Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 154 Is it against the way of chivalry?

Chapter 154 Is it against the way of chivalry?

Speaking of the love in the city, maybe the exiles in 3333 have no idea, at most they can guess from the description on the system panel.But in Zuo Zhou's mind, he always thinks of the man and woman matching skill in the TV series version of "Feng Yun".

It is the alluring love who accompanied you to watch the meteor shower-like special effects, the cultivation requirements were extremely demanding, and in the end, even the fake Dugu couldn't beat it.

At that time, Zuo Zhou's head was full of "this is this, this is this"?
Now that he saw Xiongba's task for Nie Feng, he suddenly looked forward to it, "Let me tell you, although the job of being ordered to seduce a girl sounds a little unreliable, it is very simple. The key is to see Two words, timing!"

"Timing?" Nie Feng said that he was disdainful, but his body was still very honest. As soon as Zuo Zhou said it, he began to listen carefully.

"Women are all emotional animals. Most women are prone to dementia due to momentary mood swings. As long as you take it down during her dementia stage, it will be much more convenient later."

Qin Shuang beside him also became interested, "What do you mean by momentary mood swings?"

"Stimulus!" Zuo Zhou stretched out his finger to mark the key point, "There are many kinds of stimulation, I won't go into details, but brother Nie Feng owns something simple and easy to understand."

Zuo Zhou said something a little hilarious, and he became Nie Feng's younger brother directly.

"Appearance! This is very important. What is love at first sight? It's nothing more than seeing sex. This is the same for men and women. Sexual appetite is also human nature. So this appearance is the first stimulation."

Qin Shuang looked at Nie Feng and was amused, "This first stimulus is not a problem at all. My Junior Brother Feng will not meet in the world, even in the whole of Daqin, there is no one who is more handsome than him."

Nie Feng blushed a little when he heard the words, but Zuo Zhou recognized him after seeing him, Nie Feng is the kind of handsome but masculine handsome who makes you very comfortable.

"This second stimulus is often related to oneself, because life is the most basic pursuit of everyone, and it is also an instinct. Once connected with this instinct, it is easy to touch a woman's heart. Now there is an opportunity, hero Save the beauty!"

Having said that, Qin Shuang and Nie Feng naturally understood, Qin Shuang patted Nie Feng on the shoulder, "When we exchange later, Junior Brother Feng, you will be responsible for protecting Mingyue, who is what she needs most now." time to care."

Nie Feng sneered, "Brother, wouldn't it be good for us to do this, it's too... against the way of chivalry!"

Qin Shuang corrected: "How can it be regarded as violating the way of chivalry? Isn't it like this between men and women, or because of appearance, or because of family background, or because of other things, in short, you have to look the same. Besides, It's not that you abandon her after you get Wushuang City, and you just treat her nicely!"

Nie Feng opened his mouth. In fact, he wanted to talk about 'free love', but he still didn't say it after thinking about it.

Zuo Zhou looked at them strangely, "You guys under heaven...still teach people the way of chivalry?"

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows, well, obviously this Xiongba has done a lot on the surface.

"By the way, what about Shi Wuzun? He still owes me Fuhu Arhat Fist and didn't teach him." Zuo Zhou got up as if he was about to go out.

"Still at Duguming's place, it seems like he's interrogating, but this monk is obviously not good at it, every time he goes there in high spirits, he just comes back with his head bowed and sighing." Qin Shuang pointed to a tent in the distance outside.

Zuo Zhou followed the guide and walked over. Before entering the tent, he heard Dugu Ming yelling loudly, "Damn donkey, how long have you been reading Buddhist scriptures? If the Buddha really works, how did your Shaolin Temple be destroyed?"

Zuo Zhou paused, but he heard Shi Wuzun sigh inside: "It doesn't matter how long you read the Buddhist scriptures, the most important thing is whether you can help the benefactor resolve the hostility in his heart."

"You are so annoying!" Dugu Ming gritted his teeth.

Zuo Zhou stood outside the tent for a long time, and did not open the curtain until the Buddhist scriptures inside were chanted.

"Master, what kind of confession does this fake Dugu Ming have?"

Shi Wuzun stood up and bowed to Zuo Zhou, "General Li, the poor monk is incompetent and not proficient in interrogation."

Zuo Zhou nodded, "Master, let's rest first, I will ask you to learn Fuhu Arhat Fist in a while."

Shi Wuzun hesitated for a moment, looked at Dugu Ming and then at Dugu Wei next to him, and left wisely.

After the sound of Shi Wuzun's footsteps disappeared, Zuo Zhou moved a chair and sat down, "This general is considered to be experienced in many battles, and he has some relationship with the Great Qin imperial family, but he has never seen a man like you. Generally speaking, the exiles cooperate with us so tacitly. Can you tell me why?"

