Chapter 912 Heroine

ID "Louis [-]" said: If you think Xu Siyao is not going to the Cannes Film Festival with his work this time, but a "blanket star" on the red carpet, then what is Zhou Yun who also did not bring his work this time?
It was this question that sparked the big quarrel between the actress and the "blanket star."

ID "Yunyun Baby" said: Is the upstairs going to bring Zhou Yun to the stage?This time, Zhou Yun was officially invited by the Cannes Film Festival to bring the world-famous drama "Chen Yin" to the Cannes screening. Not having a film shortlisted in Cannes does not mean that she will not bring a work this time.

ID "Louis [-]": So as long as you bring a work with you, regardless of whether it has anything to do with this film festival, you can call it bringing a work?

ID "Yunyun Baby": Otherwise?
ID "Lan Xiao": Xu Siyao was indeed invited by the brand, but when she went to Cannes, didn't she just walk the red carpet and participate in brand activities?Does she have other plans?

ID "Dreamer Ms. Zhou": Speaking of which, Zhou Yun has so many movies in stock, why didn't he have any movies to participate in the Cannes Film Festival?Even if you are not shortlisted for the main competition, you can at least have a screening, right?

ID "Yunyun Baby": The movies made by Zhou Yun, "Female Killer" and "Killing Song" are both big commercial productions, "Year" is not finished yet, "Hidden Mountain Scholar" is just a cameo, there is really no suitable work, But even if this is the case, isn't the official Cannes Film Festival still solemnly inviting Zhou Yun to participate?Her international influence is not something everyone can grasp, so don't be too outrageous for someone upstairs.

ID "Louis [-]": Hehe, isn't it said that "Words of Fallen Leaves" was rejected by the three major film festivals, so it was released so bleakly?

ID "Cloud Bun": "Words of Fallen Leaves" is released in a bleak manner?Premieres are held in four countries around the world. A movie that costs only a few million has already exceeded 4000 million at the global box office. Is this called a bleak release?To borrow a word from upstairs, someone upstairs should not be too outrageous.

ID "Louis [-]": Talking to some people is really like talking to ducks. When talking about film festivals, they just talk about the box office. If this is the case, just throw the film festival aside.

ID "Yunji": You keep talking about film festivals. In the past few years, is there any domestic actor who has a deeper connection with the three major international film festivals than Zhou Yun?Which other actor has won more awards than Zhou Yun in the three major international film festivals?

ID "Louis [-]": So why didn't Zhou Yun's work be shortlisted this time?
ID "Yunji": Which actor is shortlisted every year?Take care of your favorite actors first, at least be shortlisted once before coming to BB.


That's how heated the quarrel was.

When Zhou Yun received the screenshot from a friend, it had already become the hottest post on that forum, with nearly [-] replies.

Regarding the irony towards her in the post, she didn't take it to heart.

However, because of this quarreling post, she thought of a problem.

She is now more and more picky about filming. In comparison, the requirements for literary films are actually much higher than those for commercial films.

Except for Wen Bing's new play, she didn't like any of the scripts, and all of them seemed to be commercial films.

Including "Idol Replica", which will be filmed later, is also a commercial film.

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment, thinking to himself, isn't it a bit unfair to be like this?
But on the other hand, if the script of a literary film is not good, there is really no enthusiasm for making it.

Zhou Yun thought about it and called Zhou Lan.

"Sister Lan, why are all the movies I've received this year are commercial movies?"

Zhou Lan was dumbfounded by the question.

In the movies starring Zhou Yun, Zhou Yun almost has the final say, and Zhou Lan hardly helps her pick up any movies. Of course, the most important thing for Zhou Lan is to dig out Wen Bing, who made the commercials back then. She came out, dragged Zhou Yun to watch his commercials, moved Zhou Yun, and then went to fight for the movie "Days", which started her journey to glory in the movie.

But no matter what, Zhou Yun basically has the final say on what to act and what not to act in the future.

Zhou Lan subconsciously thought that Zhou Yun was asking himself why he didn't accept a literary film for her.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yun spoke again: "I'm really swollen, alas, I was too tired after filming so many scenes before, and now I realize that I have already deviated from the mountain I really want to climb. Sister Lan, you Be sure to remind me that in the future, I must take on plays that will focus on literary films or serious-themed films."

"It's not that serious." Zhou Lan had to say that, "Before you acted in too many literary and artistic films. Although each of them created a box office miracle, none of them had a box office volume of more than 30 billion. That's why we put a little more emphasis on commercial films in terms of accepting dramas. As for the literary films you mentioned, this script is really hard to come by. If you have a good script, I don't need to say, you will accept it immediately. Don't worry, Xiaoyun."

