I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 973 Vanity Fair Social 1

Zhou Yun never expected He Xuran to greet her so actively before he came.

He was obviously not that kind of enthusiastic person before.

Zhou Yun felt that he might have been stimulated by the box office of "Jian Yuntai".

Song Chi is the top male actor of their generation, and his achievements in all aspects are far superior to the male actors of the same period.

He Xuran, Liu Zhikun and the others have always regarded Song Chi as an opponent they want to surpass.

In the past two years, Song Chi's momentum has weakened significantly. Except for "Questioning the Heart" and "The Inaction", there are no particularly popular works.

He Xu then came to the fore. Starting from "Four Killers", the starring movies have done well at the box office, and the word-of-mouth is also good. There is a great trend of surpassing.

At this time, Song Chi took out another "Jian Yuntai", which directly rushed to the top fifteen of the box office history list.

The box office of the film starring Song Chi also exceeded [-] billion, leaving the male actors of the same period far behind.

Of course He Xuran wanted to join such a blockbuster series as "Jian Yuntai".

What he was thinking about now was not surpassing Song Chi, but how to take advantage of Song Chi's glory and continue to accumulate qualifications for himself.

Besides Song Chi, there are many other competitors who are eyeing to replace him.

He Xuran didn't dare to be arrogant at all.

At the same time, as soon as He Xuran heard that the script Fan Deshang handed over was starring Zhou Yun, he agreed to audition without saying a word.

Fan Deshang's play can win awards, and Zhou Yun's play can win the box office.

He Xuran couldn't think of a better film configuration than this.

Moreover, he is also a leading actor.

Therefore, even though he saw Song Chi and Zhou Yun today, they were somewhat perfunctory, and their attitude towards him was not warm, so he dared not say a word of complaint.
This is the case in the entertainment industry. A newcomer who has just entered the industry may not be afraid of tigers because he doesn't understand anything.

But at the level of He Xuran, an artist clearly knows his position in the circle, who can and cannot be offended, when to ignore someone, and when to contact with enthusiasm.

An artist of He Xuran's level may not do it so indifferently, but he must know it in his heart.

And He Xuran happens to be one of these artists who is not so confident in himself, but is more realistic and able to bow his head to reality.

It's just that He Xuran's attitude towards Song Chi and Zhou Yun fell into the eyes of others, which made others interpret another meaning.

"He Xuran is usually arrogant, why did he suddenly become so affectionate with Song Chi and Zhou Yun today?" Someone immediately asked Liu Zhikun.

Liu Zhikun shook his head, "Who knows what he's thinking, anyway, everyone knows that no matter who he is passionate about, he has intentions, not real enthusiasm."

"That's right, everyone knows He Xuran's thoughts, but haven't you also worked with Zhou Yun before? Aren't you going to say hello to her?"

"There are too many people greeting her, wait a moment, don't worry, she must be very annoyed by these people greeting her now." Liu Zhikun said, "She really doesn't like being pursued by people like this, you believe me , she is not pretending."

"Wow, is there really such a heterogeneous female star who doesn't love fame and fortune?"

"You can't say that she doesn't love fame and fortune. If she really doesn't love fame and fortune, she won't enter this industry, but she is indeed different from others. She really doesn't pretend." Liu Zhikun said, "I know you have seen many people in the entertainment industry. Female celebrities also give you a wrong impression, it seems that female celebrities are all pretending, but she is different."

The person talking to Liu Zhikun was a rich and young man, and he was also invited to the charity dinner today.

In later auctions, they are the main donors who give money.

Fu Shao had a look of disbelief on his face.

Seeing this, Liu Zhikun knew that this person must not have listened to his words.

These rich and young people have been surrounded by many people since they were young, and there is no shortage of women, and female stars are also rushing towards them in an endless stream.

Their perception of the world is different from that of ordinary people.

Liu Zhikun knew that it was difficult for him to speak clearly in a few words, or in other words, even if he spoke clearly, the other party would not listen.

Again, their perception of the world is different.

Like this person, there are quite a few rich businessmen and second-generation people who think that Zhou Yun is actually a more popular female star.

Some people came to Zhou Yun to introduce themselves as the president of XX, some people directly expressed their admiration to Zhou Yun in front of Song Chi, and some people wanted to invite Zhou Yun to perform at their company's annual meeting. easy to say.

Zhou Yun could only maintain his self-cultivation and deal with these people like Tai Chi.

"Big head." Zhou Yun complained to Song Chi.

Song Chi put his arms around Zhou Yun's waist and said, "These people are so fucking annoying, they don't have any brains."

"They always say what they say in their own territory, so that they don't know how to deal with people normally." Zhou Yun said, "Basic social etiquette is not followed."

Song Chi: "We won't come to this kind of event next time."


But in fact very helpless.

After all, tonight is a charity dinner. Without these rich bosses, they would not be able to raise so much money.

Zhou Yun didn't like tonight's activities because every time in such activities, he would feel a strong feeling of being disrespected.

They sat down in their seats.

Fortunately, the people at the table with them are all celebrities in the industry, and there are no big bosses.

Wen Xi's seat was arranged on her left.

And Zhou Yun was surprised to find that there was her boyfriend's name tag next to Wen Xi.

"He's here too?" Zhou Yun was surprised.

Wen Xi smiled and said, "Yes, he's here too, but he's greeting others now."

"I haven't seen him for a long time." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi immediately stretched his neck and asked, "Who is it?"

Zhou Yun said: "Jiang Yicheng, Wen Xi's boyfriend, oh, is also her ex-husband."

Song Chi was stunned for a while before he realized it.

He laughed in surprise, looked at Wen Xi and said, "You...are you reconnecting?"

"Yes." Wen Xi nodded, "After going around, I still think he is more suitable."

Song Chi gave her a thumbs up.

"you are awesome."

In the entertainment circle, there are quite a few people who get divorced, but it's really rare for them to remarry after divorce.

Wen Xi asked: "You two have been arguing for a long time, when are you going to hold the wedding?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "There's no time at all, and it's just a wedding, so I don't think it's particularly necessary."

Wen Xi said sincerely: "My dear, I remind you very seriously that you may feel that it is unnecessary now, but as someone who has experienced it, if you don't have a wedding ceremony that makes you memorable, you will regret it in the future." ( end of this chapter)

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