources of contracted actors under our own contract, now apart from Zhou Yun, whether it is Zhou Jianfeng, Xu Siyao, Zhang Mo, or Yu Chu, they are all competitive actors. We will tailor the work around them."

He Yong was the first to speak: "Mr. Liu, it's not easy for me to make a few actors popular. Don't use some third-rate productions to overwhelm my popular actors."

"What Mr. He said, is it that you don't like the production level of our own family?"

"Of course my family has to support my family, but I have to eat every bite." He Yong said, "If you can bring a good script and a good production team, I will let my actors act in every play of my own. Question, but I see that your energy is mainly focused on "Under Dress", do you still have the energy to do other projects?"

Liu Lan: "After all, Mr. He still doesn't believe in my ability."

"After all, ability is not expressed with the mouth, it is made."

"If I say it for one minute, the group's stock price will rise by two points in a day."

"Of course this is a good thing, but with all due respect, Mr. Liu, have we obtained the production agreement for the sequel of "Under Dress"? If I remember correctly, the copyright of this drama is actually in the hands of VX, and we will continue to develop it. The decision-making power is in the hands of VX and Zhou Yun Studio, and the production agreement must be obtained before this sequel can really come to our pot."

The corner of He Yong's mouth curled up into a faint smile, and he looked at Liu Lan.

After a short avoidance, the lion still showed his fangs.
After the meeting, Liu Lan and He Yong met in the parking lot when they left the group headquarters.

Liu Lan stared at He Yong covetously, with a haughty expression, and said, "Mr. He, you didn't deliberately target me because you didn't play a role in the negotiation for the sequel of "Under Dress" this time." Bar?"

"Oh?" He Yong smiled, "Negotiation? When is the negotiation?"

Liu Lan: "Now that there is no one else, do we still need to play dumb?"

"Is it me or you who is pretending to be stupid?" He Yong asked, "Do you think anyone is talking to you about what you said in the group last night?"

He Yong's words hit Liu Lan's least confident place.

She had been waiting for Zhou Yun and Zheng Xiaowen's reply, or their statement, but she was a little overwhelmed by the reaction in the group, which seemed to sink into the sea.

"What do you mean?"

He Yong said: "For the sake of our family, I will remind you again. Don't treat Zhou Yun as an ordinary actor. You might as well be ready to be out now. If they really let you If you are out of the game, you should think about how to explain it to the headquarters."

"Oh, by the way, if this news comes out, will the stock price of the headquarters fall?" He Yong said, "You are so capable, why don't you make a plan in advance."

Liu Lan really panicked in her heart.
"Mr. Zheng, Mr. Liu Lan from Qianqian Film and Television invites you to have dinner together tonight."

When the assistant reported to Zheng Xiaowen, he finally said.

Zheng Xiaowen flipped through the booklet in her hand, and there were some new design samples on it.

She only hesitated for a few seconds before saying, "Just say I'm on a business trip."

The assistant understood, nodded and left.

Zheng Xiaowen has been thinking about one thing for the past two days.

How much impact will VX untie with Zhou Yun at this stage?
VX is now very successful in the mainland market, and its sales have been rising. However, in the eyes of many capital parties, the valuation of this brand has always been lower than that of similar brands, even if VX's sales are higher.

Because the binding between VX and Zhou Yun is too deep.

Many employers believe that once VX leaves Zhou Yun, its influence will plummet.

Zheng Xiaowen knows very well that VX can open up the market in just a few years, and the in-depth binding cooperation with Zhou Yun is a decision that has contributed a lot.

The past few years of VX happened to be the years when Zhou Yun's popularity and influence rose rapidly.

With the help of Zhou Yun, VX has achieved the current results.However, Zheng Xiaowen also realized that if VX at this stage does not gradually weaken the bond between Zhou Yun and VX in the eyes of the public, the value of the VX brand will never rise to a higher level.What if one day Zhou Yun is no longer popular?What if one day Zhou Yun stops cooperating with VX?

Now that the VX brand is getting bigger and bigger, its influence and brand value are also getting bigger and bigger. Zheng Xiaowen is already thinking about the next stage.

She also considered the second season of "Under Dress".

Zhou Yun will not continue to play the leading role, and Cheng Shenlu will take over the position of heroine. Zheng Xiaowen is happy to see it succeed.

She has signed Chengshenlu as a brand ambassador in China, and she is happy to continue to cooperate with Chengshenlu further.

After all, Zheng Xiaowen still didn't dare to terminate the cooperation with Zhou Yun directly. No one knew what the consequences would be.

However, she plans to introduce more recognizable and influential spokespersons. First of all, she must get rid of the impression that the public thinks of Zhou Yun when they think of VX.

But at this stage, she must firmly stand by Zhou Yun's side.

As for Liu Lan, Zheng Xiaowen didn't put her on the list that she needed to consider and think about at all.

She only cares about what she does to ensure VX's best interests.

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