Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 158

Chapter 158
In fact, strictly speaking, Tianxiahui and Wushuang City have a grudge. When Xiongba had not made a fortune, he used martial arts to challenge many strong men. Once, Xiongba set his target on Dugujian, but Dugujian did not accept it. In his challenge, he also taunted 'Xiong Ba is a good opponent for my younger brother'!
Listen, who can bear this?

Therefore, Dugu Jian and Wushuang City were completely hated by Xiongba, but when he stepped into the realm of the master and realized that he had achieved great martial arts, he was unable to develop his hegemony.

Wang Jian's battle on the mountain made him a lot more honest, but his jealousy towards Wushuang City and Dugu Jian was not at all less, but he didn't care much about Dugu's side.

But this is by no means to say that Dugu is not strong, he is still quite fierce, you can see this by looking at the fake Dugu.

In order to restore the domineering of the real Dugu, the fake Dugu has a slightly curly beard that looks very imposing. His complexion is a little sallow, his eyes are piercing, but there is a bit of cunning in his domineering.

Concubine Xiao looked it up and down immediately, and had a general understanding of the fake Dugu side, looks are meaningless to judge, and the ambition must be not small, otherwise he would not let his own children replace the real Dugu Ming.As for martial arts, he has already stepped into the list of people and became a master, but according to Shi Wuzun's description, he is still plotting to fall in love with the city, so that means that he may be a little watered as a master on the list.

"Miss Mingyue brought it?"

Dugu Fang took a look at Dugu Ming, and found that his acupoints were sealed and there was no serious problem. He couldn't help but relax, and waved towards the forest. Two men dressed in plain clothes came out with a young girl behind them.

Concubine Xiao's complexion turned ugly in an instant. The girl was wearing a pink gauze dress, but her breasts were wide open, revealing the white underwear inside. The bright red had already soaked through the underwear, and the blood stains and snow-white skin were extremely dazzling together.Apparently, he had been severely tortured, his head was bowed in a coma, and his long hair covered his face, and he didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

"City Lord Dugu, it's not the actions of a hero to be so cruel to a little girl!"

"Prince Xiao will be sympathetic to the fragrance and cherish the jade, no wonder he can marry into the royal family."

Dugu Ming's face twitched when he heard it beside him, are you afraid that you want to cheat your son?
In fact, Duguming probably knew why his father was sentenced, and he just wanted to know about Qingcheng's love from Mingyue. If it was him, he wouldn't mind it, but the problem is that the timing is not right now.

Concubine Xiao frowned, Dugu Fang's voice was very smooth, and there was no hint of sarcasm in his tone, but these words were too sarcasm.But now he suddenly lost interest in arguing with Dugu Fang, "Let's change!"

Shi Wuzun pushed Dugu Ming forward, while the two subordinates carried Ming Yue forward, pushing each other when they approached.

Shi Wuzun hurriedly opened his hands to catch Mingyue, and at the same time, Dugu Fang immediately untied Dugu Ming's acupoints, "Go!"

The two father and son had a tacit understanding, even though Dugu was already at the level of a master, but he didn't intend to tangle with people like Concubine Xiao, and the few figures disappeared into the forest in a flash.

Everyone didn't chase after him, Prince Concubine Xiao said earlier that the test was not made up out of thin air, even though he just played an idle move.

"Hurry up and ask for warmth." Qin Shuang pushed Nie Feng, now is the time to show concern, let Mingyue open her eyes and see you first, it will definitely be done.

A drop of sweat dripped from Nie Feng's forehead. After all, he was a first-time brother. He was a little bit resistant to the fact that he was ordered to seduce a girl, and it was his first time. What a panic!

"Uh... poof!"

At the moment of hesitation, Shi Wuzun fell to the ground in a flash, and then began to spurt blood. Before everyone could react, they disappeared immediately.

"Don't move, there is poison on her skirt!"

Concubine Xiao found out the problem instantly, Shi Wuzun's hands were black and bruised, it was obvious that he had come into contact with a highly poisonous substance.

Everyone took a few steps back in a hurry, away from Mingyue and Shi Wuzun, not knowing what to do for a while.

"What... what should I do?" Qin Shuang was also stunned, fearing that the master's order would not be fulfilled, she patted Nie Feng on the shoulder, "Junior Brother Feng, do you mind a ghost marriage?"

Nie Feng: "...Brother, do you mind men?"

Qin Shuang: "..." My Junior Brother Feng has failed in his studies!

Master Ximen said anxiously: "If there is poison on Mingyue's dress, then not only Shi Wuzun is poisoned, but Mingyue is probably also poisoned."

Concubine Xiao shook his head, "It's not the same, the more intense the poison, the faster it will volatilize. Shi Wuzun was poisoned to death so quickly, which shows that this kind of poison occurs very quickly, and such a strong poison will not exist for a long time. For a long time. What's more, you can see that Shi Wuzun's poisoning appearance is not seen on Mingyue's body, which means that the poison should have been placed on her skirt, and she was prevented from being poisoned to death through a layer of obscene clothes."

Qin Shuang was a little puzzled when she heard the words, "The obscene clothes can't cover the whole body, can they?"

"Yes, one obscene garment is definitely not enough, but what if the poison is only on a small part of the skirt?"

Everyone was stunned, Young Master Ximen stretched out his halberd, deftly lifted the long skirt of Mingyue's body, and was startled when he retracted the halberd, "It's such a strong poison, the blade of my halberd is a bit corroded."

"Bring Miss Mingyue here."


Concubine Xiao couldn't help rolling his eyes when he saw no one moving, turned the wheelchair closer, took out a pair of gloves from his pocket and put them on.

