Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 185 Let you know what a congenital master is

Chapter 185 Let You Know What An Innate Expert Is
Lu Xiaofeng: "The whole room is full of signs of fighting. One hook is not far from his hand, and the other hook is still hanging on the wall. He didn't use a long halberd but wanted to use two hooks, which shows that the enemy is very powerful to him. Give it his all. But it's possible that the fight started so quickly that he only had time to pick up a hook."

Di Renjie: "But it's very strange. Judging from this intense level, there should be a lot of movement. Why didn't the servants, maids and guards in the princess mansion notice?"

Concubine Xiao: "What's even more weird is that although the marks around here are very intense, they are only scratches caused by hooks. It's like Mr. Ximen went crazy in his room!"

Lu Xiaofeng: "That's true, but the possibility of him going crazy is basically ruled out. Because the murder weapon that caused the fatal injury has not been found, this alone can rule out suicide. After all, you can't take the murder weapon away from the scene after death."

Di Renjie: "So, the biggest possibility is that the murderer is very skilled. He can let Mr. Ximen attack like a tease, but he just dodges to perfunctory, and he doesn't kill him with one move until he is tired of playing."

Concubine Xiao: "I have sealed off the entire Princess Mansion. According to reports from the guards, none of the servants have disappeared since the last time Mr. Ximen appeared. So we can ask later, but I don't think we will find anything useful Clues. The murderer dared to come to my house to commit crimes. I am afraid that he has made perfect preparations, and I am afraid that we will not find him that easily!"

Lu Xiaofeng: "The first one who found the body was..."


Several people looked at Zuo Zhou, but they didn't ask any questions. With their eyesight, they naturally understood that Zuo Zhou's state was not right at this time.

"The servant behind me is also a witness, you can ask him."

Zuo Zhou turned and left with a dull look in his eyes, without the respect he used to, ignoring his identities as a son-in-law, minister of Dali Temple, and martial arts master, and just walked out with a dazed expression.

He walked down the street step by step, getting slower and slower, until he finally stood in the middle of the road, staring blankly and blankly at the front.

Pedestrians noticed him one after another, but no one touched him. A vague premonition of danger drove away all ordinary people.Of course, everyone didn't realize this. In their eyes, this was just a handsome fool.

Zuo Zhou felt that there were buzzing noises all over his ears, and the pedestrians seemed to press fast forward in front of his eyes, and the back and forth seemed to be endless.

From the moment he saw Young Master Ximen die, he was already in this state.A feeling that you are clearly awake but your mind can't turn.

Mr. Ximen died, and the person who always came to his house for dinner since he was a child died. This is the first time this feeling has come to this world.I can't say I collapsed, but... it's hard!

The death of Mr. Ximen was undoubtedly a major event, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it pierced the sky.

He is a survivor of the Jiannan Army case and the most important witness. Now that Wei Jinzhong is absconding in fear of crime, it can be said that Wei Jinzhong's charges have been confirmed without a trial.

He is still Prince Xiao's confidant, guarding Prince Xiao all the way through adversity.More importantly, he died in Princess Xiping's mansion!
He died without a sound. One must know that Feng Yunshuang, three innate masters, lived in the princess mansion. Now that several masters who are good at solving crimes gathered together, they couldn't even find the trace of the murderer. This is a very scary thing.

You know, those are not ordinary arresters, they are Di Renjie, Lu Xiaofeng and Prince Xiao, which one of them is not a dragon and a phoenix among men!
This is Young Master Ximen, what if the target is Princess Xiping?The target is Consort Xiao?

Therefore, Emperor Qin was furious, and took Princess Xiping into the palace to live in. The masters of the six doors had surrounded the entire Princess Mansion. The large-scale investigation and visits began several hours ago. Everyone has three police officers who are dedicated to serving him. After some interrogation, I am afraid that even the number of times he urinated the bed at night cannot be hidden.

Unfortunately, until now there has been no progress!

Zuo Zhou started to walk again, and he turned to an alley. As a person who came to the imperial capital for the first time, he shouldn't wander into these alleys, it is very easy to get lost.But this route will not work, because He Ran told him that it is the place where Wei Jinzhong is hiding.

He wanted to cry, his eyes were burning hot, but he didn't want to cry.Let Ah Xiang do the crying. As for him, he became murderous, and the Wushuang sword was slowly unsheathed.

It may not be the first time that Mr. Ximen has come to the imperial capital, but he can suppress his enemies so much in terms of strength. It stands to reason that as Mr. Ximen, he is not qualified to provoke him. So, who else is there besides Wei Jinzhong?Even if it wasn't him, it might be his!

Looking at the unremarkable house in front of him, Zuo Zhou approached step by step, and many people on the wide road had already seen the man holding the sword.

As the people of the imperial capital, their quality is quite high. When they saw that the situation was not good, they quickened their pace, and turned around to eat melons quietly after exiting the hundred meters.

At the same time, an archer on a nearby watchtower had already spotted Zuo Zhou with a sword, and drawing a strong bow was an arrow, but the arrow did not hit Zuo Zhou, but was nailed in front of Zuo Zhou.

