Chapter 993
Cheng Shenlu said, "I'll go back and read the script first."

The agent said: "Go and take a look. This script has also been rated S-level inside the platform. It must not be bad. You must know that Liu Qingqing also liked this script, and even contacted the people from Lizi Video. Fight for it, but because Liu Qingqing has been acting in horror and thrillers for the past few years, everyone is concerned about her ability to handle fairy dramas, so they didn't let go."

"I've never acted in a fairy tale drama, so why do they believe in my ability to perform fairy tale drama?" Cheng Shenlu said.

Agent: "You're not an actress who became popular through a certain type of film, not to mention, your acting in "Three Thousand Worlds" has made Lizi Video very promising, and all agencies now believe that "Three Thousand Worlds" is a drama to be hit, so, Chestnut Video is also very optimistic about you."

Cheng Shenlu couldn't hold back the ambiguity and said, "Oh? Now everyone thinks that "Three Thousand Worlds" is a drama to be hit? It seems that I chose this drama correctly."

She wanted to act in this drama before connotating herself, and her agent frequently opposed and blocked her.

Sure enough, the manager's expression changed.

"Although "Three Thousand Worlds" is a drama to be hit, as I said before, there are too many popular actors in this drama, and no one knows how much bonus you can get." The agent immediately made up for himself, "But, Think about it, if you play "Acacia Bell", you are a well-deserved heroine in this drama. If you can connect with "Three Thousand Worlds" and it is also the theme of fairy tales, then you will be able to enjoy more bonuses ?”

Cheng Shenlu said: "I don't need to rely on this method to be popular, I just want to be serious about filming."

"I didn't stop you from filming seriously, but I'm your manager. I definitely hope that your career will get better and better. What good will it do me if your career fails? I don't think you are treating me right now. Hostility? Xiaoli, what happened, is there some misunderstanding between us?"

"I don't know, I just... you always ask me to shoot a lot of scenes that I don't want to shoot." She said, "If you discuss with me before accepting "Acacia Bell", let me read the script, Then my resistance will not be so great."

The agent was speechless for a moment.

The two had a bit of trouble and broke up.
After finishing work at night, everyone went to a barbecue restaurant in the film and television city.

This season is also the time to eat barbecue.

Those who run a barbecue shop here are used to seeing celebrities, but this is the first time Zhou Yun has seen them.

The boss was quite excited, saying that he liked her very much, was her fan, and enthusiastically wanted to deliver food.

Zhou Yun waved his hand and directly declined.

The boss arranged a small box for them to sit.

Private gatherings of celebrities and entertainers, the most important thing is privacy.

Everyone is afraid of sneak shooting, especially now that proxy shooting is still very serious.

After sitting down, Zhou Yun said with a smile: "I'll toast everyone with tea instead of wine. This show was prepared in a hurry. Every one of you was named by me and Chen Wenjun. At that time, I made the best plan. , I thought that at most two or three people could agree to come, which is already very good, but I didn't expect that all of you would find a way to coordinate the schedule to perform this drama. I have to thank you for giving me a lot of face from Chen Wenjun. "

Cheng Shenlu and the others immediately shook hands.

Zhou Jianfeng said: "Sister Xiaoyun, you took us to act in a play before, and we wanted to find an opportunity to repay you, not to mention that this show itself is a big IP, and it is produced by S+. The production team is very strong. We have to get involved again." With your light, we can take advantage of the benefits brought to us by a hit drama."

Zhou Yun: "You are the leading actors of this drama, everyone likes you later on, it's because you acted well, I... Actually, I also had the opportunity to act in Xianxia drama before, but I missed it, and now it's very difficult to act, I If I want to act, I will be chased and scolded by others, scolding me for being old and pretending to be tender."

"Sister Xiaoyun, you are so young!" Cheng Shenlu said immediately.

"The audience thinks that you are not a newcomer anymore. Xianxia dramas are still performed at the rookie stage, and the audience has a stronger sense of substitution." Zhou Yun said, "Actually, "Three Thousand Worlds" is different from the Xianxia dramas on the market. In fact, it is the story of the five of you going to practice and experience the world of mortals under the background of Xianxia, ​​and there is less bloody love and hatred. I heard this story at the time, so I read the original novel. I wrote a quarter of the original story. I think if this show is really well broadcast and has a good reputation, I can consider making a sequel. I really like the values ​​​​and concepts presented in this story. The so-called Xianxia is not blood, They are not born immortals, and they still have to step by step through the rivers and mountains by themselves, experience the world of mortals, cultivate their minds, and cultivate their virtues, to guard the justice of the world, and to slay demons and demons."

Zhou Jianfeng's eyes lit up when he looked at Zhou Yun.

"Sister Xiaoyun, your words can be directly used to promote this drama."

Zhou Yun smiled and said: "I don't mind the crew using it for publicity. In fact, Xianxia is a very classical and traditional creative theme in China. It's just that the stories of this type on the market are similar and the same. Everyone thinks there is no It is the novelty that leads to the disgust of this subject matter, if "Three Thousand Worlds" can stand out from the encirclement and let everyone see another possibility of Xianxia drama, it would be great."

"At that time, I was very willing to play "Three Thousand Worlds" because I liked to watch "Legend of Sword and Fairy" when I was a child." Xin Zhike raised the corner of his mouth, "When I was young, I watched a lot of such dramas with magic skills and fighting against villains, and I also thought about myself. Can fly, Yu Jian, can recite various spells, after becoming an actor, this kind of drama has disappeared, it is rare to see such a script."

"Everyone is following the trend, chasing popular themes." Yu Sitian said, "If there is a sequel to "Three Thousand Worlds", then I may not be willing to act. In the sea, bitten by mosquitoes, hanging on the wire, the task is also heavy, shooting from morning to night is as hard as going out to practice."

Cheng Shenlu glanced at her and said, "It's hard filming now, that's why you said that. After the filming is over and the show is broadcast, you may change your mind."

She added: "Besides, you are at least not like me. After filming "Three Thousand Worlds", the next drama will be a fairy tale drama, and my agent will take another one for me."

Yu Sitian asked in surprise, "Huh?"

Cheng Shenlu looked at Zhou Yun and said, "I have a big head now, and I've read a third of the script, and it feels like the bloody story of love, hatred, love and hatred in the Three Realms that Sister Xiaoyun you mentioned. "

Zhou Yun asked: "Then, can't you refuse?"

"It is said that the other party has already agreed." Cheng Shenlu sighed, "If the two sides have already settled on this matter, I really can't refuse."

"Then you can only seriously consider this matter yourself and see how to deal with it."

(End of this chapter)

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