I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 957 Recording Continues 2

Chapter 957 Recording Continues 2
He Xuran didn't expect that a small program recording, met an artist who made his debut in the talent show, and would have a relationship with the program's sponsor.

However, in this way, he really could only swallow his anger.

He Xuran hated people like Chen Pinghe who became popular by relying on his popularity, but he had no choice but to buy navy troops to attack Chen Pinghe continuously.

While Chen Pinghe's reputation continued to grow, he was also hated and resisted by many people.

But Chen Pinghe didn't seem to care about this at all.

He didn't restrain himself at all, and the draft he sent out still called himself "Little He Xuran".

This is why He Xu then resolutely refused to be in the same frame and on the same stage as Chen Pinghe.

He Xuran debuted for so long and has been touched by many people, but he has never been touched by someone like Chen Pinghe.

No matter how many sailors He Xuran bought to condemn Chen Pinghe's behavior, there is no doubt that Chen Pinghe's reputation is indeed getting bigger and bigger.

He Xuran was doomed to suffer from being dumb.
Yu Bai explained it to Zhou Yun seriously, and then said: "Miss Zhou, I know that you may have had conflicts with He Xuran when filming "Four Killers", but He Xuran has never targeted You have never thought of creating any trouble for you. I very much hope that you can stay out of the conflict between him and Chen Pinghe this time and not interfere. Otherwise, if others find out, they will think that Xu Ran is really easy to bully. "

Zhou Yun was a little surprised that Yu Bai came to find her.

When she knew that Yu Bai came to explain to her why He Xuran wanted to target Chen Pinghe, she was even more surprised.

Zhou Yun said: "Yu Bai, I didn't target He Xuran. How he wants to revenge Chen Pinghe has nothing to do with me. As I said, what I can't accept is that you affect all of us for your own private affairs. He wants to lose his temper and doesn't come to record the show. It's not just Chen Pinghe who is waiting, we are also waiting. As for the car, to be honest, do you think I am targeting him? You are He Xuran's manager Man, do you think He Xuran's behavior of putting on a bad face when others are playing games will be good for him after the show is broadcast?"

Yu Bai was stunned.

Zhou Yun: "I am a person who will take revenge. He Xuran has never really offended me, and I will not target him. Everyone is here to work. Hello and me are the best, what do you think?"

Her eyes looked at Yu Bai frankly and brightly.

It was only at this moment that Yu Bai deeply felt that Zhou Yun was terrifying.

Everyone in the industry said that it is best not to go against Zhou Yun.

We have formed such a consensus.

Because those who oppose Zhou Yun will end badly, and Zhou Yun will always win.

Because fighting against Zhou Yun is not only a temporary loss, but also exposes some more far-reaching problems, just like a crack in the wall, and finally cracks slowly, causing the entire wall to collapse.

Zhou Yun is always right.

Since her debut, she has no black spots on her body, and she has no shortcomings that can be attacked.

In this show business circle, everyone has a weakness in human nature, so they can check and balance each other.

But Zhou Yun can wantonly ignore the law of balance because she doesn't have the weakness of human nature that needs to be balanced.

She is frank and frank, saying what she has to say, but she has no weakness to be attacked.

Yu Bo leaves in shock.

Some first-line stars are the result of the joint efforts of themselves and the team, and then under the addition of luck.

For some first-line stars, it is enough for her to have herself.

Yu Bai couldn't help thinking, what would she be like if Zhou Yun met a newcomer like Chen Pinghe?

Then, Yu Bai remembered that there was such a person long ago.

Isn't Xu Siyao such a person?
However, after a few years, Xu Siyao has indeed become a first-line star, but no one thinks that she can stand up to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun had already moved away from her by several positions.

Why didn't Zhou Yun kill Xu Siyao in the cradle?
They are all artists of the same company.

Yu Bai knew very well that if it was He Xuran, he would definitely try his best to suppress the other party when such signs appeared.

He Xuran is such a person.

He has no sense of security, and any threat wants to be killed in the cradle.
The dinner session was the last recording session.

Still a game.

Everyone sat at the same table, and they had to complete the tasks proposed by the director team before they could eat.

This time, the director team did not specifically invite He Xuran to actively participate in the game.

He Xuran seemed determined not to cooperate, and nothing they said would work.

Zhang Na said forget it.

It doesn't matter.

