I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 991 The Banshee Underwater

The first shot is done.

Not counting the previous mistake, it was really a mistake.

Zhou Yun floated to the surface of the water and rested lying on the side of the director's boat.

He Luochuan gave Zhou Yun a thumbs-up, "You're awesome, you're really good, there's no problem at all, a textbook-like performance."

He held the tablet in his hand and showed Zhou Yun the material he had just shot.

This is raw footage that has not been post-processed.

Even so, it is entirely possible to imagine what the effect will be in the later stage.

Zhou Yun was moved by the rope underwater, but there was no sign of being dragged at all. On the contrary, it gave people a feeling that she was controlling her own direction.Her movements did not speed up deliberately, but pushed and kicked water more slowly than usual. Such slow and leisurely movements, on the contrary, compared with the slow movements and fast speeds, showed a kind of charm of water monsters feeling.

The point is that Zhou Yun's facial expression is completely devoid of any trace of humanity.

He Luochuan couldn't even imagine how Zhou Yun was able to control his facial expressions in such an environment and while swimming at such a high speed.

Zhou Yun's performance brought some small climaxes to the shooting scene.

The staff at the scene were all shocked by Zhou Yun's performance.

In fact, not only others, even Zhou Yun himself did not know how to do it.He Luochuan asked her how she controlled it, and Zhou Yun didn't know how he controlled it, just now he just entered into a sense of mystery, as if with divine help, he gave the presentation in the camera.

There will be close-ups later.

After resting for 10 minutes, Zhou Yun re-entered the water.

It was still Brother Hai who was in charge of listening to the director's instructions on the water and giving gestures to Zhou Yun.

This time Zhou Yun didn't need to do anything, he just needed to take some close-ups of mirror images.

Brother Hai carried the camera and came to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun's eyes changed instantly, gloomy and cold, revealing hostility.
"Is Miss Xiaoyun taking pictures?" Wang Jing came by the big pool.

After Zhou Yun finishes filming later, he will shoot the scene where Zhou Yun and them are in the same shot.

The time is three hours later.

Wang Jing arrived early.

After finishing her styling and makeup, she came over immediately.

She wanted to watch Zhou Yun's performance live.

Zhou Yun has always been an idol in Wang Jing's heart.Wang Jing is actually quite talented in acting by herself, but she found that she can still learn a lot from Zhou Yun's performance.

Then, Wang Jing saw the material taken earlier.

Luo Song and the producer are watching together.

When Wang Jing saw Zhou Yun's underwater performance, he was immediately attracted.

Actors and actors can understand each other more sympathetically.

Get into the state of a character, and then stay in control while fully embodying the character's state of mind, so you don't get off track.

People who are really acting are walking a tightrope.

Zhou Yun played the role of a water demon underwater, and Wang Jing was always curious about what he would look like.

Many people have played roles like the water demon.

Or coquettish, or innocent, or violent, various states.

But Wang Jing found that Zhou Yun was worthy of being Zhou Yun, and she didn't choose a state for herself at all.

Wang Jing could tell from Zhou Yun's eyes that Zhou Yun made a complete structure for her role as a water demon.

First of all, she is not a nixie in a young or toddler state, she is a mature body.

She didn't show even the slightest hint of bewilderment or innocence on her face.

Her delicate, flawless face was covered in frost, and the faint wild rage made her different from normal people at a glance.

Wang Jing's first reaction was, how did Zhou Yun do this?
Secondly, this is a water demon who is planning a certain purpose.

There is purpose in her eyes.

Her posture also reveals purpose.

It is a great challenge for an actor to show a certain purpose through this silent and detailed performance.

Even Wang Jing thinks that being able to give people a state without speaking lines is the sign of a good actor.

Wang Jing is also aware of this, but many times he is powerless.

This is not something she wants to show, so she must be able to show it accurately.

Maybe she tried her best to express "I hate you" with her eyes, but in the eyes of others, it became "You hurt me, I want to revenge you", which is similar but not the same content.

If the conveyance of emotions cannot be [-]% accurate, it will be difficult for the audience to truly empathize accurately.

Wang Jing thought, Miss Xiaoyun must have pondered her performance in the mirror.

This is not something that can be done on the spot.

So accurate, there's no room for an iota of misinterpretation.

When Zhou Yun finished his solo role, the audience applauded.

This is Zhou Yun's first scene after joining the group, and it is also the most technically difficult scene to shoot.

In everyone's eyes, Zhou Yun took it down without any effort, so terrifying.

Zhou Yun thanked everyone, put on a blanket, and hurried ashore to rest.

He Luochuan came over and said to her: "The filming went too smoothly. The filming was completed ahead of schedule. The next scene is the five of them and you, but it is arranged two hours later."

Zhou Yun said, "Then let's take a rest first."

He Luochuan nodded.

"Hurry up and change your clothes." He said, "Although it is August, the air conditioner in the shed is fully turned on, and you will catch a cold easily if you only wear a blanket."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"Director, how was the underwater scene just now?" she asked.

He Luochuan gave her a thumbs up again.

"It's great, this set of shots will definitely be popular, it's amazing." He said, "Your performance has completely raised this role to several levels."

In the original script, this is a water demon who has experienced tragic events and is eager for revenge. Later, with the help of the protagonist group, he resolved the cause and effect and let go of hatred.Itself is a very facial makeup, a common image of a sad banshee.

Zhou Yun did not abandon the script to play this role, she just handled this role more restrained, rather than a beast completely controlled by anger.

He Luochuan said: "If it wasn't for your limited schedule, I would really like to add some more plays to you. I watched your performance today, and I have a lot of new ideas."

Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing.

"Thank you."

He Luochuan said: "Really, I was sitting in front of the monitor today, looking into your eyes, I was completely sucked in, wanted to know your past, and was also attracted by the dangerous but charming beauty of you. "

Zhou Yun said: "Thank you for your praise, you have given me more confidence in playing this role. Before I came here, I was really worried, because I have never played such a role before, and it is full of unknowns."

He Luochuan: "You're completely overwhelmed, okay, you rest for a while, I'll go see how the others are getting ready."

"Okay." (End of this chapter)

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