Chapter 914
The news that Zhou Yun and Xu Siyao took the same flight to Cannes was posted on their social networks by many passengers at the airport.

Two popular female stars collide, let alone in the same frame, as long as their names are next to each other, it will be a bloodbath.

Two people are in the same frame, and a "beauty comparison" is also inevitable.

There are differences between the two actresses in works and awards, and in their acting skills, but in terms of looks - I have never seen who is convinced by the other.

The same is true for fans.

The airport map of female stars has always attracted the attention of the media and the public, let alone traveling together.

In all fairness, Zhou Yun is not as pioneering as Xu Siyao's fashion sense in daily travel.

Zhou Yun prefers to follow the classic route, and will not have a particularly out-of-the-ordinary style.

However, Xu Siyao is different.

This time, when Xu Siyao was only four months old, she had already changed into a miniskirt, revealing a pair of beautiful legs that attracted attention. It was almost the first time in the entire entertainment circle to wear it on daily trips this year.

It was only April after all.

Zhou Yun's fans and Xu Siyao's black fans commented: Showing a pair of legs so early, I am not afraid of joint pain when I get old.

Xu Siyao's fans and Zhou Yun's black fans fought back: No wonder they dressed so plainly, it turned out to be for health preservation, oh no, this should be regarded as early retirement, right?

In terms of harshness, no one loses.

This kind of situation is almost common to everyone, but it is still happy to see it.

Tear it, it is always everyone's favorite "dessert" after dinner.

And when the Internet was full of tears, the victim had already boarded the plane and cut off contact with the outside world.

Zhou Yun began to read the script after getting on the plane.

In April, three dramas were suddenly canceled like a wild one, which made Zhou Yun lose her sense of security—she was willing to stop and take a breath before, but it actually came from the sense of security that she had a lot of inventory and didn't have to worry about empty slots.

Now the inventory in her hand suddenly decreased.

Especially for serious and artistic movies, there is only one "Year".

Now many critics have begun to discuss Zhou Yun's vision in selecting films.

They didn't question Zhou Yun's ability to pick plays anymore, but they questioned that Zhou Yun had no pursuit in acting, and his acting was more commercially oriented.

Obviously, "Words of Fallen Leaves" has just been released, and her performance has also been praised by everyone - even though everyone's expectations for her are already high, "Words of Fallen Leaves" did not bring her praise like a tsunami .

Zhou Yun knew that she herself was a greedy person.

If she is not greedy, she can actually take on more dramas with artistic pursuits or more serious topics.

But no matter how you say it, be it "Under Dress" or "Four Killers", in fact, she herself and the industry know that she wants to achieve commercial success in these plays.

This year is a big year for Zhou Yun. "Chen Yin", "Sinking Moon on the Sea" and "Words of Fallen Leaves" will meet with you at the same time. With the quality of these three plays, they are all major nominees for major awards.

Zhou Yun is also basically a nominee for Best Actress.

But it is still difficult to win the prize.

Even if it is a series like "Chen Yin", which has convinced almost all film critics, she also contributed the top performance quality in Chinese drama series in this drama, but for Zhou Yun, who has been praised by everyone For top actresses who have formed the impression of "acting school", to win an award, it is basically possible to make a very big breakthrough.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the actresses competing in the same class are not outstanding, and they are young, so "Chen Yin" can sweep away.

However, compared with Chinese-language movies, Chinese-language drama series have much more competition.

Every year, there are always a few Chinese-language dramas known as hits and masterpieces, and there are famous scenes of gods fighting in major awards.

For example, "The Swordsman" starring Zhang Hongyu achieved very good ratings and evaluations at the beginning of the year. This martial arts drama tailored around Zhang Hongyu has created a female image that is rarely seen on Chinese screens. On the screen, there are more male characters who are responsible for the characters-a heroine image of a female knight who lives in hatred and self-loathing because of the tragic death of her sons and daughters.

The artistic attainments of "Sword Lady" and Zhang Hongyu's characterization were called by many people at the time of broadcast as "the best actress who has pre-booked the major awards of this year's Chinese drama series".

Zhou Yun's "Chen Yin" and her PK, in terms of character creation, may be [-]-[-], but in terms of the momentum of the award, the entire industry is more inclined to give the award to Zhang Hongyu, who has not entered the mainstream for many years The vision of awards and the veteran actress who has rejuvenated her career in the past two years.

In addition to Zhang Hongyu, "Tiger Mom" ​​starring Hong Min is also expected to be broadcast this year. Huang Zicheng also participated in this drama. "Flowering", this drama starring He Wenyun is planned to be released in the summer. Zhou Yun, who has seen He Wenyun's strength, believes that under the escort of Yue Hai, she will also join the competition for the best actress this year.

In addition, there are places reserved every year for the main theme film.

This year may really be a big year for best actress in a drama category.

But speaking of it, Zhou Yun hasn't won the best actress in a drama series yet.

The Best Supporting Actress who won the Tencel Award only for "Ask the Heart" before.

But the name of the actress is not as good as the actress - this is the status quo of this industry. Comparing the status of the actresses who hold the actress and the actresses who hold the actress in the circle, you can There is a doorway to see.

After Zhou Yun lost the sense of security that she had enough stock, she decided to pick two more movies for herself.

This year's schedule has not been arranged. As long as she has a scene she wants to shoot, she has time to do it.

But good scripts are not so easy to find. She read three scripts and more than a dozen project plans on the plane, but she didn't see a project that particularly moved her.

This made her enthusiasm was quenched by a basin of cold water.

She remembered why she didn't take the movie before - was it because she didn't want to take it?Is it because she wants to rest?No, it was because she hadn't seen the script that she was excited about, so she felt that she might as well take this time to take a good rest.

Zhou Yun: "..."

This reality made her feel helpless.

Well, there is nothing more helpless than an actor who wants to act and can't find a script that appeals to him.

She couldn't help but start to reflect, is her request too high?
If not, why can't she find a script that makes her heart flutter?It stands to reason that the scripts she has received here are already the most among actresses.

(End of this chapter)

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