"Oh? Where did you get the gloves?" Mr. Ximen wondered.

"After learning Gu refining from Elder Jiu for such a long time, I always need some equipment." As he spoke, he put his hand on Mingyue's pulse gate, and then looked into Mingyue's eyes. The whole process was rather professional.

It was also the first time that everyone saw Mingyue's appearance clearly. She was indeed a beauty, with bright eyes and white teeth, and exquisite features. The dish on her face made people feel distressed.

"She was also poisoned, but it's not very poisonous, it's like a kind of hallucinogenic drug, it should be used for interrogation." Concubine Xiao frightened the conclusion, then took off the wine gourd around his waist, after touching it for a while, the mouth of the gourd opened , the wine worm came out slowly, spit out a cloud of wine mist, and then went back again.

The mist of wine fluttered and fell on Mingyue's body, but there was no change.

"Okay, there should be no other traps on her body, let's take her back to the camp!" Concubine Xiao heaved a sigh of relief and took off the gloves.

Everyone was surprised, "If the wine mist doesn't react, it means it's not poisonous? What's the reason for this?"

Concubine Xiao curled her lips, "How do I know the truth, whoever is playing Gu will tell you the truth."

Well, Nie Feng didn't refuse to pick her up again, let's say it first, it's by no means that Nie Feng is willing to work hard only when he sees someone beautiful, the main reason is that he can't see a girl lying on the cold ground like that.

Everyone turned around and wanted to leave, only to find Prince Concubine Xiao stopped again, "What's wrong?"

Concubine Xiao turned his head and looked at the depths of the forest with a strange expression, "Something is wrong."


"Father, you are trying to trick me to death!"

Dugu Ming's words confused Dugu Fang, "What does my son mean by that?"

"It's okay that Mingyue has been severely tortured, but you put poison on Mingyue, isn't that forcing them to die? How can we break through the encirclement?"

Dugu Fang had a strange expression when he heard this, "Isn't this the plan you have someone notify me to carry out?"

Dugu Ming (⊙_⊙)?
"You two impostors, today is your death day!"

Before the father and son had discussed a charter, Zhan Hongling's laughter had already begun to float in the forest.

"Don't you see, the water and sky of the Yellow River..."


A chaotic roar interrupted Zhan Hongling's chanting, and a lot of boys and girls in messy clothes rushed out suddenly, facing Zhan Hongling and a group of sisters with swords.

This startled Zhan Hongling, was she ambushed by the counter-attack?But even if you want to fight against an ambush, you should pick some strong people. Can a group of people who are reluctant even second-rate masters play a role?
Yes, at least Zhan Hongling didn't have time to stop Dugu and his son.

Dugu Ming's face was quite ugly, he knew these people, they were all his subordinates who he had trained, and they were all exiles.Logically speaking, these people were scattered all over Wushuang City, how could they gather together suddenly?Could it be that they are all characters who know how to repay their kindness and are willing to take risks to save themselves?So should I be moved?


Dugu Ming felt more and more that something was wrong, but before he could ask, densely packed crossbow arrows suddenly hit his face like a torrential rain.

The father and son slapped each other in the air to avoid it. Looking from a distance, they could see a series of graceful figures draped in golden gauze flying through the forest.

"Dugu Fang, Dugu Ming! Hurry up and get caught!"

Dugu Fang sneered, "The gold-clothed policeman from the six doors? But that's all, Ming'er follow me!"

Dugu Ming's face twitched, I was thinking of taking advantage of the loopholes, but you want to go through the defensive line recklessly?
But now there was no room for hesitation, Dugu Ming rushed out, and the Dragon Subduing Legs attacked with a strong wind, causing the gold-clothed policemen to be in a panic for a while.

In the final analysis, no matter whether it is Jianghu or the court, the congenital masters have not reached the level of flooding. If it is just these gold-clothed fastmen, they really can't stop the combination of a master and a congenital master.

But... What if there is another grandmaster who also intercepts it?


"I have never been an official before, but I have actually seen many other officials, and I have a general understanding of the principles of being an official. I think you may have failed."

Zuo Zhou temporarily built a small bench for himself with tree branches, and sat about a mile away from the barracks. He was waiting, but in fact he didn't want to wait for that person in his heart.

Because this person's reputation is so good, words that only appear in TV dramas, such as being stern and selfless, being jealous, and being upright, all appeared.

To be honest, if he was really a teenager, he might still admire him, but as an adult, he doesn't believe that there is such an upright person in the world, especially when he is the chief arrester of the Six Doors.

how to say?The older I get, the more I understand that the world is not black and white.Sometimes, it is very difficult to lose a small part without losing a big one!

"I, Tie Wuqing, have been clean and honest all my life. I have been an official for more than 1000 years. Apart from getting a salary of [-] taels a year, what else do I get? I have got enemies all over the world! My parents, wives and children all died at the hands of the enemies. It is ridiculous that I am in the way The law has seized the enemy, but it cannot kill it with its own hands!"

Zuo Zhou leaned on his cheek, "So, why did you join Wei Jinzhong?"

"Eunuch Wei gave me the opportunity to kill the enemy with my own hands. Only then did I realize that there is nothing wrong with using public power for private purposes!"

Zuo Zhou looked at Tie Wuqing who was pulling out the gold-threaded big ring knife, but he didn't act in a hurry, but asked with a strange expression: "I'm asking too much, have you applied to the higher authorities to execute the death penalty on that enemy?" ?”

Tie Wuqing, "..."

(End of this chapter)

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