However, to everyone's surprise, He Xuran suddenly took an active part in the dinner session, and for some reason, he had a very good attitude and a smile all over his face.

Everyone else showed surprise.

After the game ended, He Xuran said to himself: "I'm sorry, I didn't feel well in the afternoon, and my emotional state was a bit bad, everyone forgive me."

For a while, everyone didn't know what to say.

Zhou Yun laughed.

It appears that what she said has worked.

The game is over and everyone starts chatting.

The director group acted as a press corps and asked sharp questions to the guests present.

The first question is to ask He Xuran.

The question they asked was: "Xu Ran, many people on the Internet said that although your acting skills are good, you are the same in everything you do. Do you have any response?"

Everyone in the audience reacted in surprise.

In fact, everyone knows that the director team sent these questions to the artists in advance, and everyone could have prepared in advance.

He Xuran took a deep breath, showed a helpless smile, and said: "I only have one face, no matter how I play it, I still have this face. This is a fact that cannot be changed, but how can I bring new emotions and emotions to everyone?" Freshness, this is indeed what I want to think about next, I still have a long way to go on the road of actor, what kind of actor I will become in the future, I still have a lot to study."

The director team nodded.

The second question is to ask Li Xingchi: "Li Xingchi, many people say that after your debut, you have not produced any masterpieces. Do you have any response?"

Li Xingchi showed embarrassment on his face.

If he had a choice, he didn't want to answer such a question, but it was obviously not something he could choose.

Li Xingchi took out the answer he had prepared early in the morning: "I really don't have a representative work that can be produced, but I have been working hard. Whether it is a singer or an actor, it takes opportunities to get some works. Many Fans urge me to work hard on my Weibo every day. In fact, I also want to work hard. It’s just that if I want to work hard, I can get this opportunity. I have auditioned for fifty times if not a hundred times. I have not succeeded, it is indeed because I am not from a major, my foundation is very poor, and now I am taking classes with the teacher, please wait patiently, I have not given up on myself, and I have been working hard, I hope that there will be works to follow soon Let's meet."

Li Xingchi's answer is quite from the heart.

Zhou Yun felt that such an answer was quite sincere.

She took another look at Li Xingchi.

In fact, from her point of view, Li Xingchi's appearance and appearance are very suitable for playing a youth-themed male lead.

That can also be played in its true colors, without much acting skills, it is the best for getting started.

The question from the director team came to Zhou Yun.

"Xiaoyun, many people ask, why do you work with mostly new directors and rarely work with well-known big directors?"

Zhou Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"It's not like I don't cooperate with well-known big directors. Cooperation depends on the opportunity. In fact, I will cooperate with well-known big directors in several film projects in the future. There are both domestic and foreign ones. You can look forward to it." After Zhou Yun finished speaking, he added, "However, I also think that everyone should not always pay too much attention to whether the director is a famous director. When an actor chooses a project, the director is one aspect, the script is another aspect, and whether he is suitable for acting is another aspect. I was listening to Xingchi just now, and I really wanted to suggest him to act in youth-themed film and television dramas. In fact, I saw him several times today, and I felt that he was very suitable for the kind of sunny, naughty boy Every actor should not be superstitious about famous directors. Finding a project and role that suits you is far more helpful than cooperating with a famous director. You see, many actors become popular every year, most of them are not because of It became popular after cooperating with famous directors."

He Xuran suddenly interrupted: "However, the projects of famous directors are generally better, right? In fact, the works in this market are very mixed. I have even seen many good scripts, because they fell into the hands of a director who can't shoot, and they were rejected." It was completely unrecognizable."

"You're right. From this point of view, it was safer to be able to cooperate with famous directors." Zhou Yun said, "But that's not what I meant. Under the premise, you have to choose a project that is more suitable for you. An actor like you is fully capable of relying on your influence to guarantee the production of a play. You can make more choices and have a greater right to speak. At this time, you can completely lead a project, choose the most suitable director, and a set of shooting crew, isn't it?"

He Xuran didn't know how to answer Zhou Yun's words.

Because, He Xuran was never an actor who would lead a project by himself.

As I said before, he doesn't have that sense of security.

Although in the external publicity, it was said that he is a popular star, a first-line actor, and can carry the box office alone, but despite these external publicity, He Xuran is an actor who does not believe that he can carry a movie .He felt that he was not up to that.

Of course He Xuran couldn't deny what Zhou Yun said in front of the camera.

(End of this chapter)

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