Dugu Ming and Dugu Wei Qiqi raised their heads. In their opinion, Zuo Zhou had exposed their false identities, and that little braid was actually Dugu Ming's exile himself.These are all the objects they hate, but if you want to say who is the most hated, it must be the little pigtail.Because for the aborigines, the identity of an exile means that they cannot be trusted. Only when the identity is announced, it will be difficult to think about what to do in the future!
"If you want to fight, you can fight, if you want to kill, you can kill, why bother talking nonsense!" Dugu Wei snorted coldly.

Zuo Zhou was disdainful, "Of course I will kill when it's time to kill, but in my opinion, you shouldn't talk about life and death so lightly. After all, killing you is different from killing him. If you die once, you are really dead. I don't want to kill you." Determine whether there is such a thing as reincarnation, but you will not be you if you have no memory in the next life. But exiles have three lives. Judging by Dugu Ming's age, he may have never died. Can be resurrected twice, do you expect him to avenge you?"

"What? Are you scared?" Dugu Ming lowered his head slightly, looked at him with upturned eyes, and looked very dark.

Zuo Zhou laughed, "Are you threatening me? I don't know if you have noticed that in various countries, if exiles are caught committing crimes, most of them will be sentenced to death!"

Duguming was stunned for a moment, he was not in the court system, and he didn't know too much about the Yamen, so he really didn't find out about it.

Zuo Zhou continued: "The reason we don't want to accept exiles is because you have more lives than us. Once reincarnated, no one will be able to find you. Then we will have no way to tell if you will lurk by our side and wait for an opportunity to take revenge. So for To avoid this situation, various countries began to tacitly suppress the exiles from all aspects until your reincarnation opportunities are exhausted and you become people like us."

Dugu Ming sneered, "A ridiculous plan, there are so many exiles, how many can you kill, and how many can you distinguish?"

Zuo Zhou shook his head, "You still don't understand what I mean. The decision is only aimed at those exiles who committed crimes. It is an attitude of the court. If it is aimed at those exiles who have enmity with themselves, there is actually a more effective way."

Dugu Ming frowned, always feeling that he had a bad premonition.

"What do you want to do?"

"It's nothing, just to remind you, in fact, we can imprison you, break your limbs and pull out your tongue, eat and drink every day for decades, and when we are all old and dead, even if you reincarnate at that time, you will have no hatred." It's time to report."

Dugu Ming's eyes were red, "Naive! Even if I can't find revenge on you, can't I still find revenge on your descendants?"

Zuo Zhou laughed, "Yes, of course, but you, who have been imprisoned for decades, are you sure that you can find our descendants after you are reborn? If nothing else, I don't plan to let my child be named Li , hehehe (Voldemort laughs)!"

Dugu Ming was going crazy, he didn't expect there to be such a shameless person among the natives, wow!

But it is a bit difficult to calm down. For the exiles, reincarnation and revenge are incidental. The responsibility given to them by the will of the universe on the next-door earth is to become stronger, so that the will of the universe can gain more upper hand when they merge.

And any exile with a little bit of ambition would not be willing to waste decades of time. If revenge was compared with decades of time, he would give up his hatred without hesitation.

It's really easy to die, they have hidden all the martial arts cheats, and they can make a comeback after reincarnation.But of course it would be best to be alive, after all, as far as he knew, there were very few exiles who had a better start than him.

"what do you want?"

Dugu Wei looked at Dugu Ming, sighed and lowered his head, Zuo Zhou smiled and nodded, "That's right, we don't have any enmity, we can only say that each is our own master. If we can cooperate, why not do it Woolen cloth?"

"The basis of cooperation is win-win. What can you give me?" Dugu Ming frowned.

"Originally Shi Wuzun wanted to use you to exchange Mingyue, but the head of the six doors came. You know, Daqin never makes deals with prisoners. So in fact, they have already set up a net far away from the exchange place. , I can tell you about Tie Wuqing's arrangement plan."

Dugu Ming only pondered, "What do you want?"

"It seems that we have reached a consensus." Zuo Zhou said with a smile, "I want the martial arts you buried."

"How can I believe that you won't go back on your word?" Dugu Ming stared at him coldly.

"It's very simple, let's pay half of it first, I will tell you their layout plan first, and you can verify it yourself when the transaction is made. And you give me part of the martial arts first, oh, don't tell me, you didn't have it when you hid the secret book. Handle it separately?"

"It seems like I'm at a disadvantage!" Dugu Ming hesitated a little.

"No loss, decades of development time and the lives of you and Dugu, isn't it worth learning? But please keep your promises and tell me the rest of the burial place after you get out of trouble, otherwise this Daqin may be There is no place for you anymore." Zuo Zhou said threatening words lightly.

"Deal, what do you want?"

"I know that the Holy Spirit sword technique is the unique skill of the Dugu family. Although I am greedy, but as a mutual trust, I don't want it for now. Let's start with the subduing dragon leg first."

(End of this chapter)

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