After all, it is a world of high martial arts. No matter how powerful you Qin Huang are, you still can't suppress the blood of martial arts practitioners.So these archers will release arrows to warn when there is a dispute. If you are sensible, the archers will not report it, but if you don't know what is good and what is bad, then what is waiting for you is to be rounded up.

This warning arrow used to be very useful, but today, it is destined to be ignored.

Zuo Zhou didn't care, stepped over the arrow and came to the gate of the house, and blurted out with a surge of true energy, "Wei Jinzhong, come out and lead the death!"


In the courtyard, He Ran was taking advantage of Wei Jinzhong practicing kung fu to strengthen Ye Chanqing's dependence on him, when he heard a roar piercing the sky, he shivered subconsciously.

Ye Zhanqing's cheeks were flushed, and she panted with blurred eyes, "What's wrong? Just now, what was the sound?"

He Ran's face trembled, "It's Zuo... Li Yuanfang, what an exaggerated murderous look! Why is he so angry? No, let's go!"

He Ran reached out and grabbed a long robe and put it on Ye Chanqing, then hugged her and crashed out of the window, jumping out of the outer wall without even pausing.

This decisiveness stunned the masters under Wei Jinzhong's command, what the hell?What just passed by?Is it a female ghost?It seems... not wearing clothes!

Then came out the King of Wheels. After looking at each other with Lei Bin, they confirmed their guess just now. The voice was Li Yuanfang. Could it be that the higher-ups suddenly decided to close the net?Not the time!

Finally, Wei Jinzhong, who had just received his merit, walked out of his room and asked coldly, "What's going on outside?"

Before the subordinates answered, a figure rose into the sky, and the sun poured down from behind him, making it impossible for everyone to see his appearance clearly.

Then, the sword intent bloomed, and the figure seemed to turn into the sun in an instant, and the bright sword light covered everything in the world.

"Eleven Nirvana!"

The Wushuang sword drew a circle in the air, and the six shadows of the three-meter-long sword Qi formed a meter-shaped shape. Then everyone felt a blur in front of their eyes, and the six sword shadows became twelve...

It's a bit embarrassing to say, but this is the limit of what he can do with his current qi.He has used this move of Sword Eleven many times in the dream space, but even if all his true energy has been drained, it is twelve sword shadows.

Zuo Zhou knew that this was definitely not the limit of Sword Eleven, but his true energy was too low, even the twelve sword shadows were not weak, they were sword shadows that condensed sword intent, and each one was comparable to a magic weapon , Destroying gold and breaking jade is no problem.

However, Zuo Zhou still felt unwilling. At this moment, he completely forgot about the limitation of true qi, his mind was dazzled by anger, and he kept urging!Keep pushing!Keep pushing!

The true energy is directly exhausted, after all, this world is real, even if you are a jerk, you have to abide by the Basic Law.

However... strands of true energy sprouted again, deep in his dantian, although there was only a trace.But Zuo Zhou squeezed it out again, without any hesitation, Zuo Zhou had just one idea now, holding back his big move to kill Wei Jinzhong!

The body is empty, the emptiness after the exhaustion of the true energy, the hands and feet are soft, if the practice of Rama martial arts has not strengthened the body, the general warrior will be unable to move when the true energy is exhausted.

Another point, another strand, another strand, there seems to be a mysterious space in the dantian, whenever the true energy is empty, it can always conjure something out of nothing, and... more and more more!
"So, is this the sword intent of Nirvana?"

Zuo Zhou came to his senses, he didn't expect his fake Li Yuanfang to be treated like a protagonist who had an epiphany.

Live and die!Death to death!Over and over again!Immortal!

This is Nirvana!

Infuriating has never been important, what is important is the sword intent of the cycle of life and death.With this sword intent, the amount of true energy can be ignored, because it will recover instantly after being exhausted, but the manifest sword intent will not disappear.Therefore, this is a move to challenge the rules. When a thing is neither alive nor dead, inheritance, reproduction, and quantity are meaningless.

Consuming more and more, regenerating more and more, just like the crazily increasing of the upper limit of MP value, when the true energy in the dantian can condense a sword shadow again, no one can stop him anymore!

Thirty sword shadows, three hundred sword shadows, three thousand sword shadows...

The sky has been covered with dense sword shadows, each sword shadow is piercing in the sun, the teeth of the runner king chattered and his back felt cold.

This is the innate realm?Do you have any misunderstandings about the innate realm!
The King of Wheels reached out and grabbed Lei Bin, and jumped out of the outer wall in embarrassment. This action seemed to have awakened the others. The group of guys who had just been immersed in the picture of the naked female ghost didn't dare to stay at this moment, and they all ran outside in a hurry.

It's a pity that the wheel runner can run, but they can't.

A sky net formed by sword shadows fell down, like a sea falling from the sky, at an extremely fast speed, submerging everything in front of it.

The meat paste splashed, and all his subordinates except Wei Jinzhong were instantly crushed into meat paste.As for Wei Jinzhong, a purple-black broad-bladed long sword in his hand danced crazily, turning into a cloud of air in front of him, forcibly standing firm against countless sword shadows and thorns.

It's just that Zuo Zhou was not finished yet, Wushuang sword flicked, countless sword shadows turned again, and the sword shadows that had sunk into the ground before reappeared, forming a sword ball around Wei Jinzhong, and creaking and grinding the air shield.

(End of this chapter)

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