I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 983 "Forbidden Army"

Chapter 983 "Forbidden Army"

"Zhou Yun's step is a little unexpected. Is she going to train herself a queen screenwriter?"

"What is Zhou Yun's studio doing? Suddenly signing such an unknown screenwriter."

"Doesn't Song Chi have a film company? Why doesn't she let this screenwriter sign to Song Chi's company?"


Although this news did not cause much response from the outside world, after all, it was not a breaking news, but this news has aroused discussions among many people in the industry.

The reason why it caused discussion is that this is really a bit strange. No artist's studio has suddenly signed a screenwriter.

In the past few days, Zhou Yun has also received a lot of inquiries.

Zhou Yun can only explain again and again that he really has no other ideas, he just cherishes his talent, he has taken a fancy to Liu Qidong's talent, and wants to help him, use his own energy and influence to help him sell his Created screenplay.

Zhou Yun's categorical attitude was widely circulated in the industry.But because of her endorsement and statement, many people still knew the name Liu Qidong, and the film company also began to take the initiative to inquire about the script written by Liu Qidong.

Even "Children of Prophecy" has attracted the attention of the industry.

When this film was first approved and filmed, not many people paid attention to it.With a new director and screenwriter, and Huang Zicheng starring, he is just a newcomer actor who is not well-known. This kind of movie is basically not exciting.There is a consensus in the industry on this.

However, Zhou Yun's recommendation to Liu Qidong made everyone wonder, how talented is this Liu Qidong that Zhou Yun values ​​so much?

After the script of "Son of Prophecy" was circulated in everyone's hands, everyone became even more confused.

This script doesn't seem to be a very talented script, why did Zhou Yun take a fancy to it?
Most people are like this mentality.

Did Zhou Yun miss it?

No one dared to say that.

Because Zhou Yun has proved her vision with her achievements in the past few years.

No one will question Zhou Yun's ability to pick scripts.

Everyone can only continue to wait for the release of "Son of Prophecy", and see if the performance of this movie can prove Zhou Yun's vision to everyone again.
Knowing that Zhou Lan had chosen a movie script for her, Wang Jing was still on the set of "Three Thousand Worlds", so she couldn't help calling Zhou Lan and asking her for the script.

At the end of July, "The Arrow on the String", in which she played the second female lead, was released. The box office did not perform well, but it was only 1.4 million. For this movie, it can be regarded as a hit.

This made Wang Jing a little flustered.

Because of her pickiness before, Wang Jing took very few roles. Whether it was a series or a movie, the response was not great. So far, her most memorable role is the one in "Behind the Scenes".

Wang Jing's career did not improve, which made her even more anxious.

Now this fairy tale drama "Three Thousand Worlds" was personally discussed by Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun for her. It is a big IP and a star-studded lineup.Zhou Lan attached great importance to this drama, and so did Wang Jing.

But, it's not a movie after all.Wang Jing has seen the top and most gorgeous world of this industry with "Behind the Scenes", and he is not willing to be a popular actress in China.If she had only this idea, she would have taken online dramas while the iron was hot to consolidate her popularity when "Behind the Scenes" became popular.

Now I feel a little regretful, but it doesn't help.

Zhou Lan persuaded her to take the road step by step.

But Wang Jing was so arrogant at that time, she didn't really listen to it, and she didn't realize how arrogant she thought she could hold her breath.

Now, Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun have picked another movie script for her, and it is still the main protagonist. Wang Jing's mood suddenly became excited.

She finished reading the script in one breath, feeling excited all over her body.

She didn't know how to describe it, this script made her excited.As she read, the image of herself performing appeared in her mind.

Finally got a script that made her want to act so much!

Wang Jing was really excited.
Knowing that Wang Jing was satisfied with the script, Zhou Lan also heaved a sigh of relief.

Zhou Lan was really afraid that Wang Jing, like before, would not know what to do, and would not act in non-art films.

The untitled script she sent to Wang Jing is a typical genre film. After his boss is murdered, a white-collar worker in a company gradually finds that his life is also in some kind of crisis, and he seems to be being targeted.The atmosphere of the whole story is more thrilling and tense.

According to Wang Jing's preferences in selecting scripts in the past, Zhou Lan was really not sure, so he specifically mentioned that it was Zhou Yun who picked it for her.

Knowing that Wang Jing liked the script very much, Zhou Lan couldn't help but make her wonder.

Why is that?
Wang Jing can act in "Three Thousand Worlds", which she is not particularly interested in, for the sake of popularity and popularity, but she also said in private that her feelings for this story are all out of utilitarian purposes, not true love.

But she said she liked the script very much.

Could it be that when Liu Qidong wrote the script, he really wrote something very unique, but she couldn't see it?
Zhou Lan just found it incredible.

It's not like she hasn't heard other people's lackluster reactions to the "Children of Prophecy" script.

It's not like she didn't wonder whether Zhou Yun's evaluation of Liu Qidong must be correct.

Wang Jing's reaction gave her a little confidence.

This girl is too picky, she can praise the scripts of genre films that she is not usually interested in, it seems that Liu Qidong really has the ability to write scripts.

It can also be said that this industry is really full of too many people who can't read scripts and can't pick scripts.

People who reacted dullly to the script of "Children of Prophecy" can be said to be people who can't read or pick scripts.

Now Zhou Lan directly determined that.

Of course, no matter what everyone's reaction or evaluation is, it is someone else's business.

Zhou Yun remained calm amidst the heated discussions in the industry, and then attended the last public event before joining the group "Year".

Premiere of "Forbidden Army."

This is another movie starring Song Chi. The producer saw that "Jianyuntai" was a big hit, so they took the opportunity to finalize the film.

Now, I want to show you the real chapter.

This is a war movie.

A rare costume war film in China.

Song Chi's ancient costume was very heroic. When he appeared on the stage, there was a burst of exclamation from the women in the cinema hall.

The whole movie is majestic and majestic, showing the tragedy of life and death.

When Song Chi finally stood in the sea of ​​corpses and raised the banner, Zhou Yun also shed tears.

After the movie was shown, there was thunderous applause in the auditorium.

Song Chi took the stage together with the main creators.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, the box office of this movie should also go up to one billion.

It's not complicated, it's simple, and every character can stand up, but it's a bit too tragic.

Zhou Yun didn't know if the current audience would still watch such a movie.

However, with Song Chi's appeal and the quality of this movie, the box office will not be bad after all, it just depends on how high it can reach.

(End of this chapter)

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