Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 119 Originally thought it was a side quest, but it turned out to be...

Chapter 119 Originally thought it was a side quest, but it turned out to be...

Zuo Zhou glanced at the lying guy, it was a coincidence that it happened to be the buddy who threw the snake at him by the iron chain back then, but unfortunately, now there is an arrow stuck in his neck, it seems that he can't survive.

"Elder Yin, use the congregation to block arrows, this is not a new trick that girl taught you!" Elder Jiu never lagged behind in his verbal offensive.

Elder Jin is a bald old man. Although he has a tall and straight figure, he looks a little different, more like he has a problem with his spine and cannot bend down.Elder Yin is a crooked old lady with a lot of wrinkles on her face.

Standing together, the two have a sense of Chinese culture and martial arts!
As for the others... There is no need to waste ink in Zuo Zhou's mind for the lack of special features.

"Good archery!"

Elder Jin gave Zuo Zhou a deep look, and Zuo Zhou was so frightened that he thought he could kill with his eyes.However, Elder Jin then looked up at the fireflies.

"Extinguish those fireflies!"

A congregation raised his head and made a strange gesture with his hands, and then a large number of flying Gu worms flew towards the fireflies.

"Bah!" Zuo Zhou spat, and put the arrow on the bow again, as if he hadn't done anything just now.

Are you a summoner who reads the article in front of the burst ADC?What do you think?
The face of the remaining congregation was filled with fear, and Elder Jin's face was also gloomy and terrifying, especially under the fluorescent light, he looked like a gloomy ghost.

"Hahahaha, Lao Jin Lao Yin, don't panic, don't be afraid, we are attacking the high point, the range is longer, as long as you run two miles away, you will be fine." Elder Jiu continued to taunt.

The gold and silver elders looked at each other and took a step forward, "We agreed to fight Gu, but you recruited people from the Daqin Army to help you punch. It's because you don't follow the rules, so don't blame us for bullying more than we do!"

Elder Jin clapped his hands, Elder Silver stomped his feet, the voice of Carrara Carrara directly overwhelmed the screams of the suffering Gu insects in the dense fog, and large black and red scorpions began to surround them from all directions, followed by buzzing roars, purple The glowing bees began to circle the sky.

"Soul Chasing Bee! Killing Scorpion! This is the trump card they use their natal Gu to activate, be careful!"

Elder Jiu spoke extremely fast, and finally there was a little nervousness on his face.

"smoke bomb!"

Bang bang bang!
Pieces of smoke exploded again, blocking the space in all directions.

The chirping insects rang out again, and this time even the gold and silver elders were shocked.

"What kind of poison is this? It can even drive away soul-chasing bees and life-destroying scorpions?"

Elder Jiu looked back at Zuo Zhou in amazement, it was fine if he could drive away ordinary Gu worms, but the soul chasing bee and the life-snatching scorpion were carefully refined and activated with natal Gu, so the poisonous mist could still make them fearful and painful?
Xiaomei blinked. Although she was naive sometimes, she seemed to have come to her senses at this time, and she poked her head secretly towards Zuo Zhou, "The doctor who sold you the poison formula back then seemed to be not easy!"

Zuo Zhou nodded calmly, there are too many strange people and strange things in this world, who knows which reclusive master it is.

"You step back!"

Elder Jin waved back the only remaining congregation, and Elder Yin took another step. The soul-chasing bees all over the sky began to fly in circles, and soon formed a dark tornado.

The corners of Zuo Zhou's eyes twitched, relying on the wind generated by the bees flapping their wings, you actually created a tornado?Can you still abide by the Basic Law!
The wind was very strong, and the poisonous fog began to roll back into the yard.When everyone saw it, they hurriedly avoided.

Zhang Junbao and Zuo Zhou nodded, it's our turn to pretend!

The deliberately sewn large sleeves swung violently, as if a big knife split the tornado from top to bottom, and Zhang Junbao rushed directly into the eye of the wind formed by the soul chasing bees.

Seeing this, the gold and silver elders laughed loudly, "You're going to kill yourself!"

The soul-chasing bee and the life-destroying scorpion were immediately lined up, one male and one female, one male and one female, and a mysterious aura rose immediately.

Zuo Zhou and Zhang Junbao were stunned for a moment, well, as I said before, researching formations behind closed doors can produce some unique effects.

The formation effect of this Yin-Yang Gu is very different from ordinary ones!
Ordinary formation builders will set up formations on a roughly flat plane, even if they are not on the same level, the difference is not much different. When the formation method takes effect, a three-dimensional space will be formed.

But the gold and silver elders are not. Their formation itself is one up and one down, and they are arranged on the basis of three-dimensional space.

It has to be said that for beginners, this is a relatively flexible innovation. It can break through the shackles of the two-dimensional plane and adopt the three-dimensional mode, which is worthy of praise.

However, the foundation is not solid, and the disadvantages of building a car behind closed doors are soon revealed.

After a brief hesitation, Zhang Junbao took a step directly to occupy the eye of the Liangyi formation, and then swayed out the magic-modified cassock's demon-subduing skill, driving a large number of soul-chasing bees and life-destroying scorpions out of the formation eye area, making the formation The power is directly reduced to infinitely close to zero.

The gold and silver elders were confused, they had always relied on the formation of Yin-Yang Gu to walk sideways in the Five Poison Sect, why didn't it work this time?

Just as they were about to change their position and cast their formation again, an arrow pierced through the formation in an instant and shot straight at their faces.

