Chapter 959

Zhou Yun clarified the words directly with a gun and a stick, which made Li Ke and Chen Pinghe's faces stunned, showing that they were at a loss.

"Don't be nervous." Zhou Yun said, "I don't mind, I just remind you that not everyone doesn't mind like me."

Chen Pinghe immediately said: "I'm sorry, Miss Xiaoyun, but Xiao Ke is young, ignorant, and has no brains when she speaks. Please forgive me."

"It's okay, I can't talk about forgiveness, and I don't care about it." Zhou Yun said, "But you also know that if you meet someone with He Xuran's temper today, it may be useless to apologize, Xingchi, you are now Not too wronged, right?"

Li Xingchi shook his head.

"He Xuran lost his temper with you, don't take it to heart, just treat it as being bitten by a mad dog." Zhou Yun said directly, "Take it as an experience, there are many mad dogs like this in the entertainment industry, if you follow yourself I can't even get angry, I didn't exaggerate with you."

Li Xingchi showed an incredulous expression.

He didn't expect Zhou Yun to speak in such a style in private.

"it is good."

Zhou Yun brushed aside Li Ke's criticism of her with all his might, and asked with a smile, "When did you both make your debut?"

"We all debuted last year." Chen Pinghe said, "We participated in the same talent show."

"In fact, it's a pity that there is no mature and complete stage for domestic entertainment. As a result, the young idols you have selected have no dance skills, but no stage to show off. Basically, they have transformed into actors." Zhou Yun said, " Have you both acted?"

Both Chen Pinghe and Li Xingchi nodded.

"The company arranged for us to act in dramas, but they were all idol dramas." Li Xingchi said with some embarrassment, "Miss Xiaoyun, you probably haven't watched them."

"That's not necessarily true. I really like watching idol dramas, but I really don't have any impression of your acting, maybe I haven't seen it." Zhou Yun said, "Actually, the appearance of both of you is very suitable to be an actor. Do you want to put on makeup?"


"It's very real, and I haven't had plastic surgery." Zhou Yun said, "If you want to act without a major, you will indeed face many difficulties, but there is also an advantage of not being a major, that is, there are no routines in acting, and there are many new things. "

Chen Pinghe said: "Actually, we don't care what we say. It's up to the agent and the company. Usually it's what the company arranges. We just act. We don't have any choice. Sister Xiaoyun, you It is said that we should choose according to our own situation, I thought about it carefully, but it is actually very difficult for us to realize.”

"You have to talk to your company and broker yourself. It doesn't matter if they have the decision-making power. Let them know what you are thinking. A normal company and broker will not ignore your thoughts completely. I want you to act in plays you don’t want to act in.” Zhou Yun added, “Of course, there will be such situations under special circumstances. When I acted in "The Eighth Heartbeat", I didn’t want to act in that play either. But since you want to act, and there is no way to change this decision, then you should act conscientiously and try your best to act well. The reason why Gu Huaichun and I have a good relationship is because of the two of us in the first film. The plays we starred in are all from that play. Our vision, understanding of acting, and our own considerations are all established during the cooperation process of that play. Just act, there are definitely two effects."

Chen Pinghe said: "For the opportunity to perform, we must go all out, but it may not be effective if we work hard."

"What you see is the performance of a play, but what you need to see now is what you can learn and what you can accumulate for yourself." Zhou Yun said, "What you most lack now is a representative work, a Let everyone know you and believe that you can play the role of an actor, but this is completely unpredictable. When any actor plays a role, he does not know what the result of the role he plays will be when it is broadcast. This is beyond our control, but if you act well in a scene and master the feeling of entering the character state one more time, it will benefit you for life. As long as you continue to be an actor, this will always be the most important thing for you. Void things, but always vital."

Li Xingchi said: "I acted in a movie before, and I couldn't accept the character and the lines, so I felt stupid...but I still have to bite the bullet and act."

"Why do you have to bite the bullet and act?" Zhou Yun shook his head, "When we have a choice, we can of course choose what we want to act more, but when there is no choice, you have to give the only choice to every possible means. Well done, many scenes in "The Eighth Heartbeat" are also bloody in my opinion, but I have to act, not only to act, but also to integrate into it, Gu Huaichun and I can't dislike those scenes, those lines , Once we dislike it, well, that's bad, no matter how we act, it will definitely be wrong. It doesn't matter whether it's bloody or brain-dead, as long as it exists, it has its own logic. We are actors, go Deal with it, change your psychology, and integrate into the so-called dog blood and brain damage. When we were young, we watched Aunt Qiong Yao’s drama and thought it was very good. When we grew up, we felt bloody and ruined the three views. At this time, there is another Qiong Yao Auntie’s script gave you the opportunity to act, do you want to act? Act with the mentality of being bloody and ruining the three views, or look for the feeling of why you thought her drama was good when you were a child?”

Zhou Yun's words gave both Chen Pinghe and Li Xingchi a lot of thought.

In fact, this is also her thinking over the past few years of acting.

An actor can never be a container without thought, but an actor must become a container.

Li Ke sat by and listened, surprised.

She did not expect that Zhou Yun really came to teach Chen Pinghe and Li Xingchi today.

As soon as she heard that Chen Pinghe was going out for supper with Zhou Yun at night, she immediately became nervous and guarded, fearing that something would happen between the two of them.It's not like she hasn't seen it before, saying that Zhou Yun likes young boys very much.There have been such news.

Who knew, when Zhou Yun appeared, he wiped out her thoughts.

Li Ke knew that Zhou Yun was very popular, and also knew that she had a high status.

However, because of her family relationship, she somewhat underestimated these stars in the entertainment industry.

How many female stars are going around her brother and her father, wanting to marry in?
No matter how popular Zhou Yun was, she was still just a female star in the entertainment industry.

Tonight, Zhou Yun's few words and gestures completely overturned Li Ke's cognition.

She even felt that Zhou Yun's reaction, language skills, or aura were not inferior to those bosses in the mall.

Her probing, in front of Zhou Yun, was like a kindergarten kid spitting out of boredom.

It is she herself who is rude, uncultivated, and brainless.

(End of this chapter)

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