Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 165 Sword 23VS2 Distraction Finger + Tianshuang Fist

Chapter 165 Sword 23 VS Divided God Finger + Tianshuang Fist

Sometimes there is only a piece of paper between Niubi and Shabi. Zuo Zhou reminded that Xiongba was Shabi before, but now, he seems to want Niubi!
Xiong Ba's suddenly enlightened appearance made Zuo Zhou look a bit complicated, and then it was the process of turning the three-pointed finger into a two-finger meditation. When you put your index finger and middle finger together, you will find that the true energy runs more smoothly.

This is to talk about the operating principle of the three-pointed finger. Well, there is actually no principle. It is to comprehend the three natural forces of Fengyunshuang separately, and then gather them together through a certain finger. The control is not perfect, so the energy will dissipate, especially through the ring finger and little finger, so from a certain point of view, people with only three fingers are more suitable to use the three-pointed magic finger.

Now it would be much more convenient to switch to two fingers. With Xiongba's realm, he can restrain the true energy relatively perfectly, and the two natural forces that Xiongba chooses to fuse are wind and cloud!

Maybe there is a definite number in the dark, and this can be regarded as a different kind of combination of wind and cloud!
"Hahahaha, Dugu Sword, take my move... Two-pointed magic finger!"

Chi Chi Chi, as soon as Xiongba pointed out, he shot out from between his two fingers with vigor visible to the naked eye. The falling tornado, everything around, sandstone leaves, soil and grass, and even the sky dimmed in an instant.

What a strong move this is, it is so slender and only has a small strip, but it has the power to shake the sky.

For a moment, Zhang Junbao suddenly came to Zuo Zhou's mind. He also had the same virtue when he had epiphanies from time to time, affecting the surrounding environment at every turn.

Looking at the Dugu sword on the other side, the Wushuang sword never wavered, and was raised flat, just like all the ordinary protagonists are awesome, but this ordinary stimulation caused the surrounding space to fall into an unspeakable stagnation.

"Fuck! Get back!"

Zuo Zhou turned around and grabbed Axiang and Zhan Shiqi with both hands, and took off.

The people around were also startled, as if there was a kind of light sweeping across the world, and everything they passed was in a strange locked state, and the radiation state of this light was very wide, and they all retreated a hundred meters away, but still Not safe.

"I'm going, run!"

Concubine Xiao was taken aback, and instinctively wanted to get up from the wheelchair, but after thinking about it, his lightness skill was not good, being pushed by others was almost like running away, so he simply sat down and lay flat.

Young Master Ximen and Concubine Xiao are indeed good brothers who picked up their wheelchairs and ran away, Nie Fengqinggong hugged Mingyue and followed closely behind, Qin Shuang and Zhan Hongling were a little slower, and the most miserable ones were those Zhan sisters and the Jinyi policeman. , Their lightness skills are really hard to say.

When he was about 150 meters away from the battlefield, Zuo Zhou relaxed his heart and put down the two girls with blushing faces. When he turned around, he saw that the sisters from the Zhan family and the policeman in gold had been enveloped by that light.

The panicked expressions paused on the young woman and the rough man, those who didn't know thought it was performance art.

Zhan Hongling was in a hurry, and instinctively wanted to turn around to rescue but stopped in the area shrouded in light, "What the hell is this?"

Zuo Zhou stretched out his hand and threw a stone within the range, only to see that the stone miraculously stopped in the air, "This should be the legendary Dugu Sword's special skill sword 23!"

"Sword 23? Isn't the Holy Spirit sword technique only 22 strokes? He created it new?" Qin Shuang looked anxious, worried about his master Xiongba, because from his point of view, the powerful Erfenshen just pointed at this It also stopped in mid-air... Uh, it can't be said to have stopped completely, it is probably the only thing still moving like a snail in that area today.

"This is a kind of kendo field derived from the true meaning of Dugu Sword and Martial Arts. His true meaning of martial arts is to destroy, to destroy everything. Of course, this all includes all the surrounding elements. So in this field, everything in the world has lost its vitality. , even space and time!"

hiss!Zuo Zhou's words made everyone successfully contribute to global warming.

But Nie Feng is worthy of being the protagonist in the original work, and his comprehension is extraordinary, "Wait, if everything really came to a standstill, then he himself is also within the stop range, so how does he attack? And my master's attack seems like It didn't stop either."

Zuo Zhou smiled and said: "Good question, the meaning of the two-pointed god finger is to combine the two natural forces of wind and cloud, and Dugu Sword's kendo domain can stop only a single concept, for those two forces that are obviously superior to each other The effect is slightly worse. As for how the Dugu Sword will see!"

A dazzling sword light emerged from Dugu Jian's body, and a complete phantom of a human figure appeared above his head, exactly what Dugu Jian looked like.

Now everyone understands, the primordial spirit is out of the body!

Is it so high-end?

It is so high-end, you must know that the soul is not the same as the simple soul, everyone has the soul, but it is extremely fragile.And only a soul that has undergone certain training can be called the primordial spirit.

