I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 941 Let's take a long shot!

Chapter 941 Let's take a long shot!

Seeing Song Chi appear, Ma Qi panicked.

Although he made the decision to terminate the contract, looking back, Ma Qi knew that the company had nothing to do with him.

In fact, as a newcomer, a student of the acting department who has not yet graduated, Ma Qi's situation is already the lucky one among the lucky ones.

The first play was the male lead, and it became an instant hit, and then followed him with two leading male plays.

Ma Qi's character is not the kind of person who thinks highly of himself and feels that these plays are not worthy of him.

He was simply stimulated by Yu Zhiyang's existence.

Facing Song Chi, an idol he had known since childhood, Ma Qi really felt guilty.

However, Ma Qi still felt that his choice was not wrong.

With Yu Zhiyang around, he will never be the one most praised by the company.

When Song Chi walked up to Ma Qi, he didn't directly mention his termination of the contract. He patted him on the shoulder with a smile and asked, "How is the filming going?"

Ma Qi said, "It went well."

This drama is still produced by the company itself, and he is also a contracted actor of the company, so everyone takes good care of him.

Song Chi said, "Shall we chat?"

Ma Qi responded awkwardly.

"I heard from Mr. Wu that you want to terminate the contract." Song Chi said frankly, "Actually, I am a little confused. If you want to terminate the contract, the best time should be when "A Thousand Gold Never Die" was broadcast last year. , Why is it that a year has passed, and now it is proposed? The conditions that are offered to you outside now are not as good as those at that time, right?"

Ma Qi felt even more embarrassed.

"Sorry, boss." He said, "I was thinking about my own future development, so I wanted to solve it abruptly. I also know that the company treats me very well, and I am actually very grateful to the company. Regarding the termination fee, I will pay in full and there will be no objections."

"Ma Qi." Song Chi raised his hand and interrupted what Ma Qi said, "I'm not here to question you, I'm just wondering, or I don't understand why you made such a choice? I think it's because of the company Is there a problem with the proportion of the company's share, or are you dissatisfied with the development plan that the company has made for you?"

Ma Qi lowered his head: "I want to act in better works, I want to be a better actor, not... Boss, I don't know how to say it, I don't have any objections to the current filming, I just ..."

"Is it because you think the company pays more attention to Zhiyang than you?" Song Chi said directly when Ma Qi hesitated, "I also came from a young rookie, do you have any ideas?" , we can all communicate directly, what do you think?"

Ma Qi was stunned.

When Song Chi said Zhi Yang's name, he froze.

Ma Qi didn't expect that Song Chi would know what was in his heart.


Song Chi waved his hand, signaling to Ma Qi that if he didn't know what to say for a while, he didn't have to say anything.

"Let me say what I want to say first." He said, "Your image conditions are very good, but your talent in acting is not strong. Of course, I know that you have always been a very hardworking person, and your agent Tell us you love acting from the bottom of your heart."

Ma Qi pursed his lips.

"But you should know that there are many great actors in the history of film, and they are not actors who are amazing and talented when they debut." Song Chi said, "There is a type of actor who is shocking and attracts attention when he debuts, and there is another type of actor. You need to accumulate, hone your acting skills, and deepen your understanding of acting. Then, at the age of 30 or 40, you can sharpen your own brilliance. Before that, you must stay in this entertainment circle and not be eliminated. Wait until the next opportunity."

"You're very lucky. The drama "A Thousand Gold Never Goes Down" became popular, and many people got to know you. However, let's be fair, although it was popular, it was only a small fire. It didn't break the circle, it just let you You have been known by a small number of people, and with your fans, you still have a lot of room for improvement. At this time, should the company let you directly switch to acting in movies, or continue to follow the previous route and steadily expand your popularity? , you can also slowly hone your acting skills in similar roles?"

Ma Qi frowned slightly.

"I'm not dissatisfied that the company still picks up web dramas for me."

"I know, don't worry, listen to me slowly." Song Chi said, "There are many roles in a movie, and everyone definitely wants to play the role with more roles, but every role has it. The most suitable actor, and the role that Yu Zhiyang wants to play, the screenwriter Heng often wrote the script with Yu Zhiyang as the prototype, which is why Yu Zhiyang got that role."

