I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 971 Let them rot in the stinky ditch

Liu Qingqing's comeback made many people fearful.

The most feared one is of course Su Yan who fought with Liu Qingqing back then.

But this time, what made Su Yan most angry was that Liu Qingqing actually stepped into the movie circle that she had never stepped into.

At the beginning, she still laughed at Liu Qingqing, she really had no place to hang out, and went to the horror film and television circle.

Who doesn't know that in the mainland, there is not much soil for horror movies to survive.

It's all right now, Liu Qingqing made a beautiful comeback by relying on this theme.

The former first-line female star is now back in everyone's field of vision.
In early August, V magazine hosted a fashion charity event.

Both Zhou Yun and Song Chi were invited to attend.

This event is held once a year, and every time it is held, it will attract the attention of the entire network, and all the hot searches are related to this event.

Because, with the strength of the V magazine, dozens of popular stars are invited to attend every year.

Because VX is the sponsor of this event, Zhou Yun, as the spokesperson of VX, finally agreed to attend.

Song Chi also attended this event because of the promotion of "Forbidden Army".

Every time this kind of event, the red carpet is the most concerned part.

Stars' competing appearances and order of appearance are common topics.

When Zhou Yun and Song Chi were determined to attend this event, V Magazine decided that the two of them would be the last to appear.

This can also avoid the competition for the last appearance order among the stars in previous years.

This time the V magazine also paid a lot of money.

Not only Zhou Yun and Song Chi were invited, but also the most popular female stars such as Ning Yao, Yin Lin, Wei Ruxue, Su Yan, Liu Qingqing, Xu Siyao, etc.

When the list came out, everyone was shocked.

This lineup is comparable to inviting all the popular female stars, without exception.

Not one is missing.

The Internet suddenly exploded, and there were many discussions.

How did V issue do this?How did it bring together this group of women who have never seen the king and make them willing to share the stage?
When all kinds of doubts came one after another, the celebrities and entertainers were also preparing for the battle, preparing for the appearance that day.

It's fine at other times, since this time the lineup is so strong, then I must not be compared.

That's pretty much on everyone's mind.

Even Zhou Yun is not immune.

Then, at this time, a message was sent out by the marketing account.

Jiang Yuzhen, who became popular because of "Black Forest" at the beginning of the year, was secretly in love with a mysterious man when she was filming in the United States, and she had an affair in marriage.

This news instantly swept across the entire network and exploded the public opinion market.

Even the fashion charity event held by V magazine was overwhelmed.

——I have long felt that Jiang Yuzhen is not a simple woman. It is not simple to look at her face. To be able to leave a five-year-old son and go abroad to film a movie for so long is so cruel, and cheating is nothing.

——Is this thing true?Fortunately, I really like Jiang Yuzhen. Like Yin Lin, she is one of the actresses of the Mesozoic era whose acting skills make me especially fond of her. She became popular after a lot of effort. Why did such news suddenly break out?Is there any evidence?
——There is indeed something wrong with the marriage. It is said that Jiang Yuzhen has not been back to China much this year.

——Jiang Yuzhen's husband is said to be the boss of a company, why is he cuckolded like this?


On the Internet, there is a lot of discussion, and all kinds of doubts, speculations, and suspicions emerge in an endless stream.

Although Jiang Yuzhen made her debut for many years, she became popular late. She only became popular in "Ask the Heart" and won a heavyweight award. Since then, she has become well-known in the industry. After acting in "Black Forest", her luck has caught up, and Yin Lin is not weak at all. In the past few years, her audience popularity and popularity have greatly increased.

In addition, "Black Forest" made her popular overseas, adding a layer of overseas influence and popularity, so that Jiang Yuzhen has been mentioned and promoted by the officials at various levels since this year, and a lot of publicity resources have been put on her.

Now, when such a scandal broke out, it was difficult for many people to accept it for a while.

There are many people who are popular.Jiang Yuzhen has worked hard these years, offended few people in the industry, and has never blocked the way of others. Now that something happened suddenly, although there were many people who saw the jokes, they didn't hurt anyone.

All on the sidelines.

When Zhou Yun saw the news that broke out on the Internet, he was also confused for a while, not knowing whether it was true or not.

What she heard from Jiang Yuzhen was that her husband cheated. Why is it that Jiang Yuzhen is cheating now?

Matters between men and women are inherently complicated, and it is even more complicated when it comes to a man and woman in a marriage.

But Jiang Yuzhen didn't stay silent for too long, and soon her manager issued a statement, explaining the ins and outs of the whole matter in detail.

This statement has nearly [-] words, and also attached photos, chat logs and other screenshots.

The central meaning is that the person who expressed this derailment was not Jiang Yuzhen from the beginning to the end.

The statement came quickly and was informative.

From the chat records, to the cheating photos of her husband that Jiang Yuzhen received, to the verdict of the divorce lawsuit between the two, and so on.

Jiang Yuzhen presented a lot of evidence.

Things were completely reversed for a while.

So far, things have settled down a bit.

It took three days from the outbreak to the response.

It didn't take long, but Jiang Yuzhen's ex-husband and mistress were dug out by everyone. From first name to last name, they were criticized by thousands of people.

Zhou Yun knew that they deserved it, but felt that this matter was a little too... inexplicable.

Where did the marketing account that spread rumors about Jiang Yuzhen's derailment come from, and what was his intention?
Jiang Yuzhen and her ex-husband divorced a long time ago, but they didn't announce it, and now there is such a sudden incident, so that everyone knows it, and her ex-husband and that mistress are also ruined-although they deserve it, but the timing of the incident is too strange.

If they wanted to ruin their reputation, they would have to be exposed a long time ago, why wait until now?

Zhou Yun called Jiang Yuzhen and asked about it.

Jiang Yuzhen said: "I don't know where the marketing account got the news, it was exposed all of a sudden, and even made me look like a slut. I contacted them, and they said they didn't do it. But I asked them to stand up and explain to me what was going on, but they refused, I have no choice but to prove my innocence by myself.”

As he said that, Jiang Yuzhen sneered, "It turned out to be a good thing. They called me right away, trying to make me calm down. It's a good idea."

Zhou Yun didn't comment well on this either.

She only said: "Could it be that your ex-husband and the others offended someone before someone exposed this matter and deliberately lured you to expose the truth and ruin their reputation?"

"Who knows, I'm too lazy to care about it. I'm divorced anyway, so it has nothing to do with me." Jiang Yuzhen said, "It's best to let them rot in the stinky ditch." (End of this chapter)

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