The two arrows were almost fired at the same time, reaching the eyes of the gold and silver elders at the same time.


The gold and silver elders are indeed old partners for many years, even the means are the same.

Seeing that the arrow was about to explode, the two old men and women opened their mouths at the same time, and two silver lights shot out from their mouths to shoot down the arrow.

Elder Jiu, who was watching the battle beside Zuo Zhou, exclaimed in shock: "Six-winged Frost Centipede! One female and one male, so that's what you're planning!"

Zuo Zhou gave their Five Poison Sect a big stare, "Six-winged Frost Centipede! Why, changed to Immortal? Isn't it just two snow-white centipedes!"

Elder Jiu was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, and explained with a sneer, "The Five Poisons Sect respects the Five Poisons, and there are five methods for refining the supreme Gu worms. These five methods correspond to the Five Poisons respectively. The Six-winged Frost Centipede is one of them that corresponds to the centipede. The normal process is to first grow the centipede into a six-winged centipede, and then let the six-winged centipede give birth to the cold poison attribute. It’s just that in the history of the Five Poison Sect, no one has raised the centipede into a six-winged centipede for nearly two or three hundred years. Wings, so everyone thinks this is the fantasy of the ancestors. But they didn't expect that the gold and silver elders disrupted the program and directly gave the centipede the cold poison attribute. But... since the centipede can really bring the cold poison attribute, Will it really be able to generate six wings?"

"If you can survive, you might have the opportunity to study it!" Zuo Zhou curled his lips, "But based on my years of biological knowledge, there is no possibility for centipedes to grow wings."

As Zuo Zhou said, he put two arrows on the bow again, and the gold and silver elders who were manipulating Gu worms in the distance suddenly became nervous. Is this arrow a double arrow or a split arrow?
Under the watchful eyes of the gold and silver elders, Zuo Zhou didn't ejaculate, he stretched out his finger and picked his nose, "Don't look at me, you guys are playing with you, I will ejaculate again when you relax!"

Gold and silver elders: "..."

At this time, Zhang Junbao has already started to use the magic sealing wave, but he doesn't love anyone with a wave of his hands. You said he was surrounded by Gu insects?No, it is clear that he surrounded all the Gu worms himself, the whistling airflow is even more exaggerated than the tornado caused by the soul chasing bee flapping its wings just now, as if all the Gu worms were following his movements. Dancing, tango for a while, Latin for a while, and ballet for a while!

The soul-chasing bee ran into the deadly scorpion, and each other's poisonous needles began to swing wildly, curling up inside!
Just for a moment, the gold and silver elders were distressed enough.

"Be careful of your soul chasing bees!"

"Move your deadly scorpion away!"

The gold and silver elders yelled angrily almost at the same time, and then seemed to think of something, looked at each other in disgust, and said nothing again.


Zuo Zhou rubbed his eyes, did he see it wrong?
"Hey, hey, are you in a hurry? Come on, I haven't played my role yet!" Zuo Zhou howled, with a strong sense of irony, and even more angry, the two began to play with Zhang Junbao like a vindictive started pulling.

Zuo Zhou watched the two snow-white centipedes start to shake their teeth and claws, and the soul-chasing bee and the deadly scorpion also tried to adjust their balance, trying to attack again.But Zhang Junbao seemed to have fallen into a state of epiphany, his whole expression was focused like he was in a dream space.

This is very miraculous, the miraculous Zuo Zhou can't bear to crucify the gold and silver elders directly, if this interrupts Zhang Junbao's epiphany, will he become a sinner in history?

Reluctantly, Zuo Zhou put down his bow and arrow, and asked the Elder Jiu next to him, "The conflict between these two seems to be very subtle, isn't it really a resentment between men and women?"

Elder Jiu felt ashamed, as if the information he gave was unreliable.It is said that the five poisons teach Gu insects to be powerful, but in the end they were settled by a bunch of stinky eggs.What did you say that Yin-Yang Gu is dangerous, and now people are dancing with Gu insects!dance!

As for the male and female issues of the gold and silver elders, what the hell am I...

Zuo Zhou watched Elder Jiu's complexion change wildly, and suddenly felt that he was too embarrassing, so he sighed and patted him on the shoulder comfortingly, "Don't worry, it must be that Qu Xiuyun's fault, look, she once So many things have happened since taking over the Five Poisons Sect. Not to mention a group of people defected from the sect, and even killed two elders outside, this is an obvious management problem!"

Elder Jiu twitched. Do I agree or disagree with this question?
"It's about this time, are you still hesitating?"

"Then why didn't you give in!"

"Do you have the nerve to leave me a woman with nothing?"

"A man can't have nothing!"

Zuo Zhou: "..." Why are these two people arguing?Fuck it, let's do it!

Uh!Elder Yin looked at Elder Jin in disbelief, biting a five-step snake on her barren chest, the venom quickly flowed through her body, and her already old face began to turn black quickly, as if it was about to weather in an instant.


Elder Jin swung his palm and slapped Elder Yin's neck directly. The crackling sound accompanied by the scream of the deadly scorpion made the night a little more strange.

Elder Jin ignored Elder Yin's head that fell to the ground, grabbed Elder Yin's snow-white centipede with his hand, and nailed it in front of his own centipede.

Of the two centipedes, one bared its teeth ferociously and danced its claws, and the other screamed in fear!

Everyone was stunned by this scene, but in the end Elder Jiu clapped his hands, "I understand, what they are fighting for is insect eggs!"

(End of this chapter)

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