Ma Qi was taken aback.

"What do I want to say? I want to say that Yu Zhiyang's own traits were seen by others, so he got his own opportunity." Song Chi said, "However, you still lack such traits. It’s not that you are inferior to Zhiyang, but you have to know that everyone’s experience is different, and different experiences will shape different characters and different mentalities. When you lack such qualities, you can choose Make use of strengths and avoid weaknesses, of course, you can also accumulate yourself slowly. Yu Zhiyang will play a role with more roles than you. It’s not that the company pays more attention to him than you. It’s because the screenwriter teacher wrote this script for him from the creation stage. This character. This situation may appear again in the future, but the same thing, as you slowly acquire your charm and characteristics, there will also be creators who will write characters based on you, tailor-made, just like you For the two films filmed after "A Thousand Gold Never Down", the company specially asked the screenwriter to adjust the script according to your situation."

Ma Qi raised his head abruptly, looking at Song Chi in bewilderment.

This is something he doesn't know.

"Ningde Film and Television is a good company. They are not short of money and have a lot of film and television resources. It is almost the same path as our company. However, Ma Qi, you are an actor we have cultivated since the beginning of the newcomer. You are not polite. Said, you are the son of our company, and you know that the company's cultivation of you is more for your long-term development, not for immediate short-term profits. The advantages of Ningde Film and Television are obvious, and the disadvantages are also obvious. Obviously, it is centered on film and television production and can provide you with a lot of resources, but does anyone really understand the growth of an actor? What kind of route should an actor like you take? What should I pick up for you? What kind of play? It knows where your strengths and weaknesses are, so how should the script be adjusted around you?"

Song Chi's tone was very gentle from the beginning to the end.

He did not condemn Ma Qi from the moral high ground, nor did he intend to play the emotional card with him.

After finally cultivating a famous actor like Ma Qi, Song Chi just didn't want to be in vain.

He also felt that Ma Qi didn't really want to terminate the contract, but was just stimulated by Yu Zhiyang.

Song Chi's approach was to spread out all the words and tell Ma Qi directly.

He hoped that Ma Qi could understand.

He also didn't think it would be better for Ma Qi to go to Ningde Film and Television than to stay here.

Ma Qi was upset.

Just as Song Chi thought, it wasn't that he was dissatisfied with the company or his own development that he wanted to leave the company and terminate the contract with the company.

Song Chi's words made Ma Qi feel regretful.

Is it the right choice to leave Song Chi's company?
He hesitated.
"Yu Zhiyang didn't play the phone, you asked me to act?" On the other side, He Xuran, a popular kid who had worked with Zhou Yun in "Four Killers", was losing his temper with his agent, "When did I get reduced to pick up Yu Zhiyang?" Zhi Yang doesn’t even want the notebook anymore?”

He Xuran's temper is getting worse and worse.

As a young film student, he has achieved excellent results in the past two years, and because of this, he has even more self-esteem and puts on airs.

His manager couldn't do anything about He Xuran's temper.

I told him a few times, he listened a little at first, but later ignored him and didn't care about his attitude.

Eight out of ten popular stars have this virtue.

You can't say that they are bad people, but they are just popular, and people praise them wherever they go, and their personalities are praised so that no one can see them, which is really common.

The agent could only continue to persuade: "Yu Zhiyang didn't accept the script of this movie, not because the script was bad, but because he was going to make another movie with Song Chi, and the schedule conflicted."

This is not the case, but in order to convince He Xuran, the agent can only lie.

He Xuran immediately frowned and asked, "He and Song Chi are going to make another movie? What movie?"

The agent said: "I only heard that it is a movie with an ancient theme."

He Xuran snorted.

"The box office performance of "Cigarette" is so poor, and Song Chi has been shooting new movies non-stop, isn't he afraid of bankrupting his company?"

The agent was speechless.

Although the box office of "Cigarette" is not high, compared to its cost, it has made a profit of tens of millions, which is already more profitable than many movies with a box office of [-] to [-] million.

It's not that He Xuran doesn't understand this truth, he just never wants to admit Song Chi's success.

