Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 161 The Dugu Sword is here, will the tyrant be far behind?

Chapter 161 The Dugu Sword is here, will the tyrant be far behind?

"Wei Jinzhong, Happy King, Yang Wenguang, Shangguan Jinhong, Chief of the Beggar Clan, Bai Xiaosheng..." Zuo Zhou wrung his fingers and looked like he had failed in math, "Why are there only six of these seven dragon heads? How about one, and where is your big leader?"

Zuo Zhou's eyes began to look bad, and Li Gui's hands and mouth twitched wildly, and he hurriedly said, "It's really not my fault, I haven't had contact with the last dragon head person, it is said that people of that line have fallen into a silent stage, specifically because No one knows what... I just heard that the people of that series are also outside of Daqin. They should be similar to Happy King or something, but they should be in Ming Dynasty. As for Dalongtou, this... only each The dragon head knows his true identity, and the people under the leadership of the dragon head are extremely mysterious, and I have never come into contact with it!"

Zuo Zhou was a little dissatisfied, stood up and sighed: "Forget it, although your role is special, but your status is low after all, it's understandable that you don't know some secrets, so tell me, do you have any evidence to directly point Wei Jinzhong? "

Li Gui shook his head and smiled wryly, "Master Li, with Wei Jinzhong's prudence, you should be able to imagine that if I secretly hide any evidence, he will definitely kill him."

"Really? I don't believe it!"

A layer of cold sweat soaked Li Gui's hands and forehead instantly. Looking at Zuo Zhou's increasingly disappointed eyes, he hurriedly said: "Although there is no direct evidence, I have secretly recorded the identities of the connectors I met. Hidden in the bottom of my cruise ship, sealed with waterproof oiled paper coated with medicine."

Zuo Zhou sighed lightly, but he really didn't think of this, the boat in Li Gui's hands was in Zuo Zhou's hands, but they didn't bother to check the bottom of the boat.

"Very good, this is called a confession, but I think this so-called roster should not be able to move Wei Jinzhong."

"There is really no way, because there are many things that cannot be proved. The accusations relying on witnesses alone are not credible. Besides, many people are from the rivers and lakes. They usually do everything from murder to arson. The testimony is not credible. They don’t even believe it.” Li Guishou replied, this is a normal operation, after all, it’s all dirty work, so of course we need to find someone who will take the blame even if he is caught.

Zuo Zhou is not surprised, the rivers and lakes are very dangerous, Tie Wuqing is still good, there are many heroes who travel abroad, and when they meet a beautiful village girl, they force her to discuss the great harmony of life. Then he killed the whole family, and directly planted the blame on some prostitutes afterwards, which was very stable.

"Okay, and there is... By the way, do you still remember the Yi Jin Jing?"

The only remaining shoulder in Li Gui's hand trembled, and he smiled wryly: "Master Li, I don't have that kind of memory. I only practiced to the Yellow Level Buddha, and I haven't watched the rest. I don’t know where the cheat book went. I carried it with me at the beginning, but it disappeared after I woke up. I thought you searched it, but you asked me the other day, so I knew it was gone, probably fell into the river."

Zuo Zhou was awkward, tears and snot really didn't seem like a lie, it seemed that he really had nothing to do with this Yi Jin Jing, "Forget it, I can't force it. If this is the case, you can go, remember, no Let’s get mixed up in Wei Jinzhong’s affairs again.”

Li Guishou was overjoyed, exhausted all his strength to stand up but found it difficult, Zuo Zhou frowned and sighed: "Your injury seems a bit serious!"

Li Guishou: "..." That's right, who hit it!

Zuo Zhou sighed, and looked like he was sending the Buddha to the west, "I have wound medicine here, you can push it for a while, and then you can find a place to treat it yourself."

"Thank you, Master Li."

Zuo Zhou took out a small bottle and gently opened the cap, "Damn it, what does it smell like?"

The strong stench made Li Gui's hands dizzy, but Zuo Zhou had already held his breath, and said without any shame: "This is a good thing, do you know the holy medicine for healing? As for the taste, the reason why good medicine tastes bitter Do you understand?"

"It's not a question of whether it's bitter or not, it' stinks!"

"Smelly, what are you afraid of? May I ask what poison is stinky in today's world, and who doesn't refine the poison to be colorless and tasteless."

Li Guishou smiled wryly, "Master Li's words make sense, so I'll have to thank Mr. Li."

"It's nothing, it's the first time I've done this." Zuo Zhou said as he poured some ointment from the bottle on his wound.