But Zhou Yun shook his head: "No, I suddenly feel very insecure now. I don't want all the movies released in the next two or three years to be commercial films. You see, "The Female Killer" will have a sequel, and "The Song of Killing" will also be released. Two films are going to be filmed, and my schedule in the next few years is basically taken away by one-third."

Zhou Lan said, "That's it, I'll spread the word that you want to accept a literary film, and see if I can attract some good scripts."

"Well." Zhou Yun said, "Even if it's a new director, it doesn't matter. As long as he has a good idea and a good script, we will help him produce it, funding, production, post-production, etc., and he doesn't have to worry about everything."

Zhou Lan: "We've been picking scripts, but we haven't found a particularly suitable one."

The main reason is that Zhou Yun is different from the past, and generally good scripts are not suitable for Zhou Yun to act in Zhou Lan's opinion.
At present, due to the broadcast of "Chen Yin" and "Sinking Moon in the Sea", the post-payments of the share and film remuneration have been credited to the account one after another, including the previous post-payments of "Killing Song" and "The Female Killer", just in time At this time, the account has been credited, and the working capital of the studio is very rare to have more than 6000 million.

This was determined by Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan before, the return on investment of the studio, and the commission for various tasks.

This money is used for investment and tailor-made works for artists in the studio.

However, soon the second part of "Under Dress" will start filming, when the studio will give 30% of the production budget, and the first installment will be at least 2000 million.

Zhou Lan calculated it. According to the normal progress, the studio should have another 500 million yuan before July this year. The final payment of the film's remuneration, the commission of Zhou Yun's brand endorsement fee, and the commission of the big coffee business signed by Zhou Yun.

At present, the studio is taking the "small but refined" route, and the main income basically depends on Zhou Yun.

After all, Yu Chu and Wang Jing's income share was still taken away by Chengqian Entertainment.

Last year, the studio also invested in several films, most of which have not yet been produced, and it is time to share the profits.

Zhou Lan thought to himself, there is no need to hold this money in the hands of the studio, as the money will only depreciate in value.

She only intends to keep 2000 million mobile funds, and the rest will either be used for investment or for her own development projects.

For the actors in the studio, she didn't have to worry about Yu Chu's resources at all - she was a little famous herself, and she didn't have high requirements. As long as the schedule was right, she could play both leading and supporting roles.

Wang Jing mainly watches "Three Thousand Worlds". If "Three Thousand Worlds" can be won, Zhou Lan doesn't plan to give Wang Jing any more TV dramas. Fame, then consider taking on other dramas. After all, in addition to "Three Thousand Worlds", Zhou Yun also gave Wang Jing a fancy "My Youth Ends with You".

Before leaving for Cannes, Zhou Lan met Chen Wenjun again.

This time, Chen Wenjun finally let go.

Give Wang Jing the roles of "Three Thousand Worlds" and "My Youth Ends with You". At the same time, Zhou Yun and Haichi signed a contract of intent to star in a drama series produced by Haichi within five years. The contract paid 500 million yuan in advance. If Zhou Yun didn't play in the end, he didn't have to pay the 500 million yuan in compensation, but Wang Jing wanted to film three episodes for Haichi for free.At the same time, what was not included in this agreement also included what Zhou Yun mentioned earlier, which brought Yu Sitian, Cheng Shenlu, Zhou Jianfeng and Xin Zhike into the game.

Chen Wenjun gave such a condition mainly because he wanted to establish a long-term friendly cooperative relationship with Zhou Yun.

If Zhou Yun was pushed too hard, Chen Wenjun felt that the loss would be even greater if the cooperation failed to be negotiated in the end.

After discussing with Zhou Yun, Zhou Lan and Wang Jing signed the agreement together.

Only then did Wang Jing realize that he was able to win the big IP of "Three Thousand Worlds", and Zhou Yun had put in a lot of effort behind it.

So, before leaving for Cannes, Zhou Yun seized the last time to make a phone call with Cheng Shenlu, Yu Sitian, Zhou Jianfeng and Xin Zhike, told them about the drama "Three Thousand Worlds" and invited them Together with Wang Jing to star in this drama.

This is a greeting from a personal relationship. In addition, Zhou Yun also specially went to communicate with their brokerage company about this matter.

In fact, except for top actors like Zhou Yun, there is generally no actor who is not attracted to the big IP of "Three Thousand Worlds".

Zhou Jianfeng and Xin Zhike, both themselves and the agency, agreed directly. After all, Zhou Yun had a close relationship with them. The popularity of Zhou Jianfeng and Xin Zhike was all because they partnered with Zhou Yun and became her leading actor. red.Everyone should remember this situation.

Cheng Shenlu was also very active in saying yes, but her agency was a little unhappy, because Cheng Shenlu was so popular because of "Chen Yin" that she stayed on the hot search every day. , are all big heroines.Even though she was the main character in "Three Thousand Worlds", she was overwhelmed by several other people, so her company was not very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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