"I don't act in this kind of youth love movie, I'm too lazy to do it." He Xuran directly refused, "You can bring me some books that can win awards. This kind of movie won't get any awards, and it will only be two if you die." With a box office of [-] million yuan, it is easy to be scolded by the audience, and you still ask me to act."

He Xuran complained endlessly.

The agent keeps doing his own ideological work in his heart, forget it, don't worry about him, he has no brains, but you still rely on him to make money.

"If you really don't want to take it, forget it. Anyway, the producer didn't just send us the script, they have other options. It is said that Liu Zhikun is very interested in acting in this movie."

He Xuran's attitude changed immediately.

"Liu Zhikun wants to play?"

Since "Four Killers", He Xuran and Liu Zhikun have vaguely become competitors.

The media often compares the two of them together.

The fans on both sides are even more so. Basically, every once in a while, a big battle will break out.

The agent said: "Yes, he seems quite interested in this movie."

He Xuran had a look of incomprehension.

"Why is he interested in this subject?"

"You may also be interested in reading the script." The agent said, "This script is really well written."
The filming scene of "Truth Night".

Zhou Yun was waiting, and the two children were doing their homework under the supervision of their parents.

The two children looked sad.

Zhou Yun looked at it and couldn't help but want to laugh.

Zhang Zifan and the others are re-laying the track.

He has a lot of innovative ideas about the camera movement of this film-especially in the middle part, Zhang Zifan suddenly proposed to shoot a long shot.

The difficulty of shooting a long shot is several times higher than the previous plan.

Zhang Zifan didn't plan this way before, because the heroine he was looking for didn't have the ability to complete this long shot.

But now Zhou Yun is here.

Moreover, after these few days of real shooting, Zhang Zifan's heart became more and more relaxed.

He has already realized that Zhou Yun is really different from other big-name star actors.

She was really willing to communicate with him on how to shoot and act in the scene.

Zhang Zifan's heart became hotter and hotter.

He has polished this script for three years. In order to make this movie, he traveled to many places, found many companies, raised money, recruited people to form a team, encountered various problems, and suffered all kinds of hardships. He has also eaten, and of course he is [-]% willing to make this movie better.

The long shot designed by Zhang Zifan is the one where Zhou Yun was scared.

A total of eight scary tricks and 24 frightened scenes were filmed in one go, involving six scenes and two floors.

This is a very big challenge for shooting.

Zhang Zifan took the photographer to design the moving line of the mirror, while Zhou Yun started his own rehearsal.

In terms of acting, Zhou Yun has already passed the stage where he needs to be taught by others.

Most of the time, it is she who decides how to act, and then communicates with the director, and directly shoots.

Zhou Yun himself began to move according to the plot line of the script.

Get familiar with the position first, and then think about what kind of performance you want to give in each place.

After she thought about all this clearly, she followed Zhang Zifan to discuss the action line.

It really has nothing to do with actors.

But Zhou Yun listened very carefully, and most of the time he just listened to them discussing how to move the camera lens.

Zhou Yun has always felt that if she can know how the camera moves, she can adjust her performance space according to the camera's movement trajectory.

This is the breathing rhythm between the actor and the camera, and only the actor himself understands it.

After this discussion, after a day, nothing was filmed.

Zhang Zifan was under a lot of pressure.

Originally thought that the filming could be finished in two weeks, because he suddenly changed the shooting plan and made it clear that it would be postponed.

Zhang Zifan went to discuss with the producer anxiously, thinking that the two investment companies would put pressure on him to force him to give up the new filming plan and stick to the original plan.

Who knows, the producers sent by the two investment companies smiled and said after listening, "No problem, don't worry, the funds are not enough, we will apply for additional funds with the company."

Zhang Zifan was dumbfounded.

Is this still those stingy capitalists?

 Ask for a ticket. PS is really a common man. I was too busy in May before, and I stopped updating for a few days. Subscriptions and new subscriptions plummeted. I insisted on updating for a long time and did not pull back. These two days suddenly picked up, and I immediately became passionate about writing. I thought that even if I didn’t have many readers, I would try my best to finish writing. In fact, I still hope that more readers will read my novels.

(End of this chapter)

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