"Huh? Master Li said it was the first time..."

Li Guishou, pawn!
Zuo Zhou held his nose and stood up slowly. It turned out that this is what he looked like after being poisoned by this drug. The blood changed from flowing to static, and then began to solidify into lumps. The whole body seemed to be trapped by time, completely If there is no change, it will be so peaceful.

"This is not poison, it is used to ensure that the corpse does not rot!"

Zuo Zhou swung his sword a few times and smashed two big pits on the ground, buried the bodies of the two people in them, and then rushed towards Concubine Xiao's side.

He was not in a hurry, although the feeling over there just now was too strong, but if he really met someone who was incompetent, Concubine Xiao would have set fire to him long ago, after all, it wasn't too far from the military camp.Even a master in the Grandmaster realm would find it difficult to face a mighty army.

call out!
What the hell!

Zuo Zhou changed direction in the air to avoid a sword aura. This sword aura is fierce, much fiercer than Tie Wuqing's parallel importer.

Zuo Zhou just touched his chest to catch his breath when he saw sword qi piercing over him one after another, but he didn't move because he found that these sword qi were not aimed at him, but leaked out when others were fighting!

"It seems that what I perceived just now is not wrong!" Zuo Zhou became obscene, and began to use Lingbo microsteps to move behind the big trees, and he came behind Mr. Ximen and the others in a short while.

"Puff, puff, what's going on!"

Mr. Ximen was startled, and when he turned his head and saw Zuo Zhou's sneaky look, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Why are you walking silently!"

"Shh, I'm also afraid of disturbing others to fight, what's going on? Who is that tormenting Dugu Fang and Dugu Ming?" Zuo Zhou spoke cautiously, for fear of disturbing the masters in the field.

This master master looks very crazy, with gray messy hair floating freely, sharp eyes shining, two sword eyebrows slanting towards the sky, and a long beard comparable to Guan Gong, but his eyes are full of disdain, not only for Dugu Fang and Dugu Ming, as well as everyone present, he disdained, as if he meant to cut off the flow of water.As for the appearance, it looks a bit like a despicable entertainer with the surname Huang.

Um?Thinking about it this way, Zuo Zhou suddenly knew who this was!
"Why did Dugu Jian find it here?"

Concubine Xiao looked back at him strangely, "Why did you recognize Dugu Sword at a glance?"

Zuo Zhou was stunned for a moment, coughed lightly and pointed to the sword in Dugu Jian's hand that was not drawn out, "Well, that should be the Wushuang Sword, I remember that this sword should have been left in Dugu's hand , this old man played Dugu Fang but snatched Wushuangjian first, the one who can do this must be that this sword has special meaning to him, so it can only be Dugu Sword!"

Concubine Xiao nodded approvingly, "You are not mistaken, it is indeed Dugu Sword, but...why he came, we haven't figured it out yet."

Zuo Zhou pursed his lips and watched quietly, and suddenly realized... "Why are there so few people? Where is Shi Wuzun?" Looking at the beautiful girl who was still unconscious in Nie Feng's arms, he was a little anxious, and he would not die. Well, I haven't learned Fuhu Arhat Boxing yet!
Mr. Ximen reached out and took out a cheat book, "I know what you are thinking, in fact, Shi Wuzun gave me the cheat book of Fuhu Arhat Boxing last night, but you ran away last night."

Zuo Zhou waved his hands righteously, "Am I the kind of person who covets his martial arts? I just feel sorry for this old monk."

Yun Danfeng lightly stuffed the secret book into his arms, and asked again: "So how did Shi Wuzun die?"

Qin Shuang shook his head and pointed to Mingyue in Nie Feng's arms, "Dugu Fang smeared poison on Miss Mingyue's gauze skirt, Shi Wuzun was poisoned to death soon after touching it..."

Zuo Zhou blinked, and after listening to Qin Shuang's entire description, he was silent for a moment and asked, "Do you still have the gauze skirt?"

"Huh? Your taste is really..."

"Everyone is familiar, and I will sue you for slander if you talk nonsense! The poison that could corrode Mr. Ximen's halberd, but it didn't corrode that gauze skirt... Is this gauze skirt? What a treasure! what!"

Qin Shuang was confused, "Your very strange, but it seems to make sense. If you go back now, you should be able to find it, but there is a very poisonous one on it."

"What are you afraid of?" Zuo Zhou turned around and shouted excitedly: "Ah Xiang, Shiqi, you two go and get the gauze skirt back, I want to use that gauze skirt instead of the chain."