Dugu Jian's Yuanshen body surface is full of sword intent, just emerging is like a small sun rising, where the sword marks are densely covered and the radiation is getting farther and farther.

"Oops, my sister!"

Zhan Hongling yelled loudly, seeing the chaotic sword energy radiating slowly, it was about to touch the sisters of the Zhan family.

Save my sister?Of course it was extremely urgent, but Zuo Zhou didn't have the idea of ​​risking his own life, so he pushed Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, "Quick, didn't you just understand the power of wind and frost? Let's go in with a combination of wind and frost to block the sword energy!"

The two were confused, "Are you serious?"

"I'll ask you if anyone can save you! There are so many good-looking girls, and some of them secretly look at you with admiration! This time you take a little risk, so you don't have to worry about your daughter-in-law in the future. Isn’t it a good deal?” Zuo Zhou took a glance, well, there was still a while before the sword energy hit those girls, and he said: “And you must know that they are all under Bao Zheng’s command, Bao Zheng, you know, the legendary black face Judges and evil killers, from a certain point of view, can represent the existence of the imperial court. If you marry any of these girls, it is equivalent to your natal family!"

Concubine Xiao glanced at Zuo Zhou with a smile on his face, but he acquiesced.

Regardless of Concubine Xiao's statement, the two were dumbfounded by what was said, Qin Shuang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and waved cleanly to pause, "This is not a matter of mother or mother's family, and we are willing to help others, but the problem is that the two of us have just realized With a little strength, I don’t even know what to do!”

"I didn't let you guys really use the two-point magic finger, just compress and condense the wind and frost power in the middle, and one out of ten of the power is successfully integrated. You can also move in this kendo field, and then stand in front of the girls. Just fine."

Qin Shuang and Nie Feng looked at each other, and felt that what Zuo Zhou said was very feasible. It was the same as when Xiong Baqiang made the three-point magic finger before. If you barely resist, it seems that the success rate is very high.

Without any hesitation, both of them clenched their hands together to form a fist, and blasted towards the field of kendo. Hum, the attack that was supposed to form a violent sound was like a squib with no momentum.

But the two of them did get in, and they were still advancing little by little.

A layer of frosty white air was gradually entangled on the fists that the two men clasped together, floating like mist flowing in the mountains, lingering and lingering endlessly, and this frosty white air began to move towards both sides starting from the fist. The whole body of the person spread, and as the spread accelerated, their speed gradually increased.Finally, before the chaotic sword energy was about to hit the girls of the Zhan family, he stood in front of them. As for those gold-clothed policemen... who the hell cares about rough old men?

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Zuo Zhou immediately began to pay attention to the center of the battle, they were racing against time, so why not Dugu Jian and Xiongba!

The vigor of Erfenshenzhi is moving forward slowly, and Dugujian's primordial spirit has also emerged. This situation is much better than in the original book.

Xiongba can't move because of the sword 23 kendo domain, and Dugu Sword can't move either!
The key to victory at this time is to see whether Dugu Sword's Yuanshen stabs Xiongba to death first, or whether Xiongba's Erfenshen finger penetrates Dugu Sword first.

It's just a pity that Xiongba is a bit inferior after all, because the speed of Yuanshen Yujian is faster, and much faster.

I saw that Wushuang sword merged with his human sword under the emissary of Dugu Jianyuanshen, and then came directly to Xiongba across a distance of tens of meters like a meteor, and even passed by Erfenshenzhi Qijin. He glanced at it disdainfully.


The Wushuang sword pierced through Xiongba's chest, and no blood flowed out because of the domain of kendo, but Xiongba's injury was undoubtedly a serious injury.

On the contrary, Dugu Jian was surprised for a moment, and said coldly: "You are able to shift the acupoints in an instant so that the heart can avoid a fatal blow, Xiong Ba, I, the Sword Master, approve of you!"

Dugu Jian slowly approached Xiongba, so close that if Xiongba wanted to, he could kiss with his tongue even if he moved forward a little bit!

Hey, drew out the sword, Wushuangjian pulled a sword flower and stabbed towards Xiongba again, but now, Xiongba's two-pointed finger is still far away from Dugujian's body.

Is Xiongba dying?

At this moment, almost everyone has this cognition in their hearts, and Dugu Jian's second sword will never miss again.

"Master! This disciple will help you!"

Just at the critical moment, Qin Shuang made a move, and because they helped block the scattered sword energy, the position was closest to there.In addition, this shot was not aimed at Dugu Jian, but Xiongba's two-pointed finger, so the goal was achieved in an instant.

Under the protection of Nie Feng, Qin Shuang's profoundly comprehended Tianshuang Fist energy first reached the energy of Erfen Shenzhi, and then collided with the energy fiercely, just like Zuo Zhou said, even if [-]% of the force is merged One point, that is also a qualitative change.

For the first time, the three natural forces of Fengyunshuang perfectly merged. Although it was only a moment, a little bit, Qi Jin suddenly broke free from the control of the sword 23 kendo domain, and shot towards Dugujian's defenseless body...

(End of this chapter)

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