Ah Xiang snorted in distaste and resentment, but obediently turned her head to look for the gauze skirt, the old man used a piece of pink cloth as a weapon, damn it!

"Hey, why does my Shiqi listen to you!" Zhan Hongling watched Zhan Shiqi leave with hatred. For Zuo Zhou.

But Zuo Zhou's face turned serious at this moment, he was not joking with anyone anymore, he just said to Concubine Xiao: "Something's wrong."

"It's really not right. Dugu Ming asked the exile to deliver a letter to Dugu's party before. If he wanted to escape smoothly, he definitely didn't have any reason to poison us to anger us. In addition, the sudden arrival of Dugu Sword... this is because a third party intervened. Come in together!"

Xiao Consort's words were exactly what Zuo Zhou thought, there must be a monster if something goes wrong, the two looked at each other and began to replay the cause and effect in their minds.

The whole process was actually a game between Concubine Xiao and Wei Jinzhong, and this game was already a victory since Zuo Zhou and the others entered the barracks.Letting Tie Wuqing come to rescue Li Guishou was Wei Jinzhong's last struggle.

As for the matter of Dugu Ming and Dugu Fang, it could be regarded as an accident, but he never thought that this accident was quite complicated!
Zuo Zhou suddenly remembered the secret order Nie Feng had received in the morning, "Sir, tell me... will Dugu Jian object to handing over Wushuang City?"

Concubine Xiao's expression moved slightly, and he said affirmatively: "When Wushuang City was brought under the rule of Daqin, it was actually decided by Dugu and Dugu Jian together. Now if it is handed over to the Tianxiahui, it may not be so simple. But Dugu Jian I have always been obsessed with swords, and I don't like to manage ordinary things. But theoretically speaking, Dugu Jian and Mingyue are the only heirs of Wushuang City. According to this logic, Xiongba has a reason to target Dugu Jian, not to mention that the two had already There is hatred."

Zuo Zhou was overjoyed, glanced left and right, and sighed: "Let's see if Xiongba will show up later, if he does, it's likely that he did it!"

Concubine Xiao's eyes were a bit mysterious, "Eighty percent? What about the remaining twenty percent?"

"I don't know, but in this whole incident, the exiles participated a lot, so I can't say for sure."

Concubine Xiao smiled but didn't talk about it, but changed the topic, "Where is Li Guishou?"

"Xiao Concubine is right. There is indeed something wrong with Tie Wuqing. He is indeed Wei Jinzhong. When did you start to suspect him?" Zuo Zhou was extremely curious, and the people who heard this also looked over. .

Concubine Xiao didn't answer directly, but waved his hands, Zhan Hongling and the rest of the sisters immediately came behind the rest of the gold-clothed policemen and held them down.

"When we knew that there was Wei Jinzhong among the six doors, I was thinking, who could this person be? At that time, I was the first to rule out Tie Wuqing, but I soon discovered the problem. It was subconsciously that I ruled out Tie Wuqing I quickly realized that this behavior was only based on my previous understanding of Tie Wuqing, and there was no solid logical basis. So I took my heart, who knows, this time I came to Jiannan Road's six gates , it turned out that Tie Wuqing personally led the team..."

Zuo Zhou sighed, a good reputation is very useful, just like some brainless fans, they will subconsciously put filters on their brothers one by one.But a truly sane person is never blind, and may even be insensitive or vigilant because of a too perfect personality.

And Concubine Xiao is not a blind person, Tie Wuqing was harmed by his perfect personality.

"Stay away from everyone, this Dugu sword is arrogant, um, literally, he doesn't care if there are audiences around when he uses his moves." Zuo Zhou said as he stepped back first, in his mind, but he still remembered sword 23 Otherwise, he wouldn't let Ah Xiang and Zhan Shiqi leave first.

Although it seems that he doesn't even need to draw his sword to deal with Dugu, but it is very likely that he will fight with Xiongba in a while, and that will cost his life!
Everyone didn't think it was a big fuss, there was a surge of sword energy just now, Dugu seemed to have just entered the realm of the master, and there was no way to restrain his true energy.And Dugu Jian's current state is also a bit problematic, it seems that he can't restrain his sword intent, the sharp feeling makes everyone's eyes hurt when they look a little old.

Zuo Zhou is not surprised by this situation. Dugu Jian should not be able to perfectly master sword 23 at this stage, and it is normal to have a little sword intent.

(